How to be a strong girl (woman) (physically, mentally, independent, powerful, confident, emotionally) | How to become physically strong for fight | How to be physically strong like a man

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Just before going to “How to be a strong girl (woman) (physically, mentally, independent, powerful, confident, emotionally) | How to become physically strong for fight | How to be physically strong like a man“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

Mentally strong girl (woman) meaning : A mentally strong woman (girl) has strong attitudes and unique independent opinions and is not easily swayed by other people.

She values herself and cares for others inside and outside the home. She keeps herself happy and also makes people around her happy.

Physically strong girl (woman) meaning : A physically fit girl (woman) is one who does exercise, meditation and/or yoga for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour a day for at least 5 days a week. She walks a lot and can perform most tasks that require physical stamina inside and out home.

Some of the common questions or frequently asked questions (FAQs) about regarding this subject is as given below:

How to be physically strong at home | How to tell if a woman is physically strong | How to be strong physically as a kid | How to be a strong girl in school | How can I be mentally emotionally strong?

Mentally and physically strong women (girls) face both their happiness, joys, passions, fears, problems and sorrows equally in their lives. They do not exaggerate their happiness and they do not shrink during their sadness.

For them both happiness and sorrow are same and equal. Mentally and physically strong girls (women) handle everything head on and they don’t run away from fear and don’t magnify their happiness.

Women (girls) all live their lives in different ways, but how you handle different situations determines how strong you are mentally and physically.

In this post (article) you will find various ways on how women (girls) can be mentally and physically fit and strong.

Author suggest the reader to carefully go through each and every point in this post (article) to understand the true and inner meaning of who is a strong girl (woman). Now let’s begin…

List of about “How to be a strong girl (woman) (physically, mentally, independent, powerful, confident, emotionally) | How to become physically strong for fight | How to be physically strong like a man” is as given below:

She knows about women empowerment : Women empowerment is the process of providing all women with all the rights and amenities available in the society so that they can live freely and without fear or limitation.

It also means, women should be given equal rights to men in society without gender discrimination. A mentally and physically strong woman (girl) knows that women empowerment is essential for the health and social development of families, communities and countries.

When women live safe, fulfilled and productive lives, they can reach their full potential and can contribute their skills at home, workforce and raise happy and healthy children, and also focus on their careers.

She knows that women empowerment is critical to achieving sustainable development. When women are empowered, they are better able to contribute to efforts to address environmental challenges, minimize poverty, and improve social justice.

She is a great logical person : A logical person uses precise language so that her listeners know exactly what she is talking about and can adequately evaluate the truth of her claims.

If she mentions more complex terms like “liberty” or “equality,” she makes sure to establish her specific understanding of those terms.

A mentally and physically strong woman (girl) is aware of the right (liberty) to live free from violence and discrimination, the right (liberty) to enjoy the highest standard of physical and mental health, the right (liberty) to education, the right (liberty) to property, the right (liberty) to vote, the right (liberty) to equal pay, etc.

A mentally and physically strong woman (girl) knows about her equality at home and outside or anywhere, she knows about her equal pay for equal work, she knows about her zero tolerance for sexual harassment and gender-based bias etc.

She also knows about economic equality, improved education equality, better health equality and many more.

She is great charismatic personality : Charisma is the ability to attract, charm and influence those around you. A charismatic woman (girl) has a strong character and knows how to be rational and at the same time caring, kind and sensitive. 

Of course, this is only an approximate list of qualities that can be used to specify female charisma. 

A mentally and physically strong woman (girl) knows that a charismatic person feels confident in communication, and also they can help others feel confident, thus aiding and enhancing the communication process. Charismatic women (girls) are confident in a positive way without pride or arrogance. 

She knows that charismatic leaders can help business guide and develop this new generation of employees, but they can also help you attract and retain high-performing and hugely-potential employees from other generations.

Charismatic women possess a unique combination of personality traits, communication skills, and nonverbal cues that enable them to attract and motivate others.

She knows her strengths well : Your strengths are what you are capable of achieving. Most people start out with reasonable ability. They are able to reach great achievements in their personal and professional fields with their best efforts and endeavor.

