How to love | How do you love someone? | How do I learn to love? | How can I fall in love with someone? | How can I love deeply? | How to love someone who loves you | How to love someone unconditionally | How to love someone from a distance

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Just before going to “How to love | How do you love someone? | How do I learn to love? | How can I fall in love with someone? | How can I love deeply? | How to love someone who loves you | How to love someone unconditionally | How to love someone from a distance“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

Introduction about love : Love, this four alphabet word is so powerful that even the most educated person and also the strongest human on this earth fails to understand its full and exact meaning. Love is a set of different feelings, actions and beliefs that have a strong dependence on love.

So, for example, a person may say that he or she loves his/her girlfriend or boyfriend, loves his/her parents, loves freedom, loves his/her pet, or loves God.

The concept of love can be unpredictable and it can happen in a certain way or in different ways for each person. To love without condition, to talk without intention, to give without reason, care without expectation, that’s the spirit of true love.

Primitive people developed human relationships that were originally related to love. Love played an important role in human society. Love was so natural. It talks about body, soul, relationships, harmony and jealousy and dominance too.

Love is a continuous process which can only be understood by warmth, sometimes mental and sometimes physical. Love is the feeling of this intense affection for someone, not just for a short time, but for a really long time.

What is love (real meaning) : True love is a unique and passionate bond that connects two people who want the best for the other person, regardless of what that means to them.

It is the foundation for a healthy and loving association. True love is authentic and genuine with minimal or no expectations.

In this post (article) you will find a variety of information on “how to love” using many examples in both ancient and modern ways. The information provided in this post (article) will surely help the readers to improve their love for whomever you love.

List of about “how to love, how to love some (unconditionally), etc.” is as given below:

Nullify your EGO : This three letter word EGO is your biggest enemy that prevents you from falling in love and getting true love in your life. Unknowingly you are giving more importance to your EGO than your LOVE.

If you leave your ego unchecked, it can cause tremendous rough currents in your life, especially with your spouse or partner and with your other loved ones.

Negative emotions such as anger, resentment, fear and jealousy are products of the ego. Ego plays a role in ruining many relationships, and it’s not just a problem for dating people.

Pride ruins friendships and drives a wedge between family members. If you have had a string of failed relationships, you need to let go of your ego and take a step towards true happiness.

Try and perform a selfless act of love and enjoy giving to whomever you love without expecting anything in return. Be grateful for what you already have and this is the most effective way to nullify your bitter ego.

Thank those who have helped you in one way or the other. Praise others for any little things they do to you. Because love is very hard to earn, but very easy to lose. Be careful and take care.

Provide adequate space : You are not the only person who is living on this earth. There are approximately 800 Crore people living on this earth. You need to provide adequate amount of space to the person you love.

If our loved one or partner asks for space, we feel that they are no longer interested in us. But, according to studies, you’ll be shocked to know that giving your loved ones enough space can lead to long-lasting love and association with compassion.

Every healthy and loving relationship needs space from time to time and not just one day. We can still maintain our individuality with dignity by giving enough space to our love one.

Providing your people with enough space or uninterrupted time allows more attention to be paid to personal feelings. Giving your loved one space is an act of adoration and compassion.

It shows that you trust and respect them for who they are. Providing them space will help them get reacquainted with themselves and deepen your bond.

If you have trouble making space, you may have unresolved issues of your own. If your partner or girlfriend says they need space, it’s easy to get panic and think you’ve done something extremely wrong.

But the truth is, some space is healthy in a relationship. You need to understand their inner emotions and need to correct them as soon as possible. 

Sometimes we start spending too much time together with our partner or girlfriend or we miss our loved one or we just don’t feel like ourselves.

We start to get depress and won’t be able to find a solution for this. Here is where space helps you to reset your life to get back on track.

Compromise is the mantra of love : Compromise, this nine-letter word is very powerful in any relationship and is vital to the happiness, well-being and mental health of each partner. The more you compromise with your partner, the happier you will be in your life. 

Compromise is not admitting your defeat, but it is a way of respecting your partner’s feelings, emotions, bringing you closer and increasing mutual trust and priorities.

Seeing things from your partner’s perspective can increase your empathy and mutual understanding. When couples take the time to engage in productive communication and work together to find a mutual solution, they can build a strong and long-lasting relationship.

