Positive parenting (Teenage) (program, tips, techniques, skills, discipline, strategies, essential guide) | Power of positive parenting (teenage children) | Positive parenting strategies for the teenage years

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Just before going to “Positive parenting (Teenage) (program, tips, techniques, skills, discipline, strategies, essential guide) | Power of positive parenting (teenage children) | Positive parenting strategies for the teenage years“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

Positive thinking – Positive thinking, or an optimistic attitude, is the practice of focusing only about the good, no matter what the situation may be.

It can have a huge positive and profound impact on the physical and mental health of you and your family. It doesn’t mean you ignore reality or take things for granted.

Negative thinking – Negative thinking or an unoptimistic attitude refers to a pattern of thinking pessimistically about yourself and your surroundings. This too can have a humongous effects on your and your family’s physical and psychological behavior.

Positive parenting meaning – Positive parenting means showing love, compassion and kindness, and similarly correct behavior, right path and correcting mistakes in the due time before time passes.

It also means helping children develop optimistic attitudes with the right skills and appropriate messages.

Negative parenting meaning – Negative parenting means accepting your child’s neglectful behavior or defiant (disobedient) activities or harmful actions against self or others. Although some actions are unintentional, parents need to examine the situation and deal accordingly.

Who is a teenager or adolescent : A teenager or adolescent knows that his childhood is passing quickly and he/she is fast approaching his/her adulthood, so they want independence and also like to take his/her own decisions without much help.

They start making decisions with that freedom in mind. However, their choices may or may not always be right for their parents.

No parent on this earth wants to be a bad parent. Similarly, no parent wants their child(ren) to become evil. Everyone expects things to be good all the time and every time.

But this is not possible naturally. The only possible way is to change an undesirable situation into an acceptable one. 

If you as a parent follow the tips and programs provided in this post (article) you will definitely improve various things in your parenting behavior, that is, you will make your parenting life lot easier than which you are currently facing. Parenting is not easy, but at the same time it is not an impossible task.

List of Positive parenting (Teenage) (program, tips, techniques, skills, discipline, strategies, essential guide) is as given below:

First you become strong : Everyone knows that health is wealth. Physical activity keep your muscles, bones and joints strong, which is important in keeping your health in check.

And studies show that mentally strong people are physically healthy and have strong immune systems, which can help teach your teen(s) all the lessons they need. 

Emotionally strong parents do not burden their children with their own mental turmoil, but they are willing to use emotional words in their daily conversations.

They normalize feelings of sadness, frustration, fear and anger and encourage children to share how they are feeling. Having a healthy mind is vital to your overall health and well-being.

A healthy mind includes emotional, mental and social well-being and affects how you think, feel and act. It works in unison with your body and influences how you handle stress, relate to others and make best choices for your teenage child(ren).

Clash of conflicts should be minimized : Sometimes, conflict with your teen or adolescent child is normal because your teen is still learning his/her life rules and is not as experienced as you (the parent).

As a parent you have to be as calm as a cucumber in front of your teenager child. Listening is a technique and thus carefully pay attention to your child’s interests and dislikes.

And finally take your call which should satisfy your child and at the same time should not disturb you or any family member(s).

Parenting a teenager is like a game of snakes and ladders. You should be aware of snakes and climb the ladder (decisions) accordingly. Being calm allows you to think logically and take suitable decisions as per the situation.

Clarity of mind is very important when you are dealing with problems. If your mind is free and calm, your clarity will help you work through solutions more easily and logically.

Amend yourself (parents) : Today’s parents have a tougher job than ever before, but some modern parents don’t want to fix themselves. As a parent, take care of yourself first and make sure you have experienced people to talk to when you need it.

Try to spend more time with your child(ren) and be honest with them. Most parents agree that raising children offers many opportunities to practice emotional self-regulation.

Harsh words and misbehavior that come from losing control of your (parent’s) emotions can damage the trust with your child that is the foundation of your relationship. Most parents accept the fact that self-control is one of the most important pillars of a happy and well-adjusted childhood.

Without this foundation, children’s emotional stability is easily rocked by peer provocation, pride injury, criticism, and a host of other “tough challenges” that help build resilience in kids.

