How to make your (my) family happy (again, psychology) | How to keep your (my) family happy | What is the secret of a happy family? | How can I love my family better? | What makes a family strong and happy?

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Just before going to “How to make your (my) family happy (again, psychology) | How to keep your (my) family happy | What is the secret of a happy family? | How can I love my family better? | What makes a family strong and happy?“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

Meaning of family : A family is a group of people related by blood (identified by birth) or affinity (identified by marriage or other relationships).

Purpose of a family : The main purpose of the family is to safeguard the welfare of its members and the society as a whole.

Maturity of the family members : Ideally, the family or families often provide the future, foundation, and security as members learn to participate in adulthood and the well-being of the family and community.

Why family is require : Historically, most human societies have used the family as the primary place of bonding, attachment, nurturing, and socialization within and outside the family.

Anthropologists classify most family organizations as given below:

Matrifocal family : A mother and her children. | Patrifocal family : A father and his children. | Conjugal family : A wife, her husband, and children. This is also called as nuclear family.

Avuncular family : A man, his sister, and her children. | 

Extended family : In addition to parents and children, may include grandparents, aunts, uncles, or cousins. Extended families consist of several generations of people and can include biological parents and their children as well as in-laws, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.

The field of genealogy aims to track-down family ancestry through history. The most important economic unit studied in family economics is the family. 

The term “families” can be used metaphorically to generate more inclusive categories such as the global village, society, community, and nationhood.

How conflicts arise in the family : A dysfunctional family or an unstable family or an unstable household or an argumentative family or a sensitively critical family is a family:

in which conflict(s), problem(s), misbehavior, and often neglect or abuse of children or other family member(s), and sometimes all of the above on the part of individual parents occur continuously and regularly, causing other members to accommodate such actions.

Children or sensitive people in such families sometimes understand that such a situation is normal.

Dysfunctional or unstable families are primarily the result of two adults, one often openly abusive and the other codependent, and may be affected by substance abuse or other forms of addiction, or sometimes even untreated mental illness.

Parents (once children) raised in dysfunctional families may overcorrect or imitate their own parents in the later stage. 

In some cases, the dominant parent abuses or neglects their children and the other parent does not object at all, leading the child to assume guilt.

Few of the commonly asked questions about this subject is as given below: 

How to make your family happy | How can you make your family happy essay | How to make my family happy | How can I make my family happy | How can you make your family happy | 

How to keep your family happy | How do you make your family happy | How do I make my family happy | How to keep my family happy | 

How can we make our family happy | How to make my family happy again | How to make happy your family | And many more…

In this post (article) let us understand few of the simple, but yet very reliable, well-researched, valid and genuine facts.

List of about “How to make your (my) family happy | How to keep your (my) family happy | How to make my family happy again” is given below:

First, nullify all your egos : ‘Ego’, this three alphabet word is highly explosive. If you live with this, you will invite all the negative things into your life like irritation, suffering, illness, etc. 

Ego plays a role in ruining many relationships, and it’s not just a problem for family people. Pride ruins friendships and drives a wedge between family members. 

If you have had a string of failed relationships, you need to let go of your ego and step towards true happiness. Ego and family relationship should never meet in your lifetime. 

If you leave your ego unchecked, it can cause tremendous turmoil in your life – especially with your family members. Negative emotions such as anger, resentment, fear and jealousy are products of the ego.

“Either you leave your ego, or the whole world will leave you, including your family.” What is your opinion on this? Do you need your family or your ego? Be your own best judge.

Few of the signs of the oversized ego are : They think they are always right. | They always want more. | They must always win. | They require constant recognition. | They have one-sided conversations. | They lack empathy. |

Proper communication is the key : You should give highest importance to communication within your family. This is because, it allows family members to express their wants, needs and concerns to each other.

Open and honest communication creates an environment that allows family members to express their differences and express love and appreciation for each other.

Effective family communication is central to the formation of healthy families and strengthens the bonds of love between family members. An important formula in family life is, PROPER COMMUNICATION = (∝) HAPPY FAMILY.