Taking time to reach common ground helps couples create a relationship based on understanding, sacrifice, love and respect. 

But, unhealthy compromise feels like shrinkage, only you give things up and get nothing or much in return. If this one-sided relationship continues, the lack of balance will breed resentment and anger, and in the end, the relationship may not survive for long-time. 

In short, healthy and mutual compromising relationships don’t need to compromise your inner peace and happiness. In healthy relationships, you trust that your partner has your best interests at heart and soul. And they trust and believe you in the same way.

Know their needs and fulfill them : If you want to connect with your loved one emotionally, think one step further than just paying attention.

Tell them all the wonderful things they have added to your life and express gratitude to them. Your loved ones will recognize you by showing your appreciation. This ensures that they are not neglected.

This also makes sure that you really understand what they need and not just what they need, but you need to try to fulfill their basic needs too.

If you only give affirmation when your loved one does something nice for you, you may actually be causing more harm than good. Your loved ones will start to feel that your love is based on their performance.

Instead, praise them from your soul and heart. Thank them for the good things they have done for you. Welcome their advice and insights. Tell them that they are very important to you and that they have provided you with all the good things you need.

Appreciate their actions. Invite your loved ones into your heart and mind. Your work is a big part of your identity, and your loved ones want to know what excites and challenges you about that world.

Know their feelings as well and appreciate their heart and mind. Share your successes and failures with them. Know their successes and failures.

Understand their needs and appreciate them for all the great things they have done for you and try to meet their needs as much as possible.

Accept the imperfection : No one on this earth is perfect including you. People always think that they are always right and the whole world is wrong, which is the most stupid thing to do.

When flaws appear in your loved ones, you have to decide whether to gently correct them or fight with your love one. Since you can’t force someone to change immediately, you have to partner with them and steer them in the right direction instead of yelling at them.

Before getting into an argument, identify what you feel and why you feel that way. You must take responsibility for knowing what caused your loved one to make that mistake.

Know whether it is a new mistake or a repetition of the same mistake. If it’s a new mistake, you should give them more time to correct it.

If the same old mistake is repeated, you should tell them that it is not good to repeat the same mistake and they should correct themselves as soon as possible. Do not use derogatory or offensive language in this process.

Be specific and concise. Discuss one issue at a time. Take turns speaking without interruptions. If necessary, give them more time. Sometimes it takes a lot of time to correct ourselves.

Be aware of your verbal and non-verbal language (i.e., no yelling or posturing). Try to negotiate or come to a compromise at the earliest. Don’t expect your home to be your office. Office is different from home.

Employees are paid for work in an office. No one pays for any work in the home, especially the mother’s / wife’s household chores. You should sit in their shoes and think about the do’s and don’ts and take the necessary steps wisely at the right time.

Be loyal and monogamous : Loyalty is an important factor in romantic, family, social or other relationships. It helps build strong bonds and create social support.

Loyalty can be cultivated through honesty, support, respect, sacrifice, appreciation and yes, been loyal and monogamy. In close relationships you can read your partner’s mind or feel like they can read yours, but you don’t always know what your partner is thinking or feeling.

Being faithful to your partner builds mutual trust, so you can share thoughts and feelings more freely. Loyalty and monogamy are qualities that strengthen bonds between people and create long-lasting relationships.

Loyalty allows people to trust each other, build stronger links, and foster a sense of belonging. Loyalty and monogamy is an unspoken language that transcends words and creates a deep connection between two people.

It will greatly improve your relationships in your life – be it personal or professional. By being loyal, you attract loyalty which means a more reliable partner, friends and more meaningful relationships.

Without loyalty, there is no faith or trust. Loyalty is the value of sharing, which enhances bonding and communication, develops respect and increases intimacy among two people.

Listen and communicate properly : When we learn how to listen and communicate properly, we are opening another dimension of intimacy in a relationship. After all, everyone wants to hear with undivided attention.

Listening and communicating strengthens bonds and shows attention, caring and respect. Listening and communicating properly is more than just hearing and talking.

To really listen and communicate properly, you should give your undivided attention and set aside your own agenda and needs. 

Not only does listening and communicating properly enhance your ability to understand others better and make you a better ambassador of life and love, but it also makes the experience of speaking to you more enjoyable to other people.

