What are the qualities (characteristics) of a good child (full list) | Good child personality traits list | Natural (spiritual) characteristics of a good child | What qualities do you value most in your child? | What should a good child at home?

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Just before going to “What are the qualities (characteristics) of a good child (full list) | Good child personality traits list | Natural (spiritual) characteristics of a good child | What qualities do you value most in your child? | What should a good child at home?“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

Who is a child : A child is someone (human) who is in the phase between birth (infancy) and puberty or little higher age.

Legal definition of a child : The legalized definition of child normally mentions about someone who is a minor, or else called as a person younger than the age of an adult (major).

The “United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child” defines child like this: “A human being below the age of 18 years unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier.” Is there any difference between a “good child” and a “bad child”? Can you give answer to this?

Not at all easy, absolutely not, not by any means, no way, almost not, by no means, not likely, not quite, etc. would be your answer(s). Then, how to differentiate a good child and a bad child. 

Today’s good child could become tomorrow’s bad child (guy) (person). Similarly today’s bad child could become tomorrow’s good child (guy) (person).

There is no exact definition of a good child and a bad child. But still, there should be someway to differentiate between a good child and a bad child.

Bad child : He / she is someone who doesn’t listens to their parents, elders, family members. Doesn’t show respect to elders, makes same errors again and again. 

Don’t have enough tolerance level, is not self-discipline, doesn’t have compassion towards others, gets irritated or frustrated very soon, etc.

Good child : He / she is someone who listens to their parents, elders, family members. Shows respect to elders, makes minimum error(s). 

Have enough (good) tolerance level, is self-disciplined, has compassion towards others, doesn’t get irritated or frustrated very soon, etc.

In this post we will discuss and know logical questions and answers which will differentiate between a well-behaved child (good child) and a waywardly behaved child (bad child).

List of the qualities of a good child is as given below:

Accepting responsibilities : A child who accepts the responsibilities as per the instructions from his / her parents or elders can be considered as a virtuous child. 

This seems naturally correct according to general considerations. But, it is more important that children must learn to take responsibility for what they should and should not do. 

A matured (good) child should always watch carefully about his surroundings. He / she should learn from the mistakes done by others (elders and youngsters). He / she should never do the same mistakes which are done by others.

This child should be appraised as a good child. For example, as a school going student a child need to take responsibility for doing their homework and completing the chores in time and without constant reminders or resistance. 

This will surely help the child to become more self-determined, self-motivated, independent, and off course successful in work and life as an adult in the later stages.

Honesty and truthful : Honesty and truthfulness is the most essential part of a child and it should be inculcated in the child from a very young age. A child’s first lesson is ‘not to lie’ at all. 

Thus, honesty comes out automatically to make them loyal, faithful, trustworthy, responsible, moral and ethically strong person in later part of life. 

It helps your child to differentiate between right and wrong and align his / her beliefs with only a few more true things. You must induce honesty in your child by instructing him about the consequences of dishonesty and you must praise him every time he is honest with you. 

Also, at the same time, you should also be honest with your child and be his best role model, so that he never hides his faults and talks openly with you all the time.

Understand your child’s emotions first : Universally, all of us including adults gets angry, frustrated, irritable or stressed sometimes.

But as a grown up adult, first we should control our own emotions, sentiments, feelings, passion, action and reaction, unhealthy behavior, etc. 

Watching you, your child will learn, recognize, understand, acknowledge his / her weakness(s) and will overcome all the hardships more effectively today and also in the later part of the life. Learning to control and manage anger and anxiety is one of the most important lessons for children.

When you as an adult feel anger welling up within you, simple steps like breathing deeply with your nose and mouth and counting from 1 to 10 can help you calm down and control it. 

Afterwards, you can think more clearly about what triggered the anger with in you and what you can do differently next time to manage and overcome it. Sometimes children get anger when they are distressed, agitated, upset, sad, confused and / or lonely.

You may have experienced these feelings when you were bullied at school, left out of a group activity, or rejected by a close friend. Thus as a parent you need to constantly monitor your child’s behavior, emotions and you need to talk to your child in acceptable terms.

If you can talk to your kids about their feelings, it can improve your relationship with them and in turn give them real confidence to do all the good things in their lives today and tomorrow.

