How to love your girlfriend (better) | How to love your girlfriend more | How to love your girlfriend again | How to be romantic to your girlfriend | How to tell your girlfriend you love her | How to love your girlfriend unconditionally

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Just before going to “How to love your girlfriend (better) | How to love your girlfriend more | How to love your girlfriend again | How to be romantic to your girlfriend | How to tell your girlfriend you love her | How to love your girlfriend unconditionally“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

How would you describe your girlfriend’s beauty – Generally, the word “beauty” or “beautiful” connotes twinkling eyes, lotus flower ears, blushed cheeks, V-shaped attractive chin, silky hair, soft and fragrant skin, rosy lips, long arms and cute button nose.

E.g. You can say something like this: “I am the most luckiest person on this earth to have the most beautiful and intelligent girl as my girlfriend.”

You can use words like “beautiful”, “elegant”, “stylish”, “fashionable”, “unique”, “distinguished”, etc. to describe your girlfriend’s beauty.

Who is a girlfriend : A girlfriend or gf is a female companion, friend, partner, etc. with whom one is mentally, platonically, physically, romantically or sexually involved with her boyfriend (bf).

Romantically signifies a dedicated and committed relationship where the individuals are not married. Other titles, for example “spouse”, “soulmate”, “better-half”, “consort”, “wife” or “partner”, usually signify that the individuals are legally married.

Words like “girlfriend (gf)” and “partner” has different meanings as per the individual and the distinctions between the terms are subjective. How the term is used will ultimately be determined by personal preferences, priorities, etc.

In this post (article) you will know and learn various methods, strategies, techniques, ways and approaches about “How to love your girlfriend (better) (again) (unconditionally) | How to be romantic to your girlfriend, etc.”

Some of the common question or the frequently asked questions (FAQs) about this subject is as given below:

How to make her feel special | How to make your girlfriend feel special | How to love your girlfriend in a long distance relationship | How to love your girlfriend better | How to make your girlfriend love you more |

List of about “How to love your girlfriend (more) (better) (again) (unconditionally) | How to be romantic to your girlfriend, etc.” is as given below:

Act smart and not blockhead : Proceed step by step and don’t rush like a fool. First, get to know her, show interest in her and ask few questions that interests her more than your own interests. Give her a nice and attractive smile regularly.

Be aware of your body language and the words you use when talking to a girl. Modesty is the most important trait that most women (girls) look for.

Nothing a woman likes more than a man with a good sense of self confidence and a good sense of humor and who can give lots and lots of respect to her.

A perfect man should exude self-reliance and he should be independent and capable of handling any situation in any walk of life. A woman can rely on a boyfriend who will always protect her no matter what the situation is.

Women want a man who is impartial, fair and ethical in nature. In terms of relationships, honesty helps strengthen the bond a man has with a woman, as his moral principles guide his behavior and help him become the best partner for her entire life.

Your maturity matters most to her : Women like guys who are mentally mature, intelligent and have a lots of humor because they perceive them to be more cognitive and understanding.

However, age has little to do with mental maturity. Psychologically mature men recognize the value of resourcefulness and stability in a woman. Modern women don’t want to have boyfriends who have to mother them.

They want men who support their ambitions and goals without being hypocrites. Mentally mature men are wise and intelligent and can give her honest advice without sugar coating it. 

Mentally matured and intelligent men embrace love and a person’s affirmation. They don’t ask women to change for them.

These guys prefer their woman to be confident about her flaws. They are non-judgmental and prefer not to be around people who are all about gossip and hypercritical in nature.

Be romantically young : Women like guys who are romantic in nature, arrange dates, present flowers and treat them like royalty.

Going on a vacation, surprising your lady with small gifts, sending her some wonderful letters and telling her how lucky you are to have her are several things that top the list of the women.

It is natural for all males and females to be tempted with each other and we humans are no exception. So, fan the romantic fire and pour your love to her as a beautiful gesture.

She will accept you with an open heart and love to be with you for the rest of your life. Romantic emotions can be described as deep feelings of interest and connection with another person that are not purely physical or sexual.

One of the first signs is that you want to be intimate with the person, but remember that intimacy is not necessarily sexual in nature. Be wise and don’t rush and break the relationship.

