How to be a responsible teen (teenager, adolescent) (full info) | How can I be responsible at 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19? | How can I make my youth responsible (teach responsibility to a teenager) | My plan to become a capable and responsible adolescent ready for adulthood

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Just before going to “How to be a responsible teen (teenager, adolescent) (full info) | How can I be responsible at 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19? | How can I make my youth responsible (teach responsibility to a teenager) | My plan to become a capable and responsible adolescent ready for adulthood“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

Few of the common questions asked regarding this subject are as given below:

What are appropriate consequences for a 15 year old? | How do you handle a 15 year old? | 10 responsibilities of a teenager | Why is it important to become a responsible adolescent essay |

10 responsibilities of a teenager at home | Why is it important to become a responsible adolescent | My plan to become a capable and responsible adolescent ready for adulthood | 

Teenage responsibilities and rights | What are the roles and responsibilities of a teenager | 8 common responsibilities of adolescent | What is a 13 year old responsible for? |

How do I make my 13 year old more responsible? | What happens to a girl at 15? | Is 15 the hardest age to parent? | And many more…

Teenager meaning : A teenager or teen is between the ages of 13 and 19. They are called teenagers because their age number includes the suffix “teen”. The word “teenager” is usually associated with adolescence.

Adolescence meaning : Adolescence is a transitional stage of growth and development between childhood and adulthood. 

The WHO (World Health Organization) defines an adolescent person as someone between the ages of 10 and 19. This age range falls within the WHO definition of youth, which refers to individuals between the ages of 10 and 24.

Teen typical behavior is as given here: Following the dressing sense and other activities of friends or seniors (Especially someone from a richer background). 

Uncomfortable feeling about hormonal changes in the body (Teenager hormones are the chemicals that lead to physical growth and sexual development that carry teenagers into adulthood).

Struggles with identity (Teen identity develops as they try on different roles and behaviors in different settings such as home, school, and social environments). Finding fault with parents and others (lack of communication is the most significant problem during this period).

Going back to childish behavior such as slamming doors and crying (This behavior needs to be addressed at a more convenient time). Having overconfidence and poor self-esteem (Need to build positive influence and spread affection).

Signs of concern in teens is as given here: Fear of obesity despite normal body weight | Feeling sad, empty, hopeless and/or worthless | Showing least interest in performing housework, chores and/or other activities |

Appetite changes | Multiple complaints of illness (Teens who frequently complain of headaches and other symptoms when there is no physical cause are more likely to develop depression later in life). | 

Getting irritated in things they used to enjoy | A drastic change in school performance | Rampant threats or conduct | Signs of pessimism include chronic sad mood, changes in appetite, and suicidal thoughts | 

Indication of alcohol and/or drug abuse, including frequent red-rimmed eyes or the presence of drug paraphernalia | And few others…

To know about “How to be a responsible teen (teenager) (adolescent)” follow the below points:

Before acting harshly think for a minute : It’s very easy to talk or act harshly, but the results you get at the later point of time matters most. You need to rethink the repercussions before doing or saying something you might regret later point of time.

If you’re having a heated argument with friends or your family, it’s really easy to react without a second thought.

If you start to get angry often or find yourself irritated at almost everything, take a few seconds to think about why you react the way you do. Consider the results of each response before you use harsh words or act out of character physically.

Things you should do before you talk harshly and / or act uncommonly are as given here : Think before you speak | Once you’re calm, express your concerns | Do Yoga and physical exercise | Take a timeout | Identify possible solutions |

Don’t hold a grudge | Use humor to release tension (Think of a funny memory) | Practice relaxation skills (meditation) | Don’t carry your temper | Take a walk | Take long and deep breath | Change your mindset |

Discuss how you feel | Listen to your music during stressful times | Identify a solution | Know your triggers | Laugh and make others laugh | Look at your environment | Find a place you can think alone with steady mind | If you need help, don’t hesitate |

Communicate openly with your family and friends : As a teenager, it can be difficult to talk to family, but always remember, for you, your family and friends are the utmost priority. 

You don’t have to be best friends with your parents and/elders, but it’s important to let them know what’s going on in your life and how you’re doing. Don’t forget that they are more experienced than you.

They are already aware of such consequences and results. Ask for their help and support. Your parents will appreciate you for involving them in your life. They really love and care for you. To them you are their life. 

If you get into the habit of checking with your parents about your daily routine, it will be much easier for your parents to know your issues and they will definitely provide you with a better solution.