In some common arguments about the benefits of monogamous, it promotes gender equality (compared to polygamy societies, it has usually allowed people to marry multiple times) and it creates a more stable environment for their children.

Rather than faith and honesty, loyalty is a person’s choice. An unfaithful partner will deceive the other by choice. Therefore, it is necessary to be honest about yourself and loyal to your spouse to maintain a healthy relationship with your partner.

Share load and common interests : You are very happy to share physical intimacy and all the luxuries with your partner, but when it comes to sharing other loads like household chores and other common interests, some couples find it difficult.

In addition to shared physical intimacy, loving couples also share emotional intimacy and feelings with other household chores too.

Furthermore, your willingness to share your secrets and reveal your deepest interests, fears, dreams and resentments deepens your security and intimacy in the relationship.

How to love someone and express it to them easily – Even if they don’t ask, give them help whenever and wherever they need you. Your partner is struggling with some invisible official or personal tasks and it is likely to cause severe stress to them.

Therefore, you should know their problems and assure them that you are there for them not only in their happy times but also in their stressful times and you should support them in solving their official and household chores and establishing a healthy morning and night routine.

Why share household chores – By sharing housework, you show your partner that you love and care about them. If the couple has children, this is even more important.

Children learn from their parents. If they see their parents doing homework equally, it teaches them that they should do these chores today and in the future too.

Eat and laugh together : When you sit together with your loved ones, it shows that you are one as a couple or family or relationship or friends or neighbors. It helps you cope with the stresses of daily life and the hassles of daily existence.

Eating together nourish and strengthen not only your physical body but also your mental health. Research studies show that eating together regularly reduces the likelihood of engaging in risky behaviors such as using tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana.

Eating together also teaches us about our culture. Being together every day at the table is an important opportunity to celebrate as a family.

By connecting as a family at the table it improves the quality of our food and practices the social skills of dining and conversation. Eating together at home provides us with proper nourishment, comfort and support. 

We should always remember that “family that eats and laughs together stays together”. Every time you laugh with your family, you breathe more easily and deeply.

This sends more oxygen to your body and helps your heart pump oxygen-rich blood. Increased oxygen promotes healthy cell growth and allows your organs to function more efficiently, helping you feel better.

Avoid conflicts and practice accountability : Unnecessary words are the cause of unhappiness in love.

The words you and your partner choose when you’re having a discussion can make or break your relationship. Consequently, make sure you choose the right words. 

If you choose the wrong words, it will increase the conflict in your relationship and eventually lead to a breakdown or unnecessary bitterness and hatred in your life, which is not at all necessary to lead a peaceful life.

What is Accountability in Love – Accountability is the willingness to accept responsibility for one’s actions, emotions, words and feelings.

When you take ownership and accept responsibility for your every action in the relationship, it becomes much easier for your loved one to trust and rely on you.

Responsibility is a fundamental form of loving relationships between family members and loved ones. When people are not responsible, they may refuse to acknowledge how their actions affect other lives, insisting that the other person is solely responsible for all problems.

Mutual accountability in love provides harmony, trust and transparency. Being accountable to one another is not about admitting your defeat or policing, but about promoting healthy unity with your loved ones.

Learn to say thank you and compliment them : Saying “thank you” doesn’t make you less valuable, but it’s a sign of good manners and shows respect for your loved one, and it can help save your relationship for a long time.

Multiple studies have shown that people who feel appreciated by their significant others express more satisfaction in their relationship and are more likely to stay with their partner for a really long time with the greatest happiness and contentment.

Saying “thank you” can definitely bring rewards to you and your loved ones. Expressing gratitude simultaneously makes your partner feel valued and makes it clear that you are worthy of their life with little or no effort.

High levels of perceived gratitude protect couples from common stressors such as ineffective arguing and financial problems and promote relationship stability. This will make your children learn these things from you and incorporate them in their lives.

When you compliment your loved ones, it makes them feel valued, loved and precious. It helps break the cycle of unnecessary criticism and defensiveness that may ruin relationships. 

You can create a culture of appreciation that makes you and your loved one happier and can make your relationship stronger.

More information will be added to this on regular basis. Please visit this post and blog / website to know more about relationship and parenting.

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