Taking smart and careful steps while approaching a girl will help you get her. First you need to build confidence in her and then everything will come to you automatically.

Correct her flaws : If you already know a girl and she commits a mistake knowingly or unknowingly, you should be the first person to correct her flaws. Here your maturity plays an important and vital role.

Be there for her when she needs you the most. This does not mean that you have to accept all her faults.

But, you need to understand the situation and act appropriately as per the need and situation, and make sure you do so from a place of love and don’t try to overlook your girlfriend’s flaws and mistakes.

This is very important because it shows how mature you are and how capable you are of handling tough situations because it can either make or break your relationship with your girlfriend. Be extra careful in this situation and act appropriately as needed.

Be physically fit : A man doesn’t have to be a gym freak or have six pack abs to impress a girl. However, women prefer guys who care about their health and are physically fit and strong.

Do regular exercise, yoga and meditation to keep yourself healthy. Studies show that women generally rate fitter men as sexier, physically stronger, and more committed to a long-term relationship compared to non-fitter, physically weaker, fatter and uncommitted men.

Thus always stay physically fitter to attract her. To increase your attractiveness to women, research shows that guys should only gain a good amount of muscle and keep their body fat percentage as low as possible. No girl wants a weak and fat guy to be her boyfriend.

Be a bibliophile : Women tend to favor sharper and more creative men. She loves a man who reads and spends time learning more and expanding his horizons.

She respects a man who likes to be an up-to-date man and has a passion for learning new things and reading good books, online or offline. Reading is important because it makes you more compassionate and knowledgeable and invigorate your imagination.

Studies have shown that reading can reduce stress by 68%. It helps reduce stress and relax mind and body, which helps people sleep better and stay healthy. A good reader always exhibits the nature of desire and attraction.

Well-educated people are often admired and looked up to in many circles because they exhibit a distinct work style. Not only that, many readers exhibit a growth mindset in the way they carry themselves.

Style yourself suitably : Dress code is very important when you are with your girlfriend. You need to dress smartly, elegantly and according to the situation and not like when you are with your school or an old friend.

Every occasion calls for you to dress according to the situation. Skanky dressing and not being presentable as per situation will reduce your value in front of your girl.

A woman’s attention goes to a well-dressed man, his style and the way he carries his clothes with confidence. However, it will also enhance your fashion sense too. More than just clothes, impressing a girl is more important to you at this stage and should be your priority.

Wearing clothes that are stylish, vogue and fit will give you extra confidence. Attracting women the way you dress is all about finding your style and putting it together well.

This does not mean that you have to buy expensive and luxurious clothes. But dressing according to the situation to impress your girl should be your top precedence and don’t waste money on unnecessary clothes.

Don’t get annoyed with her : No one is born perfect and everyone has their own flaws and limitations. This is where the real test of your girlfriend pitches in. People love to be in happy times, but only the wise face tough situations.

Annoyance is usually caused by stress. She may not be coping well with you right now and she may need some space to free her mind. Have a good talk together about what’s going on with her.

Ask her if she needs time to solve her issue on her own or does she need your support. Life is full of ups and downs. Just as you find happy times, you will face tough times in your life.

Here you have to stand firm with her to solve her problem and that’s where real men are born, that is, till now you were a boy, now you have to become a man and handle the situation as needed.

Give high importance to communication : Communication helps you connect with your girlfriend and share ideas with her. Effective and proper communication clarifies information, reduces wasted time.

It also helps build relationships and trust. Along with that it also helps you develop your knowledge base, which helps you make better life choices.

In relationships, proper communication allows you to explain to your girlfriend what you both feel and what you both need from each other. Proper communication not only helps you meet your needs, but also helps you connect in your relationship.

Proper communication is the cornerstone of a healthy, romantic, long-lasting and value-added relationship. Always remember – Honest, open and regular communication is an essential ingredient in building a happy and durable, and stable relationship.

No matter how well you know someone or how “in sync” you are, no one can read another person’s mind. Thus proper communication is the best way for good relationship.

Spend quality time : Spending quality time with your girlfriend is also a great way to build a close relationship with her. It gives you both shared interests and a chance to have fun and laugh together.