Avoid over-control : Remember that your child is not a kid anymore, he/she has grown up to some extent. Thus, behavioral regulation is to some extent important in the healthy development of a child. It aims to monitor, teach and control proper behavior.

However, when parents go overboard and dominate every minute detail of their children’s behavior, it can have a negative impact on your relationship with your child. They need some freedom and independence.

As a parent, proceed very carefully so as not to harm your child’s interest and at the same time do not relax your authority. 

When you provide your children with good and ample opportunities to do things independently, they feel a sense of accomplishment and pride. It helps in boosting their confidence and independence.

It helps them learn how to manage their time and resources effectively. Always remember, don’t give them too much liberty and likewise don’t be too bossy with them.

Give them household responsibility : Household chores can help older children and teens build good habits early in life. Juggling schoolwork deadlines and housework and their social life helps them learn what’s most important.

And this will set priorities and manage their time accordingly, which is a very important factor in today’s working world. 

It is important that children have ample opportunities to show that they are responsible for their own actions, their schoolwork, and the relationships in their lives.

Being responsible means they are trustworthy, they can make decisions, and they can face the consequences of their behavior. Assigning age-appropriate chores to your teenage children comes with many benefits, including:

Improved self-esteem – Children who do chores regularly have more self-confidence. When your children contribute to the family’s success, like helping with the dishes, gardening etc. it feels good. Having a clean kitchen and weedless garden is important for everyone.

Share your experiences : Tell your children that you (parent) have made mistakes in your childhood and tell them some things you would do differently if you had the chance and correct them.

Let them learn from your mistakes and let them know the consequences if they don’t – don’t overprotect them. Tell them that everyone makes mistakes, but the winner is the one who learns from his/her mistake.

The best way to equip your teen with a strong personality is to share your own growing up experiences with them. It gives teenagers a sense of comfort and togetherness in facing people and events with confidence.

Your shared stories can be influential in developing your child’s positive attitude and personal identity because stories are important for understanding the world. Sharing family stories is a powerful way to strengthen and unite family members.

Avoid lecturing to them : Value added words are good for your kids. However, constant lecturing to your child will hinder their ability to emotionally detach from you. You think your lectures are good and helpful to them, but on the contrary they may not.

Because your children are acting in response to you instead of taking responsibility for themselves. Few parents believe in really instilling in them the message that “kids deserve a good beating”.

And as a parent you resort to lecturing to vent anger and frustration in the hope that they won’t repeat the same mistakes again. It is a way for parents to vent your feelings. Another reason parents lecture their children because of fear.

The fear that children will make bad choices or not learn good manners and might not become responsible individuals who take care of themselves in the future, which is a prejudice way of thinking.

Instead, as a parent you need to tell the stories of the great people of the country and the world. Great people who sacrificed their lives for the country.

You need to give good examples of good teachers, scientists, defense people etc. These are all great life lessons for your children.

Give them space : As children begin to grow, they gradually seek more freedom from others including their parents, developing their independence so that they can become their own masters. Adolescence is its culmination.

Teenagers need space to find themselves as separate beings from their families. Today if you don’t provide them with enough space, not only will your child be less independent, but they won’t have the confidence to be independent in the future too.

Giving your child the opportunity to try something new, even if they fail, will help build their motivation and self-confidence. Providing needed space gives opportunities for your children to gain social skills and improve their imagination, creativity and problem-solving abilities.

It strengthens their sense of self and their sense of connection with their peers and with their community and the overall environment.

Be friendly and not friend with them : Now your child is not as small as a kid. As a parent you must build close, personal relationships with your children and still remain a responsible parent.

This doesn’t mean you have to treat them like friends in every way. You need to be friendly with them and not friends with them. 

You need to show them that you care about them and that your child’s behavior is very important to you and therefore you should be a companion with your child.

This will enhance your child’s relationship with you and they will be open with you and tell you all their joys and sorrows today and tomorrow. Based on earlier experience, children thrive and thrive most when their parents show affection and apply age-appropriate boundaries to their child’s behaviors.

Thus, it is more important to be friendly with them and not friends with them. If you become friends with them, they may take disadvantage of you. Just be friendly and not friends. 🙂 

Communication is very important : Good and proper communication between you and your child is very important to develop a positive relationship and make it easier for you to talk about difficult topics as they get older.

