Good Parent Bad Parent (Similarities, Differences, Signs, Meaning, Examples, Effects) | Can someone be a good person but a bad parent? | How can I be a good parent after having bad parents? | Can I undo bad parenting? | How to tell someone they are a bad parent | Psychological effects of bad parenting

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Just before going to “Good Parent Bad Parent (Similarities, Differences, Signs, Meaning, Examples, Effects) | Can someone be a good person but a bad parent? | How can I be a good parent after having bad parents? | Can I undo bad parenting? | How to tell someone they are a bad parent | Psychological effects of bad parenting“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

Some of the other frequently asked questions about Good Parent and Bad Parent are: How can I be a good parent after having bad parents? | Can I undo bad parenting? | How to tell someone they are a bad parent | Psychological effects of bad parenting |

Parent meaning : He/she is the father or mother who begets or gives birth to a child and/or nurtures and raises that child.

That person is a relative of the child who plays the role of guardian until the child reaches some specified age. That person is called as a parent.

Who is a good parent : Good parents will be loving, supportive, compassionate and firm. They usually be positive role models for their children. Some of the qualities of a good parent are –

discipline lovingly, being careful, showing affection, setting limits, being respectful, engaging, consistent, forgiving, responsive, interactive.

Who is a bad parent : There are certain things that anyone would consider as “bad” in general.

Physical abuse, neglect, emotional abuse, sexual abuse are some of the more serious and damaging behaviors that most of us equate with bad parenting. Psychologically speaking, bad parenting skills lead to poor child development and mental health problems.

Can someone be a good person but a bad parent?Yes that is always possible. Someone can be a good person in general, but can be a bad parent.

Parenting is a skill that requires continuous sacrifice, effort, empathy, boundaries, discipline, consistency, planning and making good choices for the child.

How can I be a good parent after having bad parents?First you have to forget all the bad things that happened to you.

You must learn how to make a child(ren) into a right human being. You have to learn about sacrifice, compassion, making your child walk in the right path, etc.

Can I undo bad parenting?Bad parenting can undoubtedly leave a lasting impression not only on your well-being but also on your children’s.

But it really is possible to fix your past. Remember that you are a father now. Learn all the positive things of parenting step by step and similarly you should slowly but steadily instill positive confidence in yourself and in your children.

How to tell someone they are a bad parentSome of the incorrect traits of bad parents are: ignoring or avoiding their child, setting a bad example, mistrust, over-controlling or pampering, favoritism, physical or verbal abuse, etc.

Psychological effects of bad parentingSome examples of psychological effects of bad parenting are: depression, difficulty in relationships, antisocial behaviors, control problems and rebellion, lack of empathy,

lack of trust, lack of discipline, behavior problems, emotional problems, low academic performance, poor resilience, they want blind obedience, withholding love, etc.

List of about “Good Parent Bad Parent (Similarities, Differences, Signs, Meaning, Examples, Effects)” is as given below:

Ego is the major cause : The ego plays an important role in identifying and distinguishing between good parents and bad parents. Unwanted ego is such an unnecessary pride that it can ruin any parent-child relationship. You should be more sensitive to ego.

The parental ego is the part of you that wants to be in control and make all the decisions for your children. The voice inside your head tells you, you know better than anyone else. You think you are the most talented person on this earth.

How do good parents handle their ego – Some examples of how good parents think about dealing with their own unwanted ego are –

They practice introspection, seek feedback about their drawbacks, practice empathy, focus on personal growth, practice self-compassion, practice mindfulness etc.

How do bad parents handle their ego – Some examples of how bad parents think about dealing with their own unwanted ego are –

They think they are perfect, they know everything about parenting and never listen to advice from elders and/or experts, always yell at their kids, have negligible empathy, etc.

Show unconditional love and support : Unconditional love means loving your child without any expectations or conditions. Children always need your love and compassion. Good parents give their children unconditional love and emotional support.

Good parents create a safe, valued and accepted environment for children, allowing them to develop healthy self-esteem and emotional well-being. Accept that your child is still learning and will make mistakes. It is not a one day or one week job.

Not at all. It is a long and continuous process. Good parents teach their child to respect their own needs and set boundaries for them. Children who are shown affection regularly have higher levels of self-confidence.

Good parents teach their children to understand emotions and love themselves unconditionally. Whereas, bad parents do the opposite. Bad parents love themselves and want to fulfill their own desires more than their children needs.

Have positive communication : Positive communication is a continuous process of exchanging thoughts, ideas, opinions, knowledge and information between you and your children so that the message sent and received is clear and purposeful.

When you communicate effectively, you and your children will be happy and satisfied. Good parents always have positive communication with their children.

This means paying attention, respecting the child’s feelings and watching your own voice and tone. If you have a busy schedule, make sure to set aside some time each day to sit and listen to your child. Children thrive on words of encouragement and praise. 

Proper communication between you and your child is important for developing a positive relationship and making it easier for you to talk about difficult topics as your children get older. One of the most challenging things to learn is how to respond to the behavior of your children.

