How to increase (improve) libido (male) (female) (Without supplements) | How to improve sex life | How can I rebuild my sex power? | Why is my libido so low?

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Just before going to “How to increase (improve) libido (male) (female) (Without supplements) | How to improve sex life | How can I rebuild my sex power? | Why is my libido so low?“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

Libido definition : Libido is the physical and mental desire, wish, sensory enjoyment, emotional attraction, and aesthetic pleasure and satisfaction that occurs between a man and a woman to fulfill the act of union between the couple is called libido.

Libido meaning : Libido means “sexual drive, desire, physical and mental urge to connect with a partner, craving, sensuality, passion, lust, etc.”

In contemporary, libido usually refers to sensual pleasure and sexual desire. However, the term also refers to any sensory pleasure, emotional attachment, and aesthetic delight such as art, dance, music, painting, sculpture, nature, etc.

If you have low sex drive, or if you want to increase your libido or you are facing problems in initiating your sexual desires or if you are not enjoying sexual attraction read this post completely. 

We humans are very lucky, as we have something that can engage both men and women physically and mentally with proper planning and patience. 

As a first step, partners should always try to build a strong bond and spend quality time with each other both physically and psychologically.

Couples should always treat their partner with utmost respect, follow a disciplined diet, use romantic and positive words, taking proper food, etc. can really increase your libido (sexual desire) through out your life.

Below is a list of different ways to increase (improve) libido (sexual desire):

Avoid anxiety and depression : Anxiety is the biggest hindrance and obstacle which is making you reluctant to make sexual progress with your partner. 

High anxiety levels are becoming a very common hurdle to sexual attachment and libido in the modern world for both men and women. It can be official weariness or worry due to past complications or life stress or specific sex related anxiety within a person. 

People with an hectic work schedule at office, caregiving responsibilities, or other life stressors may feel tired and, as a result, have less or almost no sexual desire or libido.

Anxiety and stress can also make it more difficult for a man to get or maintain an erection, which can prevent a person from having sex. Past multiple experience and studies have suggested that depression and anxiety can result in reduced libido and increased sexual dysfunction.

There are many steps people can take to manage and control their anxiety and exponentially improve their mental health, including the following:

exercise regularly for at least 30 – 60 mins a day | Be physically active – walk as much as possible to keep yourself fit | do not show your anger against the partner | try to eat homemade nutritious food | try to be patient with your partner | and others…

Create a loving & caring environment with your partner : At least once in fortnight, pick a night to go on a date with your loving partner. Eat meals together and if you are married and have children, include them in the meal as well.

Previous study has shown that the more emotionally you are associated with your partner, the more effortless it is to increase your libido (sexual desire). 

Studies always suggest that, “finding something to laugh about and enjoy together, since shared, positive moments can help boost your libido naturally.”

Don’t get bogged down in the same old dinner-date routine. Always make an effort to go on unique dates with your partner (give surprise) and try new and special activities.

Limit or avoid alcohol, smoking and drugs : Many people are not aware that alcohol, smoking and recreational drugs can have a great negative effects on your sex drive. 

You may think of alcohol as a libido enhancer, but it is actually a depressant, so your initial increase in sex desire with alcohol is very temporary and short-lived or almost nil. 

All of these can have significant negative effects on the parts of your body that are important to sexual function and drive, from blood flow to organ functioning. 

If you experience increased libido from drinking, do your best to keep your intake to one glass. More is not at all suggested when it comes to sexual activity. Recreational drugs, can make you feel great for a moment. 

They can also give you the feeling of having a higher sex drive in the moment, but it is only fictional story and nothing else. Recreational drugs should be used as little as possible, but if you’re experiencing a low sex drive, that’s all the more reason to avoid them altogether.

Help with household chores : If only one person is responsible for all the household chores like cleaning, cooking and general care of the family, it can get quite tiring for them. 

Previous studies have shown that splitting household chores can help both partners feel more comfortable with and respected by each other. 

It also creates a sense of understanding and companionship that can extend in the bedroom too. For just one example, try splitting the cooking and cleaning together. You should also share your child care responsibilities. 

This will really and surely give you a feeling of satisfaction and care with each other and automatically boost your libido relationship more than ever before. 

Love, care, empathy, sympathy, support, encouragement, harmony can make you happy and affectionate and in turn will improve your sexual drive too.