Benefits of proper communication between children and parents are as given below:

Explaining your issues will yield you better solutions | Parents will accept your problems as their problems and will provide your good antidote for your problems | Improves your relationships exponentially |

Calmness and happiness will spread in the family | Less irritation and almost nil displeasure | Listen to your parents with closed mouth | Let your parents know you care for them | Builds understanding and trust | And many more…

Bath regularly : Teenagers should bathe regularly at least once a day because increased activity of sweat glands makes the body stinky and emits unpleasant odors.

Girls should take bathing seriously with their menstrual flow, during which perfect cleanliness is essential. As you enter puberty, you may notice that your hair becomes oily, your skin becomes prone to breakouts, and your sweat has a strong odor.

This means you should wash your face every day, clean your whole body and wash your hair regularly. Always wear washed and clean clothes, and show that you are really responsible. Don’t forget to wash your dirty clothes.

Benefits of bathing regularly as a teenager is as given below:

Bathing can improve heart health | Taking a bath help you to breathe easier | Your brain and nervous system can benefit from bathing | Bathing can benefit your muscles, joints and bones | 

Take care of your blood and immunity with a bath | Balance your hormones by bathing | Bathing cleanses and moisturizes your skin, hair and eyes | Your core body temperature will be optimal through bathing | 

Reduces muscle tension | Improves blood circulation | Boosts the immune system | Treats depression | Helps to reduce stress | Removes toxins | Induces sleep | Improves lung function | You’ll look beautiful | And many more…

Choose your friends discreetly and carefully : Your friends are your own reflection. You may be a good person, but if you associate with bad friends, you will automatically be called bad. Your friends are the ones who show your strength when your self-esteem is low.

True friends always support you when you lose. Be careful about the friends who want to use you in different ways like use your money, compare you with others, always make fun of you, always leave your unsettled, etc.

Many teenagers develop irresponsible habits due to the influence of their pals. Don’t be misled, bad company spoils good character. For this reason, choose friends with whom you go out.

If you want to be responsible, you should also stick with responsible friends. Choose friends carefully and wisely. Always choose friends who influence you positively and always motivate you to continue on the right path.

Who is a good friend : They live with integrity | You can always trust them | “Dependability” is their in their blood | They’re trustworthy and loyal | They have empathy for you and others | 

They’re good listeners | Their confidence is contagious | Spending time with them makes you feel good | They’re non-judgmental and non-prejudice | They’re low-maintenance |

Who is a bad friend : Their issues seem more significant than yours | They’re a bad influence | They bully and belittle you | They are always selfish |

They are always competitive with you | They always put your down | They gossip more | They apologize without sincerity | They make you feel nervous | They leave you unsettled |

Stay away from vices : The main reason you should stay away from bad people is to avoid their negative influence. If your friends or people around you are experiencing or influencing you with drugs, cigarettes and alcohol, you should not associate with them.

The thrill of doing something unnatural and nasty can be very appealing, but you have to think about how it might affect you in the long run. If you are already been affected or addicted to smoking, alcohol or drugs, whatever your vices are you should give them up immediately.

They are completely unhealthy for you. Vices can shorten your life span, make you feel depressed, irritable, and make you look older than you really are.

Benefits of staying stay away from vices are : You get a healthy body | Your mind becomes clearer | You become more productive | You sleep better at night |

Your breathing becomes more easier and natural | You smell better | Your relationship with family and friends improves exponentially | You will start to love yourself and others | No irritation and frustration |

Listen to your parents and don’t lie to them : Always remember that your parents know more about this world than you do. For this reason, listen to their advice and follow their rules and instructions until you are more mature enough when you start making your own decision.

Your parents want you to prosper, they know about you. Therefore, if you listen to their words, it will be good for you. Open and clear communication with your parents will help you become a more civilized and more responsible person.

Therefore, completely avoid keeping secrets from your parents and others in your family. Also, never lie to your parents to get what you want or have excuses or alibis for your misdeeds. For example, don’t ask permission from your parents to go with your friends for group study while you’re going to a party.

Be honest with your parents and understand that their “no” has a good meaning behind it. After all, they are your parents and they want you to be a good person.

Why you should listen to your parents : They are right because they have more experience than you | They care about you, your happiness is more important to them than theirs | You listen to them, they will be more than happy with it | 

Parents wants you to follow a disciplined life for your better future | They want to keep the relationship strong and always moving forward | Your today’s mistakes can be tomorrow’s regrets |

They want you to learn important life lessons | Don’t be smart in front of your parents, instead be wise | Give your parents the happiness they deserve |

Know your freedoms and duties : As children grow, you expect to be more independent and want freedom in many things. And off-course you have every right to it.