Proper communication among family members helps in early detection of family differences between members and immediate resolution of any conflict that may occur.

Families with healthy communication develop trust and form stronger bonds with each other. It creates an atmosphere of safety and a sense of security, which makes all members of the family feel valued and loved.

Spend quality time with each other : Not just spending time, spending quality time in a good relationship is very important. Spending quality time with the family boosts the confidence of all its members. 

Good parents will always teach children to build self-esteem through specific skills such as problem solving and communication. They can also model the ability to love oneself without demeaning others.

Research shows that spending quality time with family can help reduce stress and anxiety, lead to a healthier lifestyle, and improve your lifespan. Family motivates you to be the best version of you.

Lack of quality time can lead to the erosion of family values such as compassion, shared hobbies, love and accommodation. As parents and children begin to live separate lives, many secrets remain untold that lead to damaged relationships in the family.

Here are some of the benefits of spending quality time with family: builds confidence, creates stronger emotional bonds between family members, improves communication skills, 

improves performance in school and / or office and will have fewer behavioral problems, as well as provides an opportunity to build memories on fun, laughter and togetherness.

Making joint decisions is very important : Past research tells us that when a family takes decisions together, every member has a say in family matters, regardless of their gender or age.

Family and group decision-making is a general term that includes many ways in which family members come together to make decisions about how to care each other children and develop a plan for services.

Families that come together to solve problems or seek the opinions of all members before making a final decision, big or small, develop strong bonds among themselves over time. 

Making family’s joint decision provides an environment in which the family works toward goals that all family members have in common. Family members who are not involved in joint decision making often work toward personal goals that conflict with family goals.

Joint decision-making does not take away your individuality, in fact, it enhances it and brings synergy to your family. As a family, make decisions with mutual consent and knowledge. Avoid suspicious actions that upset your family life.

Provide required space to family members : This question is always there, how much space is good in a family? Personal space is important because it helps people feel happy and comfortable.

If someone invades your personal space, you may feel awkward, uncomfortable and irritated. Today’s children don’t understand what personal space is, so they may need nurturing and gentle reminders.

How much space is healthy in a family relationship – There really is no specific measure because every relationship is unique and different. Parameters vary between each and every family.

One family member may be open to listening to their other family member(s), but another member may not like it. 

One may need more time to pursue hobbies and interests, or some ‘alone time’ to get away from the complexities and responsibilities of a family relationship.

But, if you love your family, it is highly recommended that you get along with every member of your family. It enables one to understand the real interest of others in the family and makes all the family members live in harmony for a really long time.

If you start thinking that “your interest is in the interest of your family”, you will start enjoying the fruitfulness of your family and their love forever.

Surprise family members regularly : Gift giving is the language of love! If you have a family member who loves you unconditionally, love them. 

And even if you love them with all your heart, complementing those feelings with a gift will make them fall in love with you all over again. Without a special occasion, when someone gets a surprise, it makes them burst with joy.

It can be a physical gift or some other form. It is very important in any family relationship to fill your loved ones with colorful and joyful gifts to keep them going in life and feel their importance in your life.

Benefits of giving surprise to your family member(s) are : Creates stronger connections with each other | Makes you and your family member(s) happy | Builds confidence with family members | 

Reduces anxiety in the family | Gets the feeling of gratefulness | Promotes good Karma | Can extend your life span | Spreads the love | And many more…

Give importance to discipline in family : In a family, is discipline necessary or not? This is a very tricky question to ask. Insufficient discipline can make family members, especially children, feel insecure and parents can lose control.

On the other hand, too much negative discipline, and not enough praise and rewards, can sometimes make children behave well, but fearfully. This can lead to children’s self-esteem issues and anxiety later in life.

As a parent, use this as an opportunity to teach your child to take responsibility for their actions. Discipline structures are a very important part of creating a healthy family relationship.

Why positive discipline is required : Parents do not want to yell or hit their children. Parents do this because they are under pressure and can’t see any other way at that time.

Yelling and / or hitting simply doesn’t work and can do more harm than good in the long run. Repeated yelling and hitting can adversely affect a child’s entire life. 