Faults are common, but don’t repeat it : Even the best children make multiple mistakes, but minimizing the same mistakes is the glory of a good child. As child, what matters most to you is what you do with your flaws.

Learning from errors is a sign of maturity and will surely be appreciated by your parents. As a study, if you have done poorly in an important exam due to lack of prior preparation, are you ready to accept the importance of studying, at least for now? 

If you were guilty of talking ill words to your parents, do you at least now understand the importance of showing respect to your parents? 

A sensible and mature child when commits such mistakes will definitely learn from those faults and surely understand the error in him / her and will never repeat the same. 

Even the strictest parents will accept some of their kids’ mistakes, especially if they aren’t the same old mistakes. 

All parents find joy in knowing that there is confirmation of growth and maturity in their children. Learning from a mistake instead of repeating, it is always a positive sign of a good child.

Teach forgiveness : As a parent, teaching your child to develop a mindset of giving people second chances and forgiving can help them in the future too, to let go of minor problems as well as serious and major unwanted matters.

Bitterness can later lead your child to dislike even the ethical people in their life in the future. Thus, you need to address to your child the difference between noble and dishonorable people.

To impress upon your child the greatness of forgiveness, ask them to list why the person who wronged them might have acted in a certain way. Putting your child in someone else’s shoes can also help them understand and share the other person’s virtuousness and feelings.

Learn to solve problems on your own : Children who are seen as “sinful” because of unethical behavior often have problems dealing with their troubles in the future in the appropriate way. 

As a child, confusion and irritability usually lead to wrong decisions. But being able to identify and solve problems leads you to self-reliance and high positive confidence.

Remember how proud your parents were when you did a crossword puzzle by yourself, or wrote your name when you were a little kid? 

Even when you learned to open kitchen cabinets and made terrible messes everywhere, there was probably some pride mixed in it. This is because parents know the great significance of self-sustenance and problem-solving skills in the outside competitive world.

Hard work is very easy to handle : Hard work and dedication with smart ways are the key steps to success. 

As a parent, make your child understand that anything is achievable with smart hard work and watch them grow up to be brilliant successful leaders wherever they go now and in the future too.

The toughest challenges and obstacles will seem incipient to your child, if they are coached a step ahead and this will make them better leaders in the future. As a parent, you can set small and short term goals for your children to achieve and ask them to keep trying even after their multiple failures.

Adore your child when they are working hard. Instruct them to work hard in a smart way and leave some things completely on them to achieve on their own.

You decide when to ask for help : Learning to identify and solve problems on their own is also an important skill for children. 

But, deciding when to ask for help is equally important as recognizing the real problems which will be coming in the future. As a student, it will not help you to say “I’m giving up” on your math homework without even trying to figure it out on your own. 

But, at the same time, because you insisted on doing everything on yourself, it is also not recommended to refuse to ask for any help and support when you really need it.

As a child, no can solve every problem on his own. Your parents want to give you the required support you need, and will take your willingness to do so as a positive sign. 

Don’t expect your parents to solve each and every problem, though, as this is a sign of immaturity. As a student, you should be matured enough when to ask for help and when not to.

There is no hidden formula for this. You should balance you mind and take the correct decision(s) as per the situation and circumstance.

You should always think on your own that, “have I my best effort to solve these problems”? If and only if you are out of ideas for how to deal with some unknown problem(s), then it is probably time to ask for assistance and support from others.

Be always optimistic : Seeing the glass as half full is always a positive sign for your child now and in the future as well. As a child, they should have a bright outlook towards life to help them see the shiny and positive side of everything.

This positive attitude will make them hardworking, resolute, enthusiastic and collegial in every way, it will also help them to stay physically and mentally fit. 

Finding the positive in the negative and seeing failure as opportunities is important for the child to understand the rising rates of depression and suicide in today’s world. 

As a parent, be understanding and stay with your child, make harmonious efforts and help them improve their lower grades to higher, instead of pressuring them.

Treat others the way you want to be treated : Many people call this the “golden rule,” and it is indeed a highly valuable rule to live by and thrive by. 

As a child, behaving toward your parents, friends and family, and others with this guide in mind demonstrates introspectiveness and maturity on your part. Before you point negatively about the other kids in your class, think about how you would feel in their place.