But at the same time, you need to understand that you are not a small child anymore. You are now a young adult and have a list of duties and responsibilities to follow inside and outside your home.

It can be hard for parents to step back and give their teens all the freedoms they need, but if you feel like you deserve more privileges, sit down with them to talk about it. 

At the same time, you should show respect to your parents and other family members and tell them what responsible things you have done to gain more independence and freedom.

My dear teenagers, always remember that nothing in this world comes for free. If you are looking for more freedom, you need to be more responsible. The President also has his own freedom, but he has to be responsible for many more things to get his own share of freedom.

First you need to understand your responsibilities, then automatically you will get all the freedom and independence you need.

How you can gain freedom by following responsibilities : You get good grades, automatically your parents will get you your favorite gadget for you as a gift | Successful people are not gifted people, they realize their responsibilities and work hard, then freedom and success follow them |

Success is not always about excellence. It’s about consistency. Persistence leads to success and freedom | Hard work is the gift of success. Success leads you to freedom and independence |

No one can dream of success and freedom without hard work. Learn your responsibilities and work consistently on it, freedom will always follow you |

Learn time management : Time management plays an important role in the responsible behavior of teenagers. If you are not reliable, others will not be able to trust you at school or at home. Teens who plan their time well make better decisions.

They have less stress and anxiety. A teenagers may think it’s best to wait until the last possible second to complete the high school science lab work or English essay, for such teens procrastination can become a big problem later in life.

A teen waiting until the last second means that an unexpected illness, emergency, or problem may prevent that teen from getting the job done.

That teenager’s future boss or college professor is unlikely to accept the excuses that accompany such laziness or delayed projects. Teens who don’t learn time management skills in their youth are at risk of procrastinating later in life.

Waiting until the last possible minute to get things done can cause problems, from high stress levels to family problems. Learning how to behave responsibly is very important. That is, managing time wisely without needing constant reminders or help.

Advantages of time management are : This will help you achieve your goals faster | It helps you prioritize your work | You’ll do more in less time | Reduces stress levels exponentially | 

Prevents procrastination today and in the future too | It will boost your confidence and give you improved career opportunities | Helps you become more efficient |

Time management tips and tricks are : Use a daily schedule template to plan your day | Understand how you’re currently spending your time (and where you’re losing it) | Set the right goals to measure your progress |

Break big projects into smaller, actionable tasks | Be realistic about the time you have to complete the task | Pay attention to the highs and lows of your body’s natural energy |

Take a break at the right time | Take away the distraction | Avoid multitasking | Build good routines and habits for long-term success |

Keep your room organized : Closet: Take the door off the closet to open up space and put things on hangers instead of throwing them on the closet floor.

Desk: Use a desk with plenty of drawer space. Drawers organize things that clutter the desk. Shelving: Install wall-mounted adjustable shelves that grow with your teen’s changing needs.

Containers: Label all containers, not the shelf where items are stored. If the containers are moved that way, the items will still be placed correctly.

Memos and other things: Hang pegboards or memo boards to provide contained spaces for notes, photos, and calendars. No more searching for that invitation or phone number—it’s right there on the wall.

Help in household chores : Doing household chores is a great stress reliever for you and your entire family. You need to understand your job and do these things daily and regularly as per requirement.

Common household chores which you need to do on regular basis are as given here: Placing the things in there right places | Doing the laundry | Folding and putting away clean clothes | Vacuuming, sweeping, dusting | 

Setting the table appropriately | Clearing the table | Washing and putting away the dishes | Feeding, walking family pets, cleaning birdcages and litter boxes | Mopping floors |

Scrubbing the sink, toilet, bathtub, shower stall | Preparing their own lunches for school | Playing chef and cooking dinner one night a week | Doing yardwork | Washing the family car | And others…

Always improve your grades : Always remember “Education is the passport of the future and tomorrow belongs to those who prepare it today.”

Studying and hard work may bother you today, but doing it regularly will help you stay on track in class and will definitely help you get better and better grades. Going to your classes and learning the subjects is one of the best ways to prove that you are responsible as a student and person.

After all, good grades prove that you’re attending classes, that you’re interested in learning and understanding subjects, doing homework, and taking exams seriously. 

It may seem like a lot of stress and pressure for you at the moment, but remember that your teachers and parents want you to succeed and achieve your future goal(s)!

More information will be added to this on regular basis. Please visit this post and blog / website to know more about relationship and parenting.

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