How to apologize to a (your) girlfriend (wife) (woman) | How to say sorry to your girlfriend (after hurting her) (feelings) | How to say sorry to your girlfriend in a romantic way | How to apologize to your girlfriend for hurting her

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Just before going to “How to apologize to a (your) girlfriend (wife) (woman) | How to say sorry to your girlfriend (after hurting her) (feelings) | How to say sorry to your girlfriend in a romantic way | How to apologize to your girlfriend for hurting her“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

Meaning of apology : An apology is the way to show the regret, guilt, contrition or remorse for the unpleasant (sometimes unexpected) words or actions performed against someone, especially a person (people) very close to us. 

Usually people use the word ‘sorry’ during this (these) situation(s).

Why apology is asked : The main aim of asking apology is generally for asking remission, forgiveness, reuniting, reunion, resolving and rebuilding of the relationship between the people who were involved in an argument, controversy, strife, conflict, dispute, etc.

Nature of apology : The nature of apologizing involves at least two people where one person has hurt the feelings and sentiments of the other person.

What is the benefit of asking apology : As per the attribution theory, apologizing as early as possible (or immediately) leads to less (or at least a minimum) conflict during interactions and a significantly improves the relationship between two people with higher satisfaction.

Example of why an apology should be asked : For example, showing genuine emotion in an apology usually helps resolve conflicts and disputes more quickly (or immediately) and help negative feelings go away faster.

Is apologizing a sign of weakness or defeat : Studies have shown that apologizing is never a sign of weakness or a bad quality. Because you can ask for forgiveness only if you have the courage and braveness to face the person.

Apologizing doesn’t always mean you are wrong and the other person is right, it just means that the person is more important to you than your arrogance and ego.

If you are really guilty of something, you should try to apologize in person, otherwise it may lead to more misunderstandings and you may lose that person for a short time or may be forever.

List of the different ways about “How to apologize to a (your) girlfriend (wife) (woman)” is as given below:

First, admit your wrongdoing : Many times due to our ego and self-esteem, we often behave rudely and think ‘whatever I am doing is right’. It is sheer stupidity, insanity, carelessness and our inability to understand our own behavior and mentality.

Always be ready to apologize by saying “My dear, I was wrong and sorry for that”. There are no alternatives to this entry. If you say something like, “My sweetheart, I’m sorry for all my wrong doings” you can save yourself and not get hurt.

There is no getting around it. You were wrong to plead guilty and move on. This shows your braveness and not cowardice. Think about your apology and really get to the bottom of the problem : Anyone can say they are sorry, but not everyone can mean it and back it up with a solution.

Apologize from heart : Sometimes many people apologize, but after a few days the same mistake is repeated. It should be avoided completely. This can happen if and only if you have felt the real regret, guilt, remorse.

Your girlfriend will expect you to know her true feelings and the anxiety she felt, and expecting that you truly understand your mistakes and apologize to her. Before you issue your apology to her, have firm answers about these:

Why did you do that terrible mistake that you shouldn’t have done to upset her? What aspect of your personality exhibits your rudeness? How do you plan to fix it, so that you and your girlfriend don’t go through the pain again in the future?

Offer to make edits : If you don’t know what she expects from you, ask her without any ego and arrogance: “What can I do to accommodate you?”. 

The specific act of repentance can be negotiated, but the important thing is to express your willingness to do something to make up for your shortcomings. 

Nevertheless, once you commit to something, you need to do it, so you don’t waste the entire effort. Commit if and only if you can fulfill that commitment, otherwise don’t make purposely commitments that can break her heart. 

If you are able to take her to a 5 star hotel, commit her that you will take her to a 3 star hotel. Later if you take her to a 5 star hotel, she will be more satisfied and happy. 

Instead, if you are committed to a party at a 5 star hotel, but due to some unforeseen reasons if you can’t take her there and you take her to a 3 star hotel, then all the conflicts start.

If she asks you to leave, don’t yell at her : If she doesn’t want to talk to you after an unexpected or unwanted fight between you and her because of your fault, tell her you want to apologize. 

Let her know that you really want to fix the problem right here and now itself, and get your relationship back on track immediately. Do not try to carry on the same fight for too many days, if you do so, it may lead to unwanted misunderstandings between you for a long time.

It may damage your relationship with her for a short period of time and may even be forever, if the same fight continues for a long time. Don’t yell at her or use harsh words against her;

You can scare or annoy her and make things worse, but it’s useless, and it might end your relationship for all the pointless reasons. If she’s really upset with you and doesn’t want to handle your apology right now, leave immediately and ask if you can call her in a few days. 

After 2 – 3 days, call her and immediately say sorry, and tell her you want to talk to her face to face at a nearby park. At the park, immediately apologize to her and inform her that you will not repeat the same mistake in future and will stick to your words.

Calmly clarify her the reasons behind your displeasing actions : If you thought about the fault (as stated above)! You should have a good enough idea of what and why you made that error, and how you can correct it in the future.

Example1 : “I apologize for calling you by that name, I am not even going to repeat it. It was wrong and disrespectful on my part.” 

