How do I know I am in love | How to know if someone is right for you | What are the signs of being in love? | Do I love him (her) or am I just attached? | Do I love him (her) or just a crush? | How long does it take to fall in love?

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Just before going to “How do I know I am in love | How to know if someone is right for you | What are the signs of being in love? | Do I love him (her) or am I just attached? | Do I love him (her) or just a crush? | How long does it take to fall in love?“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

Most common questions regarding our topic is as given below:

How to know if someone is right for you | How do I know I am in love with him | How do I know I am in love with her | How do I know I am in love with someone | 

How to tell if you love someone quiz | Signs you’re not really in love | Signs you love him deeply | Signs a man is in love | Signs you’re falling in love |

Physical signs someone is in love with you | How do you know you’re in love with someone | Hidden signs a man is falling in love with you | And many more…

What is love : Love comprises of a range of powerful, secure, healthy and positive emotional and mental states, that is – from the most delightful virtue or good habit to the deepest mutual connection, to the simplest mental and physical pleasure.

Examples of love : The love of a mother or father differs from the love of a spouse (girlfriend or boyfriend), similarly the love of food is something different. 

Usually, love signifies the feeling of a strong and mutual attraction and emotional attachment with each other.

Love, that finest word, is considered to possess both positive and negative impacts, with its virtue representing human affection, kindness, solicitude, and affection. Love, is an unselfish loyal, faithful, devoted, trustworthy, reliable and gracious concern for the good of another.

Similarly, love’s opposite constitutes human’s virtuous flaws, akin to arrogance, selfishness, and egotism, as potentially showing people the path of unrequired mania, obsessiveness, etc. 

Love, may also be explained as compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one’s self, or animals or plants. 

In its various forms, love acts as a major promoter of interpersonal relationships and, owing to its central emotional importance, is one of the most common themes in the creative arts.

Love has been postulated to be a function that connects human beings together against negativity, unwanted menaces and to show the path of righteousness, bonding and compassion.

List of signs to know that “How do I know I am in love | How to know if someone is right for you” is as given below:

Keenly notice if you can’t live without that person for a long time : If you are truly in love, you won’t be able to imagine your future without that person for a long time. 

Whether it’s at night, in the morning, or with your friends or your parents, you can’t stop thinking about him (her) because you’re truly in love and may have found “the one.” 

If you can’t imagine life without your significant other – next month or summer, or next year, or whenever – then you may be truly in love.

Here are some other signs that you are truly in love with the other person: If you can’t think about starting a new chapter of your life, for example, be it a new job or moving to a new house or city, without your loved ones by your side. 

If you can’t think about taking any steps or if you can’t imagine growing old without your loved one by your side. If you have thought about having children, but cannot have children with anyone other than your loved one.

Always focus on the positivity : People who are truly in love focus only on the positive qualities of their loved ones, at the same time ignore their negative qualities. 

As per the previous studies, relationships are generally more successful when the partner is idealized. People who are in love tend to focus on even the smallest events and objects that remind them of their loved one, daydreaming about these precious little moments and mementos. 

According to research, being in love prevents people from focusing on unwanted and negative information.

This important information is thought to be resulted from elevated levels of central dopamine as well as a spike in central norepinephrine, that is – a chemical associated with enhanced memory in the presence of new stimuli.

What does it mean to be in love : You may have fallen in love with someone you just met, but eventually you realize that the first flush of love has colored your view. 

Once the initial intensity fades, your feelings tend to wither without taking root. You can even develop romantic love without experiencing gleefulness, heart-pounding excitement.

Someone who falls in love, for example, may find their long-lasting platonic love becomes more romantic and sexually charged almost overnight. And, of course, the love you feel, can run much deeper, even if there’s no romantic or sexual attraction involved.

Know if you cannot live for a few hours without thinking about your loved oneBeing in love doesn’t mean you need to obsess over your loved one, but in fact the opposite is true. 

If you have a healthy and loving relationship, you should be able to spend time apart from your loved one regardless of what they’re doing. 

On the other hand, if you can go an entire weekend or longer without your loved one on your mind even once, you may like them a lot, but you haven’t necessarily reached the stage of love yet.

