What do married couples do in bed (night) (beside intimacy) | Romantic bedroom ideas for married couples | What do wife and husband do at night? | How can I romance my wife while sleeping? | What do lovers do on bed? | What couples do every night?

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Just before going to “What do married couples do in bed (night) (beside intimacy) | Romantic bedroom ideas for married couples | What do wife and husband do at night? | How can I romance my wife while sleeping? | What do lovers do on bed? | What couples do every night?“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

Common questions regarding this subject are as given below:

What do couples do on wedding night | Romantic things to do for your wife in bed | What do married couples do for fun | What do couples do at honeymoon | Dos and don’t about married couples at night in bed |

What do married couples do at home | Things the happiest couples do before bed | What do couples do in a relationship | What do couples do after marriage | And others…

Married couples are really blessed. Marriage is one of the loveliest, finest, most adorable, sweetest, enchanting, captivating thing that happen in anyone’s life. 

Be it a male or female, that marriage day is the most divine, unforgettable, memorable, exciting, unfading, eternal day of the lifetime. Marriage happens just once in the life-term and all the couples around the world want their first night to be the most eidetic memory. 

In this post, you will know such unforgettable and most memorable ideas that a married couple want to (should) do with highest romance, excitement and mystique.

List of “what do married couples do in bed (night)” is as given below:

List of “romantic bedroom ideas for married couples (first night)” is as given below:

1. Hold her hands softly and gently : This is the foremost thing that a man should do to initiate for that everlasting warmth, comfort, amiability and solace. Holding hands will straight away pass the romantic current and warmth, and will act as the launchpad for the next steps.

Do this step very delicately, elegantly, gracefully, cautiously, tenderly and quietly, so that she could sense your magnetism, fascination, delightfulness, love and charm.

2. Look into each other’s eyes : Your amorous stare should be the next step. Even though you are looking at her amorously, but she should not completely understand your inner ambitions.

You must never jump into next steps in hurry or in hasty way or in urgency. But rather, look at her eyes gracefully, and slowly and steadily keep on moving your eyes lids up and down.

Never continuously watch her eyes for long time, as this may disturb her mood or change her frame of mind a bit. This will help you in improving your bond, union, association, alliance, engagement with her for a long time.

3. Ask her if she want something to drink or eat : Before coming to bed, you should be ready with some warm milk and few juicy fruits. Or before itself, try to understand her favorite juice or fruits and make sure you will be ready with that / those drink(s) and fruit(s).

(Don’t talk anything related to alcoholic related drinks. You will become a stupid person in front of her and you also lose your confidence with her.)

Later, you both eat and drink those. Remember that, you should drink in a single tumbler and from one single pipe. Here you may can’t eat or drink more at this time. Try to have few small sips and some pieces of fruits.

4. Read something interesting : From a book or from the mobile, try to read few of the favorite jokes. Make sure this should make both of you laugh.

Try to avoid anything which can negatively change yours and / or her mood. Try to read few pleasant, enjoyable and acceptable words and sentences.

During this time, try to touch her shoulders, hands and legs (thighs) very gently and carefully. Don’t act like a foolish person while you are doing this, touch very cautiously and mildly.

5. Don’t carry your office work to bedroom : You may be man or woman, make sure that you won’t talk about your official work on bed with your spouse.

It may be your first night or the later night(s), make 100% guarantee you will never-ever talk anything related to office, especially the things which are filled with agony and tension. 

There is a famous quote, “calmness is the cradle of power”. Always try to keep your calm, particularly on your bed with your soulmate.

6. Always keep your bedroom clean & tidy : This is highly important to you and your life-partner. Consistently keep your bedroom shining, orderly, organized, uncluttered, neatly, stainless, free from dirt, immaculately.

This will always make sure your love life will always glow, improve, enhance, refine, revamp, renew, refresh.

7. Never entertain phone calls or messages : Yes, mobile has become part of our life. But try to avoid this device when you are on bed at night. 

Mobile, social media and internet is definitely playing a very important role in everybody’s life. Nevertheless, we need to have a calculated mind and need to minimize and if possible 100% avoid mobile in bed at night. 

This will automatically improve your both physical and mental relationship with each-other for a long time.

8. Dress elegantly and neatly : When in bed, try to dress as gracefully, nicely, adorably as much as possible. After all, you are with your life-partner and your spouse is everything to you. Many will dress up very neatly while going outside.

But same person will neglect dressing properly when with your spouse, especially the ladies. There is a famous saying: “Dress each day as though you are a masterpiece and define your personal style everyday.”

9. Always have a beautiful smile on face : A smiling face always wins. A smiling face wins the worst situation. Especially as a woman, you need to keep your face always glowing with twinkles.