“Now I understand it. I realized that you change your opinion about me based on this. So I’m going to try to do everything in my power to get it to you.”

Example2 : “I know I should have apologized to you. I shouldn’t have lied to you or your parents about my salary.” 

“I knew it was wrong to do, but I didn’t want you or them to don’t trust me because I’m earning less.” “I really care about you and your parents, so I plan to apologize to you and them directly.”

Example3 : “I shouldn’t have looked at your friend Ayesha the way I did.” “I know she is your very close friend, and I would never do anything to jeopardize my relationship with you or your relationship with her.” 

“I have no excuse for my actions, just an explanation: Too many boys look at girls.” “Now that I know it really bothers you, I will try my best not to make the same mistake again in the future.”

Provide her time to reply : Let her ask you all the necessary questions to which she expects you to answer. You need to answer genuinely and calmly. When you let her complain to you, you have to keep these things in mind:

Let her express how much anger, frustration and disappointment she has against you. Don’t try to persuade her not to do it; She has all the rights. It will make her feel better and calm down later. Do not try to show her your care and warmth at this time, it is probably too early.

That means no kissing, hugging, or holding hands until she’s ready for those. Avoid shifting the blame to her. Even if you’re not the only one to blame, it’s not a good idea to blame her.

If you do this your apology will not work. Provide her ample amount of time. Let it cool-down and relax. Call her after a few days and then later present her any gift which she likes the most.

At this point, you need to apologize to her when you are giving her the gift. You should have a calm mind and a smiling face while doing this. Also mind it, you have to do all these things with full heart. Not only to win her trust, but also to amend your actions and reactions.

Apologize in different ways : Sometimes if the fault is on the higher side or unbearable and unendurable, then it’s not easy to apologize. After you’ve tried the above given ways, if the apology doesn’t works, then you have to try few other methods if she still hasn’t forgiven you.

Sometimes, you have to give her several apologies before she accepts that you are truly sorry from the bottom of your heart. That is correct; The more thought and effort you put into your apology, the more likely she is to forgive you.

It’s so easy to break a heart. But when it comes to persuasion, you have to try many hard ways to convince your loved ones.

Express your regret in person : When it comes time to apologize verbally, apologize in person in a sincere and unfeigned way. If you’re not apologizing for some minor and unrelated threat, don’t apologize over text; It means more and dear if you do it in person.

If you’re in a long-distance relationship or aren’t nearby at the time, then apologize on social media or at least over the phone. That way, you can also bring a peace offering if it gives a sense of calmness.

If she likes flowers it can be flowers, but it doesn’t have to be flower always. A nice and pretty greeting card, coffee or her favorite sweets can help reduce stress and break the ice.

Write an apology letter : Give it to her in an admiring and romantic way, such as hidden in a beautiful bouquet and delivered personally by her best friend.

The letter can say something like this as given here : “I know that a simple letter cannot fully compensate for what I have done to you.” “I am aware how this letter makes me feel, and I don’t quite understand what I want to say. I regret what I did.”

“I can’t imagine a day without you. When I go to bed, walk, play, eat, and wake up in the morning, I only dream of you and nothing else.” 

“You are everything to me. Nothing I do now can make up for what I did, but I can tell you that I will never make that mistake in the future. I promise from the bottom of my heart.”

“Let’s resume our journey again. Let’s cherish our good old memories. Let’s remember all the great moments we shared with each other. Please forgive me my dear.”

Acknowledge her feelings and answer all her questions : Always realize all her emotions and you need to answer for all her queries. Your girlfriend wants to hear you say, “I know you’re upset with my behavior and you have every right to be.”

So speak clearly and calmly with her. Knowing how to apologize to your girlfriend starts with valuing her warmth and feelings. You need to answer few of her queries, which made her disappointed because of your words and conduct.

Next, tell her that you are sorry for hurting her from the bottom of your heart. Someone might say sorry very easily, but you want her to know you really mean it. 

Why do you think you did this to upset her? How do you plan to move forward so the same thing doesn’t happen again in the future?

Have answers to these questions. Don’t make excuses. Don’t be sarcastic. Do not crack unnecessary jokes at this time. Own your manners and be honest.

Don’t try to apologize her in public : Be very careful if you do this, because most girls hate other people knowing about their relationship. Use your discretion before making a public apology.

She may think you are using public place and pressure to force her to forgive you. Ultimately it might be a good idea to keep your personal matters between you and her as a couple and try to avoid any public apologies. 

Don’t go for a direct public apology. Do not approach her when she is with a group of friends.

Write an apology song : Songs about forgotten people, missing people, people who have done wrong in the past, or guilt and shame also work. 

Always remember, any song that has meaning for you as a loving couple is fine. You can try changing few words or lines of the lyrics to suit your girl and the situation.

Alternatively, give her a nice mix. The mix is a little less personal, but with the right amount of loving care and imagination, it can help get your message across. Choose both type of songs, that is, those songs you know she loves and songs you think she may not have heard before.

More information will be added to this on regular basis. Please visit this post and blog / website to know more about relationship and parenting.

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To know more about “Husband and wife information, facts“, please click the below link:

Husband and wife information, facts

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