How to make your boyfriend happy over text (when he is sad) (phone, mobile) | What text will make him (my boyfriend) smile? | How do I make my boyfriend romantic over text (romantically, smile)? | How to make your boyfriend blush over text

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Just before going to “How to make your boyfriend happy over text (when he is sad) (phone, mobile) | What text will make him (my boyfriend) smile? | How do I make my boyfriend romantic over text (romantically, smile)? | How to make your boyfriend blush over text“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

Who is a boyfriend : A boyfriend or bf is a male companion, friend, partner, etc. with whom one is mentally, platonically, physically, romantically or sexually involved with his girlfriend (gf).

Romantically signifies a dedicated and committed relationship where the individuals are not married. Other titles, for example “spouse”, “soulmate”, “better-half”, “consort”, “husband” or “partner”, usually signify that the individuals are legally married.

Words like “boyfriend (bf)” and “partner” has different meanings as per the individual and the distinctions between the terms are subjective. How the term is used will ultimately be determined by personal preferences, priorities, etc.

Few common questions asked about this subject is as given below:

How to make your angry boyfriend (boy) happy over text | How to make your boyfriend (boy) happy over text paragraph | How to make your boyfriend (boy) happy again over text |

How can I cheer up my boyfriend over text | How to make a boy smile | How do I make my boyfriend feel special | How do I keep the boy I love happy | How to make a boy love you |

How can I romance my boyfriend deeply | How to make a boy blush over text | Questions to make a boy blush over text | How to make a depressed boy happy over text | 

How to make your boyfriend happy over text paragraph | How to change his mood over text | How to make your boyfriend love you more through text |

How to make your boyfriend happy over text after a fight | How to make your boyfriend happy over text when he is angry | And many more…

In this world, no one wants to harm anyone, especially someone who is so loving and caring. But unfortunately, sometimes such type of things happens which won’t be in our hands.

A girlfriend might say something that hurts her boyfriend’s feelings, which is completely unfortunate. Or, sometimes, a girlfriend wants her boyfriend to feel happy, joyful, cheerful and delightful. So, now that girlfriend needs to put a smile on her boyfriend’s face. 

For this reason, a girlfriend should use some soft and beautiful words that can make her boyfriend happy again. Let’s check all the authentic ideas used to improve the relationship between a man and a woman using text in this post.

List of the ways of “How to make your boyfriend happy over text (phone) (mobile)” is as given below:

Use new ideas, create curiosity : Make him curious about you and make him feel that you can’t wait to tell him something that always interests him. 

“Hey, how are you” or “What are you doing?”, starting a new conversation like that is outdated and you seem like you’re sitting around with nothing better work to do.

Instead, start your text message with new and innovative ideas that will make your boyfriend want to know more and more about you, and let him feel that curiosity about you.

For example: “Guess what I had for breakfast today” or “You won’t believe what happened while driving to my office this morning.” It’s instant curiosity, and the fact that you’ve chosen him to share your interesting feelings will make him special, unique, and interesting.

Don’t try to be too clever or overly creative or unrealistic. But use your simple and smart ideas to make him feel happy and fun.

Use few of these mentioned texts to connect with him more closely: “You came into my life just like a cool breeze and made my love more bigger than a paradise. I love you, my darling.” 

“Seeing your smile fills my heart like pearls woven into a string with boundless joy. Keep smiling my love.” My life was boring, black and white until you entered my life. But you have filled it with happy colors as a garden is filled with many colorful flowers. Thanks for that, my baby.” 

“I can’t imagine my life without you, you are the path of my life, which always shows me the right way. You complete me, my darling.”

Use words ‘I miss you’ more often : The real and true test of love happens when your beloved boyfriend is not physically with you. Have you ever said to your boyfriend “I miss you so much?”, how do you feel when you say that?

Such a text will always make your boyfriend feel more loved and valued. This sentence is a way of saying how much you miss your boyfriend when you are not physically present with him.

Let your boyfriend know that his feelings are mutual. Love shines brightest when you both feel that your loved one is the most important person on earth to you. They will heave a sigh of relief and confidence once they also know you too are thinking of them.

Use few of these mentioned texts to connect with him more closely: “Falling in love with you is like sitting like birds on a tree branch and humming a song to you. And believe me or not, it’s the most beautiful and auspicious thing I’ve ever experienced.”

“Whenever I see you smile, I always think of the dew drops on the leaves that sparkle like diamonds, and my love for you grows deeper with it. You are the love of my life.” 