All these experiences help create closeness and individuality in your couple relationship. It helps foster a greater sense of togetherness and gives both of you distraction-free time to talk and connect with your partner on a deeper level.

Quality time is a great way to build your girlfriend and boyfriend relationship with each other. For the happiest, most harmonious relationship, pros suggest spending 70% of your time together and 30% on your own personal work.

This gives both of you plenty of freedom to explore your own interests too, while staying rooted and invested in your relationship.

Be respectful to her : It is a simple logic. If you want respect from your girlfriend, you must give her respect. Everyone has their own respect and it is the normal nature of every human being to respect others.

“Give respect and take respect” is the simple funda. Respecting your girlfriend means you know that your partner has different experiences and opinions than you, and that’s okay with you.

Saying you respect someone is easy, but acting respectfully is a bit trickier. But, you should respect your woman because it makes you a better and a dignified person.

When she starts feeling safe and respected with you, she will start valuing your relationship with you more than ever and this will lead to your good relationship with her, what more do you need?

Don’t joke during serious discussion : Don’t use funny words when your girlfriend is talking about something serious. If you do, you will lose your value in front of her even if she doesn’t take your joke seriously.

You should be in her situation and understand her feelings and emotions. She may want to discuss something very important and if you continue to joke with her, think about the ripple effects it will cause in her mind.

You may not see the result now, but she may blow the same thing on you in the future. That doesn’t mean you have to be serious all the time.

But, you need to assess the situation and act according to the context of the circumstance. Of course fun is good, but it should only be used when it makes your girlfriend happy and not annoying and devitalize.

Have eye to eye contact : Being able to make eye to eye contact is an important life skill in general, but it’s even more important in your romantic relationships. Eye to eye contact helps build intimacy in your relationship.

It is essential for bonding and keeps the attraction alive over time. Eye contact makes your partner seem more trustworthy and honest, which encourages more open and honest communication between the two of you.

When you look into your partner’s eyes and share your feelings and emotions, you connect with them on an emotional level. Even if you two may think that you are listening carefully to each other, it’s easy to have a misunderstanding.

Making eye contact helps both of you focus on the conversation and read facial expressions of both. It can improve understanding between you. And improving understanding can significantly improve relationship.

Don’t have negative comparison : A good relationship is all about respecting each other. It means you show respect and honor your partner’s words. You are compassionate of her boundaries and respect her positive qualities.

There are different types of comparisons. A positive comparison is when you tell your girlfriend to learn something good from others. For example how to manage a financial crisis or how to drive a car properly or how to cook nutritious food at home etc.

Similarly, when you compare your partner to someone else, you’re not showing disrespect for what an amazing person your girlfriend is.

For example, “I wish you had the looks of that sexy classic female personality” or “If your parents were rich, we would have bought ourselves a BMW” etc.

Don’t make her feel excessive guilty : Everyone makes mistakes in life, but we should learn from our own mistakes and try not to make the same mistakes again and again in our life.

However, if you always point out and repeatedly point out that your girlfriend has made a mistake, it may seem inappropriate. This can lead to feelings of wrath, exasperation and grudge.

Regardless of the reason for the guilt, it can lead you to do things that may ruin your relationship. Guilt causes you to hide, continue to hurt yourself and others, and make you do things you don’t want to do.

It’s acceptable to inform the flaws and instruct them to fix it, but you shouldn’t always pin-point the same thing over and over again and make the situation worse for you and your girlfriend. You need to take care of this important message as this may make or break your relationship.

Celebrate achievements together : The celebrations help create a sense of unity between you and your girlfriend. It’s good to know that someone cares and is always there for you to celebrate your success.

Many do not want to participate in our celebrations because of heartburn and jealousy. But, you should be lucky and happy that there is someone who cares about you and always wants to be with you.

Seeing each other grow and progress and knowing that you are a part of another person’s success is a bonding tool like no other.

Celebrating your success gives you a chance to feel like you’ve achieved something special and rare, that your commitment to each other is valued in the eyes of your family, friends and others.

More information will be added to this on regular basis. Please visit this post and blog / website to know more about relationship and parenting.

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