Or, before freaking out over your mom’s request to help you with the laundry, consider how you would feel if you needed a helping hand and she would refuse you for that.

Amiable children always respect their parents. They treat other people the same way, which also shows respect for their parents. You can earn respect by showing it first. As hard as it may sound, this rule also applies to how you should treat your younger sibling too!

Always dream big : “There is strange comfort in knowing that no matter what happens today, the Sun will always rise again tomorrow.” Just dream big. You have to keep in trying over it. Nothing should hold you back.

You may see multiple ups and downs, but if you believe in yourself, keep the faith in you, keep on fighting. And don’t let negative people put you down. Always follow your good dream.

And continuously dream big, because you never know what is there in the box until you open it. So it just proves that once you believe in yourself, and you put your mind to something, you can definitely do it. 

Let your child dream big and aim for the sky. Let her imaginations run wild and horizons expand. Help her set practical goals and guide her growth towards her dreams.

Show your humbleness : Being humble and down to earth is the most valuable, highly profitable, the most costliest quality in your child. Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but rather it’s thinking of yourself less. 

Have more humility in you. Remember you don’t know the limits of your own capabilities. Successful or not, if you keep pushing beyond yourself, you will enrich your own life and maybe even please a few strangers. 

We are a culture that relies on technology over humanity. Fear of God is almost unheard of. We are slow to listen, quick to speak, and quick to become angry. 

As a parent, teach your child not to boast about your privileges. Make him realize that there are people who are not as privileged and make gratitude and empathy his strength.

Know how others are feeling : If you are able to recognize how other people are likely to feel and react, you will have a better advantage in deciding how you should behave in a particular situation.

For example, as a child if your parents are extremely stressed about how they’re going to pay the bills for the month, it might not be the best time to ask for video games or brand new mobile.

Another example is, if your younger sibling is upset about not making the baseball team, maybe this isn’t the best time to rib him about his lack of athletic prowess.

You can actually practice recognizing people’s faces and reading their emotional states by studying them. For example, go to a public place, such as a shopping mall, and try to identify how strangers are feeling by their facial expressions.

It is very important to treat others the way you would like to be treated, read others feelings and show compassion towards others. 

However, empathy and sympathy mean more than that you can tell how someone else is feeling, and that you can “put yourself in their place.” Even when people see things differently from you, it means that you value others and their feelings and treat them with respect.

Be fearless and valiant : Fearlessness and valiant will help your child stand up for what is right and wrong and he will also overcome all the fears today, tomorrow and forever. The one who falls and gets up is stronger than the one who never tried.

Do not fear failure, but rather fear not trying for your failures. Fearless is getting back up and fighting for what you want over and over again….even though every time you’ve tried before you’ve lost. 

Successful people have no fear of failure. But unsuccessful people do. Successful people have the resilience to face up to failure, learn the lessons and adapt from it. 

The courage to stand against any unfairness and the courage to face difficult situations in life in a better way will help your child to stand out. You can start by building your child’s confidence and getting them to participate in stage events.

Show love and care : When someone is feeling sad, or needs a helping hand, take the charge upon yourself and whatever you can. The world always needs more kind and helpful people.

It always better to start when you are still a young kid? As a very young child, you usually only think about your needs and gains, such as a cookie, a new toy, etc. 

As you get little older, you’ll start to think more about the sensitivities, feelings, and needs of those close to you, i.e., family, relatives and friends.

Never late than before, you should start to realize that there are people all around you in greater need than you. Think of all the smallest and little things you can do to help others, like, from raising awareness to volunteering to making a difference in your own life and also in others.

For example, You could ask your parents to buy you an extra meal at the fast food drive-thru and hand it over to the homeless person you pass on the way to the restaurant. 

Or, you can think of the good you can do by donating those extra cans and boxes in your kitchen cupboards to a food pantry that helps the less fortunate.

Similarly, you can show kindness in your daily life by standing up for a child who is being bullied by others, and asking him to be your friend like this: “Would you like to play with my gadget?” Even the smallest things you do, can make a big difference in someone else’s life.

More information will be added to this on regular basis. Please visit this post and blog / website to know more about relationship and parenting.

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1 Comment

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