“I didn’t believe in divinity until I met you. Thank you for making my life magical, my most beloved divine handsome god.”

Make sure his opinion is important to you : You should value your boyfriend’s opinions and ideas. Use text like “I know you are good at this and you will definitely help me in solving this problem.”

If you are planning to buy a pair of new clothes, you can send him a picture of it and ask his opinion too. Let him also feel that you are giving importance to his views and interests. These are the basic things that should be learned as early as possible to improve the relationship.

If your boyfriend is a music lover, ask him to recommend a new music album. If he’s really great at dealing with people, ask him for advice when you’re trying to navigate a tricky social situation.

Use few of these mentioned texts to connect with him more closely: ” Even if I am not with you, like milk mixed with honey, I always want to be with you. It’s just you and me lost in our beautiful world.”

“We may be miles apart, but you will never be far from my heart and mind. You occupy my heart, my dreams and my every waking thought.”

Every time I see two birds sitting and chirping at each other, I lose my breath, and my heart sings with joy as if we both are singing a song.”

“I thought it was possible to stay away from each other, but your handsome body proved me wrong. I can’t be away from you even for a day.” “Don’t push me away, I want to wake up in your arms for the rest of my life, just like the sun rises in the east every morning.”

Let him know, his likes are your likes : Love between a boy (man) and a girl (woman) is a shared feeling of mutual interest. Love grows exponentially, when you start loving his likes and he starts liking the things you love.

It is not about jealousy, strife, conflict, test, but rather love is a positive feeling between two people. Love means complete surrender of your heart to another person, when you are confident that they will treat your heart better than you.

A well-timed, sincere compliment will make your boy fully surrender to you emotionally and mentally. You might have noticed something about him the last time you saw him in person or something you saw in his picture.

For example his strong biceps or his amazing outfit. But to really make a great impression, mention something about his character, it will show you understand him more profoundly.

Use few of these mentioned texts to connect with him more closely: “When you are with me, all my worries and fears melt away like ice melts in the heat of the sun and my heart fills with joy of moon light. You are my happy place.”

“There are a billion stars in the sky, many say Sirius is the brightest star. But for me you are my brightest star. Thank you for being mine, my most handsome star.”

People say handsomeness fades with time, but for me, you grow more and more handsome just like diamond shines in the night.” “Nothing else can light up my feelings like you. To me, you are my lotus flower that spreads its petals at sunrise.”

Too many unnecessary compliments can sound insincere, so don’t overdo it. Drop one of each when you think he could use as an extra boost.

Make him laugh with your funny bone : Life is full of unnecessary things and stress is a part of everyone’s life. To keep all these things away from you and your boyfriend, always use humor as your tool to make him smile and laugh.

Talk to your boyfriend about your childhood funny situations, pranks, silly things, etc. which will make him ‘laugh like a baby, live like a king’. 

Talk about old and new movies, music or TV shows, tell him funny stories, send him memes that you think will always make him laugh and smile.

You can tease him a bit and have small fun with him as long as you don’t hurt his feelings physically and mentally. You can share some videos and pictures about animals making funny faces, with short text.

Use few of these mentioned texts to connect with him more closely: “What to rabbits eat for breakfast? IHOP.” “What did the buffalo say to his son when he left for college? Bison!” “What do you call a dog magician? A Labracadabrador!”

“What do you call an alligator who solves mysteries? An investigator!” “Why are cats bad storytellers? Because they only have one tale.”

What kind of ties do pigs wear? Pig sties!” “What happened to the dog that ate nothing but garlic? His bark was much worse than his bite!”

Let him speak freely : Everyone wants to open their mind. People love to talk about themselves, both happy and sad. You can ask questions, but you should avoid asking too many unnecessary questions in a row that it feels like an interrogation.

Use few of these below mentioned texts to connect with him more closely:

To learn more about his life, ask questions like, “Where did you grow up?” । “What did you study in college and why?” | “What’s your favorite place to run away to?” | “What do you do to cheer yourself up?” | 

“How do you like to receive love?” | “Who knows you best?” | “What are you most attracted to in a guy?” | “What were some of your favorite childhood happy situations?” | “What’s your most favorite memory with your parents?” | 

What is the perfect date? | What do you love most about yourself? | What do you like about me? | What superpower do you wish you had? | What are you most proud of in your life so far? | What do you want to achieve in your life? |

What is your definition of happiness? | What is your biggest fear? | What makes you feel fulfilled in life? | What do you think is the meaning and purpose of life? | And so on…

You can ask questions about his work, hobbies or friends to know more about his current day-to-day life.

