How to make (your) girlfriend feel special (with words, romance deeply) | How do I make my girlfriend feel more loved (physically)? | How do I show my girlfriend I love her? | How to make your girlfriend feel special in a long-distance relationship

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Just before going to “How to make (your) girlfriend feel special (with words, romance deeply) | How do I make my girlfriend feel more loved (physically)? | How do I show my girlfriend I love her? | How to make your girlfriend feel special in a long-distance relationship“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

Why girlfriend is special : My dearest love (girlfriend), whenever I see you it makes me delightful and auspicious. When I hold you in my arms, I feel like I’m holding my success and my passion.”

“When I’m with you, every moment is romantically unique to me. I am blessed to have a girlfriend like you who loves me, cares for me and makes me the luckiest person in this world.”

How would you describe your girlfriend’s beauty – Generally, the word “beauty” or “beautiful” connotes twinkling eyes, lotus flower ears, blushed cheeks, V-shaped attractive chin, silky hair, soft and fragrant skin, rosy lips, long arms and cute button nose.

E.g. You can say something like this: “I am the most luckiest person on this earth to have the most beautiful and intelligent girl as my girlfriend.”

You can use words like “beautiful”, “elegant”, “stylish”, “fashionable”, “unique”, “distinguished”, etc. to describe your girlfriend’s beauty.

Who is a girlfriend : A girlfriend or gf is a female companion, friend, partner, etc. with whom one is mentally, platonically, physically, romantically or sexually involved with her boyfriend (bf).

Romantically signifies a dedicated and committed relationship where the individuals are not married. Other titles, for example “spouse”, “soulmate”, “better-half”, “consort”, “wife” or “partner”, usually signify that the individuals are legally married.

Words like “girlfriend (gf)” and “partner” has different meanings as per the individual and the distinctions between the terms are subjective. How the term is used will ultimately be determined by personal preferences, priorities, etc.

List of about “How to make (your) girlfriend feel special (unique ways, with words, romance deeply) | How do I make my girlfriend feel more loved (physically) (long-distance relationship)? etc.” is as given below:

Kick out the ego in you : Past many girlfriend and boyfriend experiences have shown that ego can be responsible for many negative human traits, including criticism and prejudice, being manipulative, inflexibility, having an intense mood swings, constant need for praise and approval, etc.

All such negative traits have very serious consequences and can easily make a girlfriend and boyfriend relationship miserable. Young people always raise their voices against ‘circumstances’ to blame others or when something bad happens to them. It is a product of ego.

Whenever you feel the urge to have such negative thoughts, try to calm down and return to gratitude, and always try to have positive emotions and see how life unfolds for you.

The ego always wants to improve on the present negative moment and wants to destroy your relationship. Don’t let ego pull you down that path.

Value her and her feelings : Sharing core values is essential to a healthy long-term girlfriend and boyfriend relationship. Without them, life together can begin to falter and conflict becomes inevitable.

Proper communication, conflict resolution, problem-solving, and right decision-making are much easier when girlfriend and boyfriend’s morals and principles are aligned.

By taking care of your girlfriend and protecting her physical and emotional well-being, you make her feel special and show how deeply you value her and your relationship with her. Reassure her that she is in the hands of safe person.

On the other hand, caring too much about your girlfriend can lead to additional stress and anxiety, which you can prevent if you set proper boundaries about caring.

This does not mean that you should not care for your girlfriend, but you should be careful about caring for her so as not to break your own heart with jealousy etc.

Always be there for her : While it’s very easy to stand by your girlfriend during the good times, but being there for her during the difficult times of despair and pain will make her feel really special.

Tough times are when she needs you the most, so try to be with her during hard times too. Being a supportive boyfriend, even during stressful times, will determine which direction your relationship will ultimately take you.

When you routinely provide your girlfriend with the emotional fulfillment she needs by being supportive, you can create a new depth of love in your girlfriend and boyfriend relationship.

It is important to fix the way you are with your girlfriend. If you are always with your girlfriend, she may start to experience the over-carer syndrome.

It is good to give time to your other friends, family etc., so that you can always come back with fresh ideas for your girlfriend. Every relationship needs a mix between time spent together and time spent apart.

Give genuine, unique compliments : Complimenting your girlfriend will increase your own happiness. When you compliment your girlfriend, it not only makes your girlfriend happy, but it also makes you happier.

Complimenting your girlfriend will make you realize all the things you have to be thankful for. This is what your girlfriend needs most from you: love, appreciation, understanding, acceptance, positive thoughts and closeness to you.

It sounds obvious but it’s not always easy: treat your girlfriend with respect and love. But, always remember to give genuine and unique compliments to your girlfriend. 