Correct and right communication is the best way to enhance the relationship with your child. Many teenagers complain that their parents do not listen to them. Let your teen know that you have plenty of time to talk to them.

Share your values with them but don’t impose them. If your teen wants to talk, make time to listen. Proper communication with your child from an early age is a way of constantly giving them information and it makes them feel valued, important and respected.

Properly communication teaches your child exactly how conversation should be like: how to listen, how to respond, how to take turns, what words to use, what words not to use, etc.

Spend quality time with them : Children who spend more quality time with their families are less likely to participate in risky behaviors such as drug and alcohol use.

Similarly, children are less likely to have behavioral problems at home or at school who spend more quality time with parents and other family members.

Children whose parents participate in activities together build a positive sense of self-worth. Children feel that their parents respect and value them and this boosts positivity and self-esteem in them today and always in the future too.

Carving out quality time with your child is highly important because it will help you live a longer, healthier and satisfied life. Affectionate and responsive parenting is one of the important predictors of a happy childhood.

Parents who respond promptly to their children’s behavior and meet their needs create a safe childhood filled with good memories. These children tend to develop secure attachment, which is associated with many positive outcomes.

Encourage them : Motivating teenagers is possible. The secret to motivating teenagers is to encourage intrinsic motivation – to support and aid in the development of self-discipline.

Your teen will get better grades and, most importantly, develop the confidence and mindset needed to succeed in all areas of life today and also in the future. 

Many teenagers fear failure and don’t want to embarrass themselves in new things. But, trying new activities, discovering hidden talents and challenging themselves can help boost a teenager’s confidence.

Encourage your teen to join a new club, play a musical instrument, volunteer, or find a part-time job. A confident teenager is not a walking cookie cutter.

They do not feel the need to conform and adapt to others’ standards, body shape, style or beliefs. They strive to understand themselves and stand strong for who they are, embracing their beautiful uniqueness – strength and flaws.

Minimize the use of gadgets : Using the internet and mobile phones keeps teenagers in touch not only with their friends but also with a wider range of people which expands their horizons. Mobile especially is a small gadget which can be used for both good and sinister purposes. 

But conversely, if your teen has a TV, laptop, or phone in their bedroom and if they’re using either one of them for too many hours at night, it can cause sleep problems that affect their productivity and they may have to deal with issues like physical and mental illness in the future.

Social media allows teenagers to create online identities, interact with others, and build social networks. When used in the right way, these networks can provide valuable support for teenagers.

Negative Effects of Social Media – Addiction or overuse | Cyberbullying and online dangers | Loss of privacy | Misinformation and fake news | Negative effects on mental health | Waste of time |

Compromise of personal safety and security | Comparison and negative self-image | Distraction and low productivity | Isolation and loneliness | Loss of face-to-face communication skills | And others…

Don’t underestimate, but understand : Don’t expect your child to be gifted from his/her birth. Instead, understand your child and provide good knowledge that your child can improve step by step in their life.

Nothing comes from birth itself, it has to be earned. For example, you want your child to become a government official or a mathematical genius. But if your child is only interested in music, please start encouraging your child to his/her best.

Let your child become the most popular musician in the world. Forget about your government official job or math genius. 

If you do not encourage your teenager today, the world will lose a great musician and at the same time we are not sure whether he/she will become a government official or a mathematical genius.

But we are sure that the misunderstanding between you two will be eternal and it will end with the destruction of your relationship and love today and in the future.

No comparison please : There are mainly two types of comparisons. One is positive and the other is negative. A positive comparison is to encourage your child by giving examples of famous people who have worked hard and achieved through their hard work successfully.

Similarly, negative comparison is comparing your child with your neighbor’s child. Your neighbor’s child may be a topper in school, but he/she may be poor at interacting with others.

Similarly, your child may not be a topper in school, but your child may interact with others very easily. Thus, understand your child’s strengths and provide all the knowledge about his/her positives.

Your child’s good communication skills can make him a good communicator in future and he/she can become one of the famous people of the nation.

Today’s penny can grow into billions of dollars tomorrow. Understand your child’s true strengths and let them walk in the same direction.

More information will be added to this on regular basis. Please visit this post and blog / website to know more about relationship and parenting.

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