When he needs you most, be there : Your first and foremost responsibility as a girlfriend is that you should always help him in his good and bad times. For this, you need to be a good listener and a supportive friend, not just in the early days, but throughout life.

Whether you’re texting a casual associate or a friend or a boyfriend, there are times when he needs someone to talk to. Try asking more matured and thoughtful questions to learn more about the situation to show that you really care about your boyfriend.

Avoid giving him advice unless he really needs it and asks for it. Don’t try to overdo anything to show unnecessary sympathy. Let him be his own best judge.

He may just be quiet and not want you to try to solve his problems at this time. Don’t try to flirt with your boyfriend. If he’s upset or serious, it’s probably not the right time.

Use few of these below mentioned texts to connect with him more closely:

Listen to him more carefully before responding. | Make sure you create an environment free of self-evaluation and judgment | Give him space adequately and as per need. | Don’t try to interfere in his personal problems even if he is not interested. |

Take the time to educate yourself about his depression. | Play the role of a true friend. | Never say ‘don’t be sad’, instead use the words ‘don’t worry, everything will be alright’. | 

Encourage him to heal with your love and soothing words. | Turn every conversation into an optimistic one. | Understand his triggers and respond accordingly, don’t overreact. |

Maintain a healthy distance between you and your boyfriend, he is not a lust object. | Encourage him to participate in activities with you. | Tell him you love him often. |

Let him know the real you : It’s not easy to share everything with your boyfriend, but he need to know the real you. It is very important to tell your partner everything about your background, so that he can get a better understanding of you and they can commit themselves with you.

Many relationship experts believe that communicating about your past experiences is beneficial for both parties. This is because, it will help to learn more about each other, grow together, and strengthen the current relationship for a better tomorrow.

Share something you’re really passionate about and tell him why it’s important to you. If he likes you and your qualities, seeing you excited about something will probably put a smile on his face.

And when he sees your interests and devotion he may find a new passion of his own and will certainly connect with you more closely than before.

For example, you can spend some time talking about that amazing new recipe you made, why you love windsurfing, why you love watching romantic movies, etc. 

At the same time, don’t go overboard and talk about yourself all the time. If he mentions something he likes, turn the conversation to him for a while.

Use few of these below mentioned texts to connect with him more closely: “Whenever or wherever you need me, you will always find me by your side, holding your hands, like a pea encased in its pod.” 

“I must have done something wonderful in my previous life knowingly or unknowingly to be blessed with the love of a pure soul like you.” My heart forgets how to beat every time you laugh. Your smile is more sweeter than the pure nectar.” 

“If loving you is madness, I want to carry this madness with me for the rest of my life, like a farmer who keeps on farming all his life.”

Know if he is missing you : If he misses you when you are not around him, that is true love from his side for you. Knowing this, it will be the right time for you to text him some awesome lines, but that doesn’t mean you need to text him whole day 24/7.

If he says he is busy with his office work or preparing food for his family, slow down, go do something else for a while. It’s fine to text him back the next time you find something interesting, but don’t randomly hit him up with a “hey” because you’re too excited or bored.

There is no fixed time frame for how often you should text him, it really depends on how close you two are. If you’ve been dating for a while or you’re really good friends, you can text a few times a day. 

If you don’t know each other well, you can only chat once every two days. You have to take it step by step and move slowly and steadily.

But, that doesn’t mean you have to wait two or more days to text him. Understand how comfortable he is with your messages and then text as needed. There are no hard and fast rules in this regard. Identify and realize the real need and proceed with your text.

Use few of these mentioned texts to connect with him more closely: “To me you are my root, leaves, branches, fruits, tree trunks. You are everything to me, without you my life is like a waste paper in the dustbin.”

“Every time I look at your eyes, I get drown in your charming handsomeness and lose track of time.” “The world may change, we may grow old tomorrow, but my love for you will always grow until eternity.”

“No words can express the depth of my feelings for you. I cannot show you my feelings, because they are not my physical feelings, but rather they are divine.” “My life was barren as a desert until I found my oasis in you, just like a poet finds his pen to write his poem.”

More information will be added to this on regular basis. Please visit this post and blog / website to know more about relationship and parenting.

Continue reading about:

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Boy and Girl

Love between a boy and girl

Husband-Wife relationship

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Relationships and Parenting

To know more about “Husband and wife information, facts“, please click the below link:

Husband and wife information, facts

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