On the other hand, if you give fake compliments, it means you have an agenda. Empty praise robs a person of their integrity, one tiny piece at a time. 

You may not notice this in the short term, but over time, you will feel the emptiness. So, if you are giving a fake compliment, it is sure to break your relationship either today or tomorrow.

Appreciate for her success : Showing appreciation to your girlfriend is important for several reasons. For one, it lets her know that you respect her and appreciate everything she does on her own.

Additionally, expressing pride in her success will make her feel special and appreciated, which will strengthen your relationship.

You can say something like: “You make me so proud every day with your courage, kindness and hard work”. “It was a privilege to know you in this life”. “Your diligence and hard work is finally paying off.” “I am incredibly proud of your success and I look forward to seeing what the future holds for you.”

Appreciating your girlfriend means you respect her and you know the boundaries. But, on the other hand, being overly complimentary means you’re overly-caring her and you can break down those boundaries.

So, stop praising her unnecessarily. If you continue to do this, you may destroy your self-esteem and risk the relationship.

Sacrifice for her : The art of sacrifice is important when building a selfless and meaningful relationship between a girlfriend and boyfriend.

A boyfriend who prioritizes his girlfriend’s needs and well-being is adept at understanding true love, often succeeding in relationships because of the sacrifices he makes. 

Being willing to make sacrifices for your girlfriend and boyfriend relationship shows that you care for your girlfriend. If your girlfriend feels loved and cared for, she is more likely to reciprocate with loving-kindness toward you.

Sacrifices are wasted if you don’t make your girlfriend happy. Sacrifices are an important part of any healthy romantic relationship, because they demonstrate that individuals are thinking about their partner more than their own priorities.

These actions indicate an investment in the partner’s well-being and an ongoing commitment to the relationship.

Communicate properly : No matter how well you know your girlfriend, you can’t always read her mind. You must communicate clearly to avoid all misunderstandings that may cause anger, resentment or confusion.

It takes two people to have a relationship and each person has different communication needs and styles. Communication is key in girlfriend and boyfriend relationship, as it allows for effective sharing of mutual feelings, opinions and expectations.

Many young couples fail to communicate because of fear of rejection or fear that they will upset or lose their partner or sometimes because of ego and unwanted pride. 

On the other hand, if you find yourself in a girlfriend and boyfriend relationship where clear and reassuring communication isn’t enough, you may feel confused, lonely, or left with mixed signals because you don’t know how your girlfriend feels. A lack of productive communication can take a toll on your mental health over time.

Understand her likes and dislikes : A list of likes and dislikes will help you become more self-aware of your girlfriend, it will help you get to know her better so you can understand the way she thinks and makes decisions.

Knowing more about her likes and dislikes will make you more aware of how your actions that affect your girlfriend. We all have an idea of what personality means, but it’s not easy to define it.

In a way, personality is a complex system of likes and dislikes. Someone is a type of person because they like some things and dislike others. You need to just understand those likes and dislikes, and act appropriately with your girlfriend. 

All women are different so we don’t have a one-size-fits-all set of likes and dislikes. Many girls like honesty, loyalty, reliability, compassion and kindness. Similarly, girls dislike (or hate) liars, thieves, abusers, unreliable people, cold-hearted and vicious people.

Hug her regularly : Regular hugs provide security and emotional support to your girlfriend, which are essential for building and maintaining healthy relationships.

Hugging your girlfriend regularly can help improve communication, increase trust, and foster a deeper sense of love, affection, and connection. Hugging causes the brain to release oxytocin, the hormone which enhances human bonding.

Oxytocin released by hugging increases feelings of trust, loyalty and closeness, which is why physical contact is so important in a girlfriend and boyfriend relationship.

Likewise, regular hugs and hand-holding can help lower blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease, heart attack or stroke. Hugs boost self-esteem. Touch is a powerful language that we can use to convey feelings of safety, love, and connection to the greater community.

Get along with her family, friends : You don’t need to get along perfectly with your girlfriend’s family and friends, and it’s never a bad idea to settle your differences if any so there’s no animosity.

Of course, if you are lucky enough and you are together then there is no need to worry about any problems. Extensive research suggests that strong social ties with your girlfriend’s family and friends are associated with longer life.

In contrast, loneliness and social isolation are linked to poor health and depression. Studies have found that having a variety of social relationships can help reduce stress and cardiovascular risks.

Your girlfriend’s friends and family probably play a big role in her life. They have huge influence on your girlfriend. If you want to make your relationship with your girlfriend work, you’ll want to try to get the approval of her family and friends. Show interest in her family and friends.