A mentally and physically strong woman (girl) is ready to learn about herself (feedback). Thus, she engages in active listening, taking time to analyze and think of the best possible solution to work well.

This provides her with positive feedback and allows her to see what she can change to improve her focus and results. 

These skills can be applied to various workplaces, from housekeeping to administrative work to education to engineering, medicine, etc.

Her appreciation for things others don’t is a strength in her own right, so pursuing her unique talents and interests is a great way to recognize her positive qualities at home and in the workplace.

She is good at time management : Assigning tasks to others is an important part of being in an effective leadership. This allows you to focus on your priorities and get more done in less time from your team members.

When assigning tasks, it’s important to be clear about what you expect from your team members. A mentally and physically strong woman (girl) and an effective team leader excels in time management.

She prioritize tasks, so each team member knows what to do on priority. She plans to spend time on each task for the best team management strategy. 

She takes responsibility for training her team members, setting strategy and monitoring progress towards her team’s goals.

As a good leader she has strong communication skills, problem solving abilities, organizational and delegation skills. Along with this, she is also great at managing time at home for herself and for her whole family.

She is ready for the tough challenges : Mastering your own mind is life’s greatest and toughest challenge. Your mind controls your perspective, which informs how you perceive and process your interactions with the world around you.

Unlike other things you can gain mastery over a limited period of time, the mind takes a long time to master. A mentally and physically strong woman (girl) exactly knows how to master her own mind with her past experiences.

She keeps herself focused, flexible and productive in both good times and bad. She is not afraid of new experiences or an uncertain future. 

She manages and tolerates strong emotions outside her comfort zone and she avoids her anger and frustration. She strengthens her relationships and improves her communication skills, especially under pressure.

She boosts her self-esteem. Even if the problem isn’t immediately apparent, she believes she will eventually find a solution, no matter how hard and tough the challenge becomes.

She nullifies unhealthy comparison : Comparisons can be a great catalyst for change, as long as it’s healthy and positive. Instead of being jealous, envious and resentful of other people’s achievements, think about how they were able to achieve it. Then, see how you can replicate them.

When we compare ourselves to others in the healthy and positive way, we get information about what we want and where we want to be from onwards, and we get valuable feedback about how we can evaluate our mistakes.

However, if we start comparing ourselves negatively and in unhealthy way, they can cause a lot of mental pain to us and our family members. Mentally and physically strong woman (girl) nullifies all unhealthy and negative comparisons.

She gives high importance to healthy and positive comparisons and changes her attitudes for the betterment of herself and her family. She gives zero interest on unhealthy and negative comparisons.

Few examples of mentally weak and negative woman’s comparisons are – The neighbor has a luxury car, why don’t we have the same model?” | “She wears expensive clothes, I don’t have any dress.” |

“My friend has an iPhone, but I have a simple and old model phone.” | “My cousin goes to a restaurant every weekend, but we never go anywhere.”

Few examples of mentally strong and positive woman’s comparisons are – Neighbor has a luxury car, thank God we have this car and we will work hard to have such a car in future.” | “She wears expensive clothes and we are no less than her to have these clothes with us.” |

“My friend has iPhone and we are happy with our multitasking smartphone.” | “My cousin goes to a restaurant every weekend, thank god we go to a restaurant on special occasions at least once in a month.”

She read great books : Life can be stressful, especially with busy or challenging office work or household chores or school schedules. Feeling stressed and anxious is hard to escape from a hectic lifestyle.

Fortunately, reading great and good books can help reduce stress levels. A mentally and physically strong woman (girl) knows that reading is good for her because it improves her attention, memory, empathy and communication skills.

It reduces stress, improves her mental health and helps her live happy life. Reading allows her to learn new things to help her succeed in her work (or school) and relationships. 

She knows that the experience of reading about a great personality will give her a different perspective of thinking and that she will gain exposure by reading an influential life-changing book.

She knows very well that reading good books improves memory and concentration, stimulates imagination and critical thinking, enriches language, enhances emotional literacy and reduces stress.

She is good at making others happy : Laughter and happiness reduces stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease.

Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel good chemicals. A mentally and physically strong woman (girl) knows that happiness comes from within.

She knows that she can be a source of happiness for her family and friends. She also knows that it doesn’t take long to make someone laugh.