This will always increase your spouse’s internal confidence and he can win any battle. Always try to be the reason for someone else smiles today, tomorrow and forever.

10. Keep dim light : If your bedroom has heavy lighting, try to reduce it’s brightness. Try different colored bulbs every alternative week or once in a fortnight. Brightness of the color of the bedroom plays a vital role in the romance of the married couples.

Try different colors like pink, blue, light red, purple, turquoise, yellow, or a color(s) you both like together. As soon as you enter your bedroom, colored lights play an important role in your intimate life.

11. Hug each other regularly : This is the most divine thing to start your intimate playtime. 

Hugging is one of the best tools since ages to initiate and to blossom your private relationship. Let your life bloom like flowers and let your relationship be as strong as diamond.

12. Try a board game : If you are newly married or you are an experienced partner, try a board game regularly, at least once in fortnight.

If you are bored with board game, try a new card game. This will ultimately boost your intimate relationships. While playing, try to lose most of the time with your soulmate, this will become a win-win situation for you. Try this today itself.

13. Give foot massage : Your wife would had worked very hard all the day and she needs some rest. Every now and then, try to give a soft and brisk foot massage to her.

This will help her to calm down and also forget her physical and mental pains. This should amplify your intimate and family relationships exponentially. Try this very often.

14. Keep your bed unstained and decorate it : This may look little harder and costly job. But, this will make sure your personal relationship bloom like a sunflower. 

Everyday before going to bed, be confirmed that your bed is cleaned, there is no dirty stains, no dark spots, there is no foul smell, etc.

Along with this, periodically try to decorate your bed with beautiful flowers like rose, tulip, lily, jasmine, marigold, etc. Live like a royal couple with all these and this will boost your personal bedtime relationship 100%.

15. Keep romantic light background music : Music will always enhance your life, be it your intimate relationship or any other. Know your better-half’s favorite music and play that particular music as soon as you both enter your bedroom.

Hold your spouse’s hands and try to dance with her with the music. Sing the same song even though you are not a great singer. This will confirm your private association will improve as if you are climbing the staircase with highest ease.

16. Cuddle each other with the music : With the music on, hold your partner’s hands and cuddle each other. Kiss each others hands, shoulders, cheeks, ears, eyes, back, nose, chin very softly (don’t kiss her / his lips for now).

Keep the work of kissing the lips later on, that is, after some time when you both are almost ready for intimate relationship. Because, intimate relationship has to move forward step-by-step and very slowly. Never ever hurry-up or try to speed up your intimate connection.

17. Try blindfolded : Make both blindfolded and ask to touch each other’s body parts. After touching individual body parts, ask each other which body part was touched by your partner each time.

Someone who answers correctly has to kiss the partner on that part. This is very exciting game and this will show you the path to have strong bond with each other for a very long time.

Try this blindfolded game once in a while, but in the same time don’t make this as a routine work, as this may lose the interest if done regularly.

18. Tell each other about your earlier intimate dreams : Dreams are a common thing in every human being. Some get stressful dreams and similarly few get intimate dreams too. Why waste your intimate dreams. Open up with your life-partner about your intimate dreams.

Similarly, play the same dream with your better-half the next night as if you are watching a movie. This will help you to have a great confidence with each other.

19. Take shower together : You may be a newly wed or married since years, you will always enjoy shower together. Just take your life-partner to the bathroom and give him / her a surprise by informing him / her that you are taking bath together now.

If you are taking bath for the first time or you have already taken shower many times earlier, you will really enjoy this a lot again and again. Try this today itself.

20. Intimate talk : This is another powerful tool to improve your intimate and social relationship with your spouse. If you are newly wed, take sometime to initiate the intimate talking. For example, you can start this by telling some simple intimate story.

If are already married since few years, then you may openly talk about the intimacy with your life-partner. 

Nevertheless, if you are newly married or married since years, but you have to talk the intimacy very slowly, just like you are plucking the beautiful flowers from the plant, very cautiously and carefully.

Very steadily you need to move step-by-step about your intimacy, otherwise you may lose the joy and pleasure of intimacy with your soulmate.

21. Undress each other : Finally you are here. Undressing is a soft art. You have to learn and apply it very consciously. Don’t be hurry in undressing each other. Start from outer most part of the body and finally end up to the innermost part of the body to undress.

When you are undressing the innermost part of the body, you need to be undressing meticulously and with highest mindfulness.

I wish and pray you guys to enjoy your intimate relationship with your spouse for whole life without any confusion or disruption. All the best and enjoy your intimate life with your life-partner forever and eternally.

More information will be added to this on regular basis. Please visit this post and blog / website to know more about relationship and parenting.

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To know more about “Husband and wife information, facts“, please click the below link:

Husband and wife information, facts

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