How to deal with difficult people (person) (situations) (at workplace) (training course) (communicate) | What is the characteristic of a difficult person? | How do you calm down when dealing with difficult people? | How to deal with difficult people on the phone

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Just before going to “How to deal with difficult people (person) (situations) (at workplace) (training course) (communicate) | What is the characteristic of a difficult person? | How do you calm down when dealing with difficult people? | How to deal with difficult people on the phone“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

Meaning of difficulty : Difficulty is a time or period or situation which is hard to deal with or understand a person or having disagreements or objectionable ideas or suffering or feeling troubled etc.

Meaning of difficult person (people) : A difficult person is someone who has almost no empathy, compassion or regard for others.

A difficult person always thinks he/she is always better than everyone else. Their ego and pride will be high and you won’t be able to put your thoughts in front of them.

Meaning of difficult situation : A difficult situation is a situation that is so hard or unpleasant or complicated or dangerous that you cannot make much progress, you feel stressed, you begin to think that there is no way out of it, especially if it lasts for a long time.

So, you will always have that question! How to deal with difficult people or person or situation? In this post (article), you will find multiple answers for all your questions. Let’s start!

Few of the questions asked regarding this subject are as given below:

How to deal with difficult people (at workplace) | How to deal with difficult people training course | How to deal with difficult people on the phone | How to deal with difficult people training |

How do you calm down when dealing with difficult people? | How do you deal with difficult people or situations? | What is the characteristic of a difficult person? | How to communicate with difficult person |

How to stop being a difficult person | Types of difficult people | Powerful phrases for dealing with difficult people | Characteristics of a difficult person | How to stop being a difficult person | And many others…

List of about “How to deal with difficult people (person) (situations) (at workplace) (training course) (communicate) (effective way)” is as given below:

Know the source of your difficulty : According to studies, the best way to start dealing with a difficult person or people or situation is to understand the root cause of the problem. 

Most people don’t want to be seen as a difficult person, that is, something overlooked is going on. They expect you to follow their advice or footsteps.

Most of the times your difficult situation from a person or people can be solved by following these simple ideas as given below:

Listen what they want to tell you or expect from you. | Whatever the situation may be, stay calm and wise. | Don’t have prejudice kind of person and don’t judge the person without knowing him/her or the situation. | 

Reflect the respect and dignity in the other person. | Use sentence like – “Can you please tell me more, so I can understand better.” | Avoid laughter during hard situation, as this may look like you are mocking the person. | 

Do not return anger for anger. | Don’t argue or try to convince the other person when in difficult situation. | Saying, “I’m sorry” or, “I’ll try to fix this” can go a long way to defuse many situations. |

Don’t be defensive, but restrain yourself : Leading a difficult person or people is a challenging task in itself, so don’t fall into the trap of putting yourself in a difficult situation and looking like a fool. 

You should remember the old quote “two wrongs don’t make a right”. When dealing with a difficult person or people, stop pointing fingers with early judgement, negativity, and assimilation. 

The best way to communicate openly and freely without falling into the unwanted traps is to listen to them properly. Leading a difficult person takes time for some people and is not something that is suddenly fixed after just one interaction.

Below are some tips to facilitate proper and necessary communication for a smooth flow of the process without too many hassles and hardships:

Plan everything in advance. Make sure you don’t start something suddenly or when the other person is angry with you. It should not be started suddenly, but should be done with proper calculations. 

Control your emotions and feelings, don’t be prejudiced. If necessary, meet the other person in private and do not express your concern in public as it may cause more of a rift for you. 

Pay attention and show your support. Stick to the main objective as much as possible. As an unique individual, support and empower your character. Try to minimize unnecessary words.

Pause and think for a moment before overreacting : You are such an unique personality, think before you act abnormally. Take a deep breath before responding to the other person. Hold your emotions and sentiments.

If your war of words is taking place through an electronic medium such as email or mobile text messaging, try to avoid sending messages for the time being. Take your time and let your stress levels settle down.