Try foreplay before coition : Having a better pre-sex experience will increase the couple’s desire to have more sex, and this will increase your libido as well. In some cases, couples can increase their sexual desire and experience by spending more time together and doing things like:

touching each other, kissing, and oral sex. This is called as outercourse. Especially for women, foreplay will be special, important and exciting too.

According to studies, only about 18% of women achieve orgasm from penetrative intercourse, whereas 33.6% report that clitoris stimulation is necessary for them to climax orgasm. It’s like warming up before doing an intense workout or playing a long game.

Focus and ruminate your partner by closing eyes for 15 mins : Find a quiet place where you can sit serenely, peacefully and comfortably. Close your eyes and focus on breathing in and out evenly.

Then, clearly picture your partner in your mind for about 15 mins. Pay attention to how your partner can affect your senses and what sounds, tastes, and smells they love. 

Keep your thoughts positive during this daily rumination. Visualize yourself being intimate with your partner and definitely don’t yell your mind out at this point.

Expand your rumination to include what you particularly enjoy about your partner or your favorite memories with the companion. Or think about your first meeting with him/her, how you touched your partner’s hands, etc.

Practice Yoga : A hormone called cortisol is released when you are stressed. This hormone is part of your fight or flight response, and it may lower your sexual desires. 

Studies have shown that by actively working to lower your stress hormone levels, you may be able to increase your libido. Practice yoga and pranayama (breathing exercises) at least 4 – 5 days a week to see better results. 

Additionally, by lowering your stress hormones, feeling relaxed can make you more open to sexual advances towards your partner and this will eventually increase your libido.

Yoga amalgamated with Pranayama (breathing exercise) is a great way of stress busters and automatically will improve your sexual desires. Yoga combined with Pranayama (breathing exercises) is a great stress buster and automatically increases your sex drive.

Make your mind ready and clear : Frankly speaking, you need to clear your schedule to have more and better sex. “It’s really hard to stay in the mood when you have a million things on your to-do list and not much time to do them,” studies say.

Scheduling sex may seem unromantic and pathetic to some, but you’ve put most of your important plans on your calendar right? So, why not add sex to that list? 

It’s best to schedule plenty of time to rest before jumping straight into bed, as women, especially, need to rest before their libido kicks in.

If you think about your sexual desires during your work, you will not be able to work properly, right? Likewise, thinking about your to-do list during sex will definitely hurt your orgasm. Think about it once. Put family first, especially your spouse.

Talk openly about your sexual desires with your partner : This is a extremely important step to be followed, if you want to improve your libido and get along with your partner. 

Be honest and candid with your partner about how often you want to have sex. Clarify about any other sexual desires and goals you have, such as trying different positions, etc. in the bedroom with your partner. 

Discuss clearly what you want and don’t want in the bedroom and clearly identify your different sexual ideas and fantasies. For example, your partner may consider hugging to be an act of sexual desire. 

Or wants to tell you a romantic or erotic story or wants to hear from you the same. If you think that hugging is romantic but not sexual desire as per you, it can lead to mixed signals and miscommunication between you.

Or, if you don’t want to tell or listen to a romantic or erotic story, you may not be able to enjoy a good time in the bedroom. Thus, be clear and open about your expectations on the bed before entering your bedroom or before coition.

To improve your sex life exercise your body : You might not be aware that exercising your heart and muscles is important for good sex. But remember that blood flows to your genitals as much as to your heart and other body parts.

According to one study, erectile dysfunction (ED), for example, can sometimes be reversed with a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise. Researchers have found that even among men who need ED medication, healthy lifestyle (like doing exercise for about 5 days a week) changes add to the benefits.

Try to exercise all parts of your body for at least 30 minutes every day for about 5 days a week to improve your sex life.

Laugh as much as possible : The brain is responsible for your libido, so it’s really helpful to spend time relaxing and laughing with your family, especially your partner. 

Laughter always stimulates all your cells and sense organs including your genitals and automatically it starts your productivity in bed. 

Always remember that laugh only for good, don’t make unwanted fun of others and never laugh loudly like a crazy and stupid person. You need to laugh just to keep your mind relaxed and calm, so that you can perform well on bed.

As mentioned above, you should laugh together with your partner to relax your mind and reduce cortisol. You can share more moments of positivity and connection with your partner, which naturally and automatically helps increase libido.

Watch your wife’s cleavage : Cleavage is an important part of your wife, which always prepares you for that special time in bed. Studies show that men who see a woman’s cleavage always invigorate their sexual desire.