Listen to her patiently : Listening to your girlfriend strengthens relationships and shows attention, care and respect. However, listening is more than just hearing.

To truly listen, you must give your undivided attention and put aside your own agenda and needs. When you listen to your girlfriend, you learn something about her every-time. Also you will know what is important to her and what really matters to her most.

This gives you the opportunity to become her “go-to” boyfriend. It creates a deeper connection and understanding between you two.

Boyfriends should recognize and appreciate their girlfriend’s point of view and be open to her thoughts, desires and criticisms. Listening and respecting her perspective will lead to a more productive, loving conversation and a long-lasting relationship.

Show unexpected affection : Showing affection to your girlfriend is very important in a relationship, as it helps both partners increase harmony, love and mutual understanding.

Giving, as well as receiving love, can help create a safer and more caring relationship between you and your girlfriend. The psychological, emotional and social benefits of receiving love and affection speak for themselves.

Apart from helping you maintain positive, long-lasting relationships, your confidence and self-esteem will get a major boost. You and your loved ones can strengthen your bond and build more trust.

Showing affection is an important part of every healthy relationship, especially it plays a key role in girlfriend and boyfriend relationship, and can go a long way in making your girlfriend feel loved, connected and cared for.

On the other side, lack of affection can lead to feelings of loneliness, apathy, stress etc.

No polygamy : It is a very common experience that discriminatory behavior of boyfriends can cause many mental health problems in polygamous relationships.

These include jealousy, poor marital satisfaction, unhealthy competition, lack of trust and many other mental health issues. Traditional polygamy is morally objectionable, even among ideal girlfriend-boyfriend relationships, because it creates inequality in expectations and obligations.

While traditional monogamy demonstrates equality, polygamy has a greater risk factor, both legally and religiously.

Having more than one girlfriend can cause some serious physical and mental problems not only for you but also for your family. Polygamous partners are four times more likely to develop blocked coronary arteries later in life than monogamous partners.

No negative comparison at all : Negative comparison is associated with insecurity and fear. The idea that some are better than your girlfriend and some are worse than her.

After all, the only way to compare is to increase some and decrease others. If some are better than your girlfriend, there are definitely worse than your girlfriend.

The habit of negative comparison can take a toll on your and your girlfriend’s mental health, increasing levels of anxiety, depression and chronic stress.

Constantly measuring your girlfriend against others can create a cycle of negative thoughts and self-criticism, leading to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. Instead have a positive comparison.

Know about some famous people who have worked really hard in their life and have come out better in their life financially and emotionally. Know how they work, and you learn those techniques and try to upgrade yourself.

Avoid mobile when talking : Nowadays mobile plays an important role in everyone’s life. At least try to avoid it when you are with your girlfriend. Try to know her feelings before you know what is trending on social media.

Mobile won’t give you medicine when you’re sick, but your girlfriend can. Instead of scrolling down on your phone, try finding out about your girlfriend. Know how beautiful she is. Know how her nose is shaped.

Know how pink her lips are. Notice how wide her ears are. Know how milky white her teeth are. Know how her eyes twinkle etc. In contrast of doing all these things, if you scroll on your mobile phone while your girlfriend is in front of you then you will miss many romantic moments in your life.

You should always be eager to know more about her rather than what is going on in various social media platforms 😆 .

Have eye-to-eye contact : Eye-to-eye contact leads to engagement. Looking into your girlfriend’s eyes during a conversation is a great way to make her feel heard, show you care, and express your love.

Once you are attracted towards your girlfriend, eye contact plays a very key role in communication. Eye contact is a great way to create and measure attraction with your girlfriend.

Prolonged eye contact with your girlfriend can increase your connection with her physically and mentally. You can also know if your girlfriend is really attracted to you or not when you make eye contact with her. 

If you make eye contact with your girlfriend you don’t need to think of witty and funny lines or know much about her.

Eye contact is one of the most powerful ways for both girlfriend and boyfriend to communicate without using a single word. Romance will be highest when you have eye contact with each other.

Copulation with just one partner : Copulation can reinforce and strengthen emotional intimacy too, which is understanding, seeing and being known by the other after getting to know each other.

Physical intimacy and all the physical effects can bring an emotionally intimate relationship closer. As a boyfriend you should be a moral person while getting physically intimate with a female partner.

Compared to animals we call human beings ‘intelligent beings’. But for some men and women this human wisdom does not apply and they prefer to have physical intimacy with multiple partners.

As humans don’t expect your life to be like a heavenly paradise if you have physical intimacy with multiple partners. No one on this earth is happy after being physically contacted with multiple partners. You have to be very honest about this with your partner.

More information will be added to this on regular basis. Please visit this post and blog / website to know more about relationship and parenting.

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