How to avoid unwanted words through electronic media is as given here: For example, if you receive an email from someone at work, does it immediately change your face to look stressed? Working with a difficult person or people on a project can be infuriating.

If you start thinking, “In one of my less rational moments, I received an email from a difficult person whose sole purpose is to make things harder and more confusing for me,” it will make your life more stressful.

And at the same time, if you don’t give a second thought before responding and immediately fire off your email without giving yourself a break, you’ll be adding fuel to your stressful times and making things worse for yourself.

Typically, if you find the patience to stay calm and cool, and wait a while before reacting, the results will be better. The ability to stay calm helps you a lot when dealing with a difficult person or people or situation.

Communicate wisely about the issue : It is impossible to communicate with some people. You can try your best, but they are not ready to listen to you. But you need to be positive.

If that is not the case, try to have a constructive conversation with the person who is causing you trouble. While doing so, do your absolute best to keep your cool and calm always. This is the first step towards your victory.

Try to confront them about their behavior. While doing that, there are a few things to keep in mind as given below:

Set your intentions before the conversation happens. Don’t lose sight of your goals and never forget what you’re trying to achieve by having this conversation. Be professional and treat them with respect, but stand up for yourself if they disrespect you.

You are under no obligation to tolerate disrespect from anyone. Don’t focus on the individual and the intricacies of their personality, but give importance about the problem itself. Don’t think you are against them, but always think about your problem and you (as a team).

Keep things official and nothing personal : You should play fair, that is, you should only deal with the problematic person and limit your time to official work only and not personal.

If you must communicate, try to de-escalate things by excusing yourself from the conversation or bringing a third party into the conversation. Be as positive as possible and keep it short.

In the meantime, make sure to remain calm at all times. Accept that this person will never be your friend or the best colleague or sibling you want. If all else fails, you may have to cut ties with the person completely personally. 

It is especially difficult if it is a close family member, a significant friend. However, if their behavior is seriously toxic and abusive, it may be time to move on.

List of things to know about ‘how to keep things official at workplace’ is as given here: As they are not your father, mother, relatives, best friends, do not try to please them. | Speak up if you feel uncomfortable or unsafe with someone. | Don’t get caught up in a person’s toxicity. |

Set Boundaries with Toxic People. | Hold your emotions and feelings. | Keep a positive attitude even when things are tough. | Be aware of your own behavior and how it affects your personal life (with your loved ones). |

Find your allies and talk to them : You should be able to find good allies around you, as you may not be an alone person who is been affected by the difficult person or people or situation. 

If you’re not making progress with someone and need to do so, talk to a potential mediator. At workplace, your boss can help improve the situation. If you have problems with your boss at work, try to approach someone who is senior and capable of talking to your boss.

Use polite words when talking to a third person. If your conflict is within the family, find a mutual party with whom you can negotiate. For example, if you have problems with your father, try talking to your mother or vice-versa.

Try to share complaints only with people you trust. Always remember that allies are eager to do you good personally and officially. They show genuine curiosity and compassion for your life. 

Allies like to build relationships with you, so you can cooperate better together and defend each other. When they speak, listen and be fully present.

Remember, there will always be difficult people around your : No matter how nice you are or where you live or work, you will always find people who seem like they are out to hurt you. 

The world is full of good and bad people. Some people we like, some people we don’t. The key is to learn how to deal with such people. 

While many times they are impossible to avoid, but it can help you identify a few different types of difficult people or person or situation, so you can determine the best way to interact and deal with them.

Characteristics of difficult people or person are: “Inimical” people. These people often react violently most of the times. They can be deeply distrustful, litigious, argumentative and always troublesome.

These people thrive in power roles or as cyber bullies. “Contempt-sensitive” people, or the folk look for shame. In other words, they are easily offended. They often use textual means (email, text message) to express their frustration. 

“Neurotic” type people. They can be anxious, athirst, eager, enthusiastic or pessimistic and are often critical of others. 

“Prideful” people or those who value only their interests. They loathe compromise, are hypersensitive to personal insults, and may be ungrateful even if you do something good for them.