She is aware that happiness can be found in the smallest things, simple actions that require no effort. She knows that there is a best way to make everyone happy and that is to show kindness.

She knows that happiness and kindness exist in the virtuous cycle. The more kind you are, the happier you feel. And the happier you feel, the more compassionate you become.

She is great at public speaking : Public speaking skills are soft skills that demonstrate how well you can speak and engage your audience. Effective public speakers have the power to persuade, inform, and educate others.

It helps you to sway opinions, inspire others and become a natural public speaker. Mentally and physical strong woman (girl) know that good public speakers enunciate words clearly and use proper grammar while avoiding verbal crutches like “um” and “ah.”

She knows that verbal crutches can distract the audience from what the speaker is trying to say. She knows that even the most boring and technical subject can become interesting when you present it in the right way.

She knows that it requires excellent presentation skills. She knows that to make your presentation memorable and grab the audience’s attention, you should start your presentation by introducing yourself and sharing some statistics.

She is ready for constructive criticism : Constructive criticism is a form of feedback that focuses on giving constructive and positive criticism and negative feedback to improve performance or behavior.

Constructive criticism is actionable, clear, and beneficial. Mentally and physically strong woman (girl) knows that everything about your feedback and constructive criticism is important, as your feedback can be taken as an indicator of your maturity and professionalism.

She also knows that facial expressions and body language are just as important as your words in how you respond to criticism. She knows that the first reaction you should express in criticism is no reaction at all.

Before you say anything, take a deep breath and pause. It sounds simple, but it prevents you from doing or saying something you’ll regret. This gives you a moment to control your body language and facial expressions.

She is great at negotiating : Negotiation is the key to moving forward at home and in the workplace, resolving conflicts and creating values. When disputes arise in business and personal relationships, it is easy to avoid conflict in an effort to save the relationship.

A mentally and physically strong woman (girl) knows negotiation can prevent escalation of conflict by using preventive diplomatic words. This can open up vast new areas of interest for both parties.

She also know that it saves hassle and money by resolving disputes in less time. This improves communication which increases the odds of a positive outcome. 

She knows that negotiations help parties build trust and understand each other better, which often leads to stronger future relationships and partnerships.

She also knows that organizations need leaders capable of compromise, building consensus and identifying win-win solutions by developing mutually beneficial agreements.

She is good at evaluating ego : Every human being on this earth has an ego. But, you have to evaluate the level and amount of ego you have. Ego can damage depending on your situation and how you use it.

Left unchecked, an unhealthy ego can make you overly sensitive to failure or overconfident in your abilities.

Ego can lead you to success, but it can harm those you care about most. A mentally strong woman (girl) has an ego of ‘we’ rather than an ego of ‘I’. She takes herself and her beloved people and the entire nature with her.

She knows how to behave with a person and she knows how to talk to people according to the situation. 

Research has shown that ego can be responsible for many negative human characteristics, including criticizing and judging others, being manipulative, being harsh, having an intense mood swing, and having a constant need for praise and approval etc.

All such negative traits have very serious consequences and can easily make any person’s life miserable. Mentally and physically strong woman (girl) avoids all these and always thinks positively about herself and the entire mankind and nature at large.

No one is perfect on this earth : This is absolutely true! No one on this earth is perfect, and everyone makes one or more mistakes every day and regularly. It is part of human nature.

But, a mentally and physically strong woman (girl) will not make the same mistake again and again. She quickly learns from her past mistakes and avoids all the old mistakes in future.

The silver lining is that no matter how big a mistake she makes, she learns something new from it regularly. She tries and thanks her mistakes for helping her learn something unique every day.

Any mistake she has made yesterday, that mistake has made her the person she is today and surely those mistakes will help her become a better person tomorrow and in the future too.

It’s normal human nature to feel bad after making a mistake, but remember that you still deserve good things, because you are learning from your old mistakes. 

A mentally and physically strong woman (girl) never allows negative self-talk to dominate her own thoughts and feelings.

You are doing the best you can and your mistakes are not made with malicious intent. Instead of criticizing herself and/or others, she empowers herself with how she can learn and grow from the old mistakes.

More information will be added to this on regular basis. Please visit this post and blog / website to know more about relationship and parenting.

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