Here are some other signs that you are truly in love: If you’re trying on clothes without your special someone, you might wonder how they’ll like your new look. 

If you text or call your loved one just because you want to say hello or hear their voice, you may be in love. If you read a book or watch a movie without your loved one around, you might wonder what they would think about it.

Emotional insecurity : Research shows that falling in love often leads to emotional and physical changes and instability. When your relationship suffers even the smallest setback, you bounce between feelings of euphoria, increased energy,

less sleep or sleeplessness, loss of appetite, a racing heart and rapid breathing, as well as feelings of anxiety, panic, and hopelessness. According to earlier research and findings, when extreme, these mood swings parallel the behavior of drug addicts.

And in fact, when people in love are shown pictures of their loved ones, it activates the same areas of the brain that are triggered when a drug addict takes a “hit.” 

According to studies, being in love is a form of addiction and people can experience “elimination and relapse” when they are away from their love ones.

According to studies, going through some form of adversity with another person can intensify romantic attraction. 

The central dopamine may also be responsible for this response, as research shows that –  when reward is delayed, dopamine-producing neurons in the mid-brain region become more productive.

Your thoughts will return to them regularly : You may often think about your last few interactions and / or plan your next meeting. 

You always want to tell them about your experiences every day, for example: the great, the awful and the plain and simple. If they are struggling, you get worried about their problems and always think about brainstorming different ways to help them. 

While spending time with family and friends, you might talk a lot about them and imagine how much your loved ones like them.

Do you really respect their opinions : If you are truly in love, you will always respect your loved one’s opinion and care about what they think. For example, it could be about your future career or the political scenario in your country, etc.

Although you may not care what they think about everything, if you don’t really value your loved one’s input, then you might not be in love yet.

Here are some signs that you’ve really found it: If you care about what your loved one thinks about sports, politics, art, entertainment or anything that really matters to you, then it is a sign that you are in love.

If you take your loved one’s thoughts seriously when making any major decisions, then you take your partner seriously enough to be in love. If you’re in a difficult situation, but still value someone special’s opinion of what you should do, you may have fallen in love.

Are you feeling safe and secure with them : Trust, belief, faith is generally the key components of love. In the past, if you’ve experienced agony and / or heartbreak in a relationship, you may value this feeling of emotional security.

When you look at them, you will notice that your stress has reduced, just like when you return home after a long official trip. It’s normal that you want to protect yourself from pain.

Because agony and pain are a part of life, but you must know how to manage them. Feeling safe enough with someone you trust with your personal weaknesses or vulnerabilities often suggests love has developed.

Does your loved one want to make you a better personIf you’re truly in love, you shouldn’t be completely comfortable with your status quo, even if you’re very content with your loved one. While it’s important to be happy with your relationship and the person you are.

But, being with your loved one should inspire you to take your life to the next level and become the best person you can ultimately be.

Here are few more signs that you are truly in love: If you want to go from just being around your loved one to working on overcoming your flaws and developing your character, these are the signs of love.

If you want to read more, learn more, care more, and become a more complete person, not just to please your loved one, but because they can truly help you change your life in a positive way, then these are the signs of love.

Do you feel more excited : The rush of hormones associated with love can make everything more exciting, especially when you know you’ll be seeing them soon. 

Time can fly by when you are together and crawl like a turtle after they are gone. You may also notice renewed energy and interested in the unexciting things you do every day. 

For example, folding laundry, taking a walk, doing household chores, so much fun when you’re in love (especially when they’re around you).

Are you feeling like the best version of you when you are with your loved onesIf you are really in love, the person you love should bring out the best in you. Thus, if you’re in love, you should be with the person you’re with for the rest of your life so that person makes you feel like your best self.

If you feel like you can never be completely who you are, or that you’re somehow inadequate when you’re around your loved one, these are signs that you’re not in love.

Here are few signs that you have fallen in love: Even if you’re just rocking a casual look, you feel pretty and/or beautiful when you’re around your loved one. When you are talking something with your partner and if you feel that you are at your smartest and sharpest.

When you start saying something, don’t worry if you feel most confident around your loved one, and if you’re going to sound stupid.