Try some humor if possible : Sometimes, we engage in difficult conversations because sometimes we take things for granted and sometimes very seriously. 

If you are in conflict with a difficult person or people or situation, try using (appropriate) humor, which may help to diffuse the tension between you both. Even a simple joke or a little smile can help lower the stakes.

This reminds you of shared common ground and can shift you into a more collaborative mindset. Laughing or cracking a simple joke makes your voice more pleasant to hear and it gives confidence to the other person or people or situation.

Even if you are terrified of public speaking, no one will know if you have a smile on your face because smiling makes you seem more friendly, approachable and composed. 

Cortisol is our primary stress hormone that circulates throughout the body when you feel stressed. Genuine laughter lowers cortisol levels by increasing your oxygen intake and promoting circulation throughout the body. 

But, remember that you are joking with a difficult person or people or situation. Thus, you have to be your best judge of what kind of jokes are best at that timeframe.

Create a shield for yourself : Set limits on the amount of time you spend dealing with emotional vampires and other difficult person or people or situations.

If you have to communicate with them, do it in a neutral place, connect virtually or schedule something directly afterwards so that they don’t take up too much of your time, that is, don’t allow too much time to think for them.

You should try your best not to interact with them alone or in an emergency meeting. Bring a friend, colleague or other person to help buffer your interactions with them. 

If you start to get upset or stressed, or if the situation starts to get out of your way, your well-wishers can help you get out before things get too rough.

And remember, most difficult people don’t realize they have toxic traits. So, telling them that their actions hurt your emotional well-being may or may not help you. If you want, you can try once. But, be your own best judge.

Know your own behavior too : Many times, we may think that ‘others are always wrong’ and ‘I am always right’. If you have this perception, you have to change it immediately. 

If you think others are always against you, you may be attracting the wrong kind of people, and the fault may lie with you. For example, if you are overly negative or too much confident of yourself, other people may tend to avoid you.

Try to find friends who engage in positive behavior. Think about it, what was your role when you had negative experiences in the past? What actions did you take in response to those behaviors?

For example, let’s say your friend Nikita constantly picks you up from your home and drops you off at your college. How did you respond to her? Did you ever thank her for this gesture?

You also need to know yourself. It helps you identify your own strengths and weaknesses. That way, when you encounter difficult people in the future, you’ll be better equipped to handle them.

Be aware of your frustration level : The other person’s behavior is beyond your control. But you need to know about your own potential. You can always decide later how important another person is in your life.

You can decide whether you need a person in your life who is causing you problems or not? How much importance should I give to such a person in my life? If you don’t have that person in your life tomorrow, will you be able to live happily and also without any fear?

How dependent are you on that person? All these things are very important. Because, you are not alone in this whole world. You have to live with different types of people. Some are bad and some are good.

You need to decide for yourself. Sometimes, today’s bad friend or bad boss can be tomorrow’s good friend or good boss. Similarly, today’s good friend or good boss may be tomorrow’s bad friend or bad boss. You decide!

Know how and when to escalate : You need to know that while deploying the above techniques can easily handle difficult people and have a high probability of resolving the situation completely. 

But you also remember that, enough is enough, especially when it comes to the workplace. Be the judge for yourself about “how much can you endure?”, “what and how much can you tolerate” and “how long can you last, abide, bear, stand and suffer”. 

If all else fails, take the final step. It’s time to escalate the problem to your higher level, such as a manager or a higher member of leadership. Although it may feel like giving up, it is the only and final level available after a certain point.

Remember, this is the final step and should only be implemented if all other avenues have been exhausted or the person’s behavior has reached the dangerous or intolerable levels.

You should escalate by highlighting the complete background of your problem, correct data, severity of the situation (high / moderate / low) and suggested solutions if any.

Arrange a separate meeting or call or send an clear email to escalate the matter to higher level. Focus on a specific issue and deal only one escalation at a time. This should be your final and ultimate armor.

More information will be added to this on regular basis. Please visit this post and blog / website to know more about relationship and parenting.

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