Men love cleavage. It’s impossible to look at a magazine, advertisement, television commercial, or movie without seeing that beautiful display of cleavage. 

The reason isn’t exactly a mystery: People, especially heterosexual men, enjoy looking at cleavage.

Wives should also make sure to show a small part of their cleavage to their partner (only to your partner) secretly, to arouse that sexual desire in your husband. But, be sure to be careful in the presence of other family members especially children at home.

Try full body massage : It’s one of the best way to feel less rushed and spend time stimulating each other for libido before having the full sexual session. 

Get some good massage oil, dim the lights, turn on some romantic music and give each other a full body massage for about 30 minutes or so. During this period, you can feel every part of your partner’s body and how it reacts when you touch that particular body part. 

Focus on the entire body and apply pressure only as needed. Never try to exert too much pressure with enthusiasm and disturb the whole mood.

This full body massage not only increases blood flow, but also will give both of you a break and make way for much better sex feeling. 

Don’t worry if you aren’t a master of giving a massage to your partner. You may make one or more mistakes, but don’t try to disturb the overall mood. During the massage, you can ask questions like, “How does it feel?”, “Hope I’m not putting too much pressure on your body,” etc.

Use lubricants if necessary : Gynecologists say that sex will be more pleasant if you add little lubricant, which will reduce friction and irritation and, therefore, reduce discomfort as well. 

You can buy a good quality lubricant from the pharmacy or use a homemade oil like coconut oil. Make sure to use non-latex condoms if you DIY, as these oils can damage the latex. 

Don’t hesitate to use lubricant if necessary. Make it a part of your sexual routine and enjoy your sex life without any hassle.

Keep your body light and healthy : If you think if you eat one single supplement to improve and boost your sexual life is purely a myth, unfortunately. 

However, if your diet contains fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables can provide you with more antioxidants and required nutrients, which can lead you to a better sex life, fortunately. 

Bananas provide good energy-boosting B vitamins. Avocados give you folic acid, which can help your bloodstream. Tomatoes, broccoli and berries are all wonderful options to improve your sexual desire. 

Fruits and vegetables that are bright in color, often provide the most libido, and overall health, benefits to you. Eggs are rich in vitamins B6 and B5.

These help balance hormone levels and fight stress, two things that are important for a healthy libido. Eggs are also a symbol of fertility and rebirth. Eating raw chicken eggs right before sex is said to increase libido and increase energy levels.

Reduce your weight to enjoy sex more : Being overweight lowers your testosterone levels. High body fat contains an enzyme that signals the body to produce less testosterone over time.

In turn, you feel lethargic, irritable and tired. Low testosterone can also make you want to have sex less often, which can hurt your relationship with your partner. 

Obesity and low testosterone levels can also lead to erectile dysfunction, which often leaves men feeling frustrated and unable to satisfy their partners.

But, losing weight can certainly help you. When you lose weight, your testosterone levels return to normal and feelings of fatigue and irritability subside. Your libido is also likely to improve, which will automatically make your partner happy and satisfied.

Give importance to your partner : Sex is definitely not at all a one way street. Taking special care and attention to your partner’s desires makes sex life more pleasurable and can even help lead a happy and satisfied life.

Alternating motion and / or focusing on your partner’s desires while you take a break can make the experience more enjoyable for both. Talking about sex beforehand, can also ease any awkwardness, if you need to slow down during a heated moment.

The more attention you give to your partner, the more your sex life and other things will fall into place peacefully and with immense satisfaction. Caring always helps, be it in sex life or any other matter through out life.

Don’t hesitate to get more help from an expert : If you have any type of sexual dysfunction, such as ED or Peyronie’s disease, you may need to take expert advice. 

Don’t hesitate to talk to an expert about how you can improve your sexual performance. Increasing your sexual stamina may overwhelm your mind, but know that there is no simple, easy, or perfect one step fix. 

Always remember that with age the body naturally loses its velocity and staying power. There is good news though. Taking steps to improve your sexual stamina can also help with your overall health and well-being. It’s a win-win situation for you. 

Staying active, eating healthy foods, and breaking some unwanted habits are the keys to a better sexual experience for you and your partner. Regularly exercising, eating right and enjoying your sex life with your partner to the fullest is never a wrong decision.

I wish ‘Happy and Satisfied Sex Life’ to you and your loving life partner! ENJOY…!

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Boy and Girl

Love between a boy and girl

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Husband and wife information, facts

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