Unwelcome behavior and negative thinkingAccording to research, people who are in love, report that they spend an average of more than 85 percent of their waking hours obsessing over things such as the “love object.”

Unwanted behavior and negative thinking, as this form of obsessive behavior is called, may result from decreased levels of central serotonin in the brain. 

It is a condition that has previously been associated with obsessive behavior. According to one study, men who are in love have lower levels of serotonin than men who are not, while the opposite is true in the case of women. 

Men and women who were in love were found to be thinking about their loved one nearly 65 percent of the time they were awake.

You love to spend maximum time togetherLoving someone often suggest spending a lot of time with them, so you might find yourself craving their company more than ever. 

You may leave their company feeling unsatisfied, as if the time you spent together was not enough at all. You just want to be together for very very long time talking, looking each other, smiling, etc. 

Your interest in spending time together with them does not depend on their mood or energy level. Even when they feel sad, mad, and frustrated with life, you still want to help and be supportive.

Are you aware of your loved one’s drawbacks and still okay with them : If you’re truly in love, you should be able to see your significant other as a real living human being with real human flaws and not at all as a god or goddess.

If you think that your loved one is perfect and error free, then you have a real problem. 

On the other side, if you’re comfortable admitting that your loved one might be a little selfish or not the world’s greatest listener, then you have a more realistic outlook on the relationship and are more likely to truly be in love.

Being aware of your loved one’s drawbacks doesn’t mean you shouldn’t help them address them if it’s right for them to do so. If you and your loved one are really comfortable enough with each other to laugh at each other’s shortcomings, you are more likely to be truly in love.

If you think that your special someone is perfect in all, then you might not really be seeing that person for who they are.

Emotional support : People in love regularly display signs of emotional attachment and support to their relationship, including possessiveness, jealousy, fear of rejection, separation anxiety, etc. 

For example, researchers looked at the brains of individuals viewing photographs of a rejected loved one, or of a person they were still in love with after being rejected.

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) showed activation in several brain regions, including regions of the forebrain such as the cingulate gyrus that have been shown to play a role in cocaine craving.

“The activation of regions involved in cocaine addiction may help explain the obsessive behaviors associated with rejection in love,” the researchers said.

You feel jealous of other people in your life : Jealousy is an emotional example like any other. Commonly speaking, it’s what you do with jealousy that counts the maximum. 

Speaking about your feelings never hurts, but you might want to let go of the digital snooping and social media stakeouts. When you love someone, you may notice the people they spend time with and the relationships they have with each other.

Likewise, worry about potential threats to their love, such as an attractive co-worker they regularly mention or an old flame who is still a part of their life. Usually, these concerns fade away as time goes on and trust develops.

Do you enjoy helping someone special in your life : To receive love, you must first give something to the other person. If you are in love, you should enjoy giving as much as taking. Love = More you give, more love you will gain.

You should always take pleasure in making your loved one lunch, giving them a drop when they need it, or even doing household chores for your loved one if they are having a rough day. 

While you shouldn’t take advantage of this, you should be able to help your loved one on a regular basis when needed.

Here are few more signs that you are truly in love: If you enjoy teaching your loved one how to do something, whether it’s making the perfect meals or solving a complicated life problem.

If you love making coffee to your special someone or surprising them with a dessert from your favorite bakery, without feeling like you’re wasting your time or money.

Plan your future : Longing for emotional union with your beloved, finding ways to get close, and day-dreaming about a future together are the signs of being in love.

According to a research, when the level of serotonin starts returning to normal level, the amount of oxytocin hormone increases in the body. This neurotransmitter is associated with forming more serious and intimate relationships.

You will start to feel compassion for your loved one : When you are in love with someone, you will start to develop intense compassion towards them. 

The strong desire to connect with this person brings new aspects to your relationship. For example, emotional or physical intimacy, passion, and the desire to know everything about them, and to be equally known by them in return. 

You may also find yourself wanting to take care of or equally be cared for by your partner.

More information will be added to this on regular basis. Please visit this post and blog / website to know more about relationship and parenting.

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Love between a boy and girl

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Relationships and Parenting

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