Instead of physical and mental punishment, the positive discipline approach emphasizes building a healthy relationship with your child and setting expectations from your children. The good news for every parent is that it works and works well too.

Listen to family’s issues and resolve them : Whether you are the eldest or the youngest in the family, if you want your family to be problem free, you should find a solution to all the problems as soon as possible.

You should carefully listen to every problem of your family members. Active listening creates trust and commitment that builds strong relationships.

When you are completely devoted to your family’s stories and / or struggles, you listen and respect them. Because of this, they are confident that they will depend on you.

The benefits of listening to your family’s problems are vast and enormously wise, important and powerful thing to do. 

Only by effective listening can you understand your family’s problems. Listening is the best gateway to your desired results – and it’s key to your family’s well-being too!

Be first to comfort your family members : It is important for a family to be there for each other through the good times and hard times too. 

If there is a family tragedy or a family member is sick, pulling together can really help you and your family. Your family members need your help at this time, and it is important to communicate properly and be open with them. 

As you provide quality comfort, it keeps your family members safe and helps the doctor provide better treatment. With this belief, your family member will have less stress, which leads to faster healing. 

It can be argued that maintaining physical comfort helps to cope with emotional and psychological needs, thus ensuring that the patient settles down quickly, both physically and mentally. 

It helps ease the person’s experience, ensuring dignity and relief during normal and also palliative periods.

Balance both family life and work life : It’s not an easy task to do, but it’s highly important if you want to see your family member happy. While spending time with family, forget your work at that moment.

Stress and health are deeply connected, and employees who bring official work to home are more stressed than employees who work continuously. 

You should avoid taking official phone calls or replying to emails while taking time for family. It prioritizes your family members, so they feel comfortable and happy with you. 

If you always engage with your official work in front of them, your family may feel that they are not as valuable as your work or may feel, because of them you are feeling the work stress.

Try to have your own limits on taking official work to home. Are your family members okay with your work at home or not? You be your own best judge.

Try to minimize the use of electronic devices : Mobile and other electronic devices play a vital role in this modern world. Yes, nowadays it is difficult to live without these devices.

But, you should remember that mobile and other devices are not your life, but your family members are. You need to reduce the use of mobiles and devices at home. For example, if you are using these screens in the evening without talking to your family members, it is of no use. 

Likewise, your family members should also be instructed to keep those electronic devices away as much as possible. You need to explain them about the disadvantages of these modern gadgets. 

Try to understand them day-by-day and little-by-little, because this can lead to unnecessary friction among family members, which can lead to heartburn and unpleasantness at home.

You can explain few of the disadvantages of mobile phones as given here : Mobile phones cause accidents inside and outside the home | Causes distancing from relatives due to mobile phone | Fraud on cell phones is on the rise |

A lot of time is wasted if mobile is used continuously | Mobile phones cause physical and mental health problems | Mobile phones cause social isolation | Unable to concentrate on studies due to excessive use of mobile phones |

Mobile phone is the main cause of cyberbullying | Mobile phones are not completely secure | Mobile phone battery can explode | Impact of mobile phones on intimate relationships | Minimize meeting with family, friends, etc. |

No work can be completed properly | Wrong calls and messages | Unethical activities on mobile phones are on the rise | Youth crimes are increasing due to the use of mobile phones | And much more…

You need to look after yourself too : The senior member(s) of the family usually spend their time taking care of everyone in the family and forget about themselves. 

If you don’t take care of yourself, you may feel miserable and resentful, and you won’t be able to provide the support your family members need. You have to understand that you really have your own feelings and needs too.

It’s not selfish to treat yourself once in a while! It doesn’t have to be expensive, but setting aside some time to do something you love to do, even if it’s just 15 minutes a day, is very important. 

The truth is that without self-care, you are not giving your family members a fighting chance to give your best to take care of them properly.

If you don’t take care of your own needs and health, before you know it, you will be burnt out and struggling in everyday life. Keep yourself happy and healthy first, with this, you will also keep your family members happy, safe and comfortable.

More information will be added to this on regular basis. Please visit this post and blog / website to know more about relationship and parenting.

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