Completely avoid yelling and beating : Various research shows that beating and yelling at your children makes them more aggressive, both physically and verbally. Yelling in general, in any case, is an expression of anger.

It scares children and makes them feel insecure. If your child is very sensitive, he/she may think twice about expressing his/her feelings to you next time. If your child is belligerent type of child, he/she may become violent and be very aggressively.

In either case, it’s best to avoid yelling altogether. When a child is yelled at, they may feel pain, fear, and sadness. If this happens frequently, it can affect the child’s mental health, causing deeper psychological problems such as depression and/or anxiety.

Depression can lead to self-destructive actions such as drug use, risky sexual activity or suicide attempts later in the life.

Let your children realize their mistakes : An empty mind is said to be the devil’s workshop. Same with every children. If they are left unattended or not engaged in meaningful activities even while your child is playing, they will get into some mischief.

Like children they do not know the culmination of their actions. Therefore, it is the responsibility of parents to take care of their child. Children are inquisitive creatures and the best way to engage them is to make them participate in activities that interest them.

Be there for them, spend quality time with them, never let them feel alone and provide an environment where they can express themselves without fear.

A safe and caring environment does wonders for a child’s development. It not only helps in their mental development but also inculcates moral values.

Teach them rightful manners : Rightful manners teach children respect and help others respect them. Saying thank you shows appreciation, while saying please shows thoughtfulness.

Etiquette demonstrates gratitude rather than entitlement, which speaks wonders about a child’s personality. As a good parent, you are the best to teach your children gratitude, respect and kindness.

As children learn from mistakes, they develop self-confidence, self-control, and moral judgment that can be learned by apologizing to others and working toward right activities, away from wrongdoing.

Demonstrate trustworthy behavior. Good behavior is a strong indication of how your child will behave in the future. All these things indicate that your child is trustworthy, reliable and selfless.

Play with them : Studies have shown that parents who play with their children help stimulate their cognitive development, and as they get older, children perform better with language and other skills. Parents playing with child helps promote physical development.

Play helps kids develop their fine and gross motor skills. Playing with your child builds a child’s self-esteem, helps the child learn about the world, provides opportunities for the child to learn new skills, and builds a great bond between parent and child.

By playing with your child, you are providing love, comfort and attention, you are laying the foundation for the development of emotional and social skills that will support their mental health and future well-being.

Minimize screentime : Although there is no conclusive evidence on how badly cell phones (and other electronic media) affect a child’s brain, some studies have shown alarming findings.

New studies suggest that spending an hour a day with the smartphones plays a significant role in increasing depression and anxiety among children. Using mobile phones effects the attention span and potentially promotes violent or aggressive behavior.

Preliminary data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study found that increased screen time, including time spent on cell phones, is not only bad for the brain of your child, but can affect a child’s psychology, thought processes, sleep cycles and behavior.

Let them play outdoor with friends : More outdoor time spent is associated with improved motor development and lower obesity rates and myopia (nearsightedness) risk. Getting some sun safely helps your child body make the vitamin D they need to stay healthy and strong.

When your child is playing outside, they are more engaged in learning new things. Playing outdoors encourages curiosity, creativity and critical thinking. Playing outdoors helps children develop confidence, independence and self-esteem.

When children are used to playing outdoors, they are more likely to try new activities, engage with others, solve problems, explore the natural environment, make friends, and show resilience.

By getting regular exercise through play, it can prevent diseases in children including obesity, type 2 diabetes and many many different types of ailments.

Sharing is very important : Sharing is one of the most important things children should learn at an early age. Children need to learn to share so they can make and keep friends, play cooperatively, take turns, negotiate, and handle disappointments.

Sharing teaches children about compromise and justice. They learn that if we give a little to others, we can get what we want. Sharing is an important part of getting along with others, so it becomes more and more important as your child grows.

Talk about why sharing is good for your child and others. When you see your child trying to share or take turns, give your child plenty of praise and attention.

Let your child share things, if he/she does so, your child will undoubtedly become a good human being and citizen in future. Sharing = Caring = Spreading Love = Gaining Love.

Teach them values and ethics of life : Good life values and beliefs help your children to be strong in any situation and motivate them to strive for results and never give up, today and tomorrow, and under any circumstances.

The importance of teaching values is that it prepares your child’s mental state and strengthens their determination to overcome difficult conditions and situations.

Values and ethics creates a roadmap for the future life of young children, which revolves around building ethical and moral values and ensures that they have a strong character.

It also promotes inclusion, tolerance and respect among others. It helps children develop confidence in communicating in a foreign language. It enhances social skills, intercultural competence and critical and creative thinking.

Distinguish between needs and wants : Children should understand the difference between needs and wants. Needs are essential for survival and well-being, while wants represent desires that go beyond basic requirements.

Needs are universal and common to all individuals, while wants vary from person to person. “Needs” are the basic necessities that you cannot live without. Without essentials like food and water, our life or health may be compromised.

“Wants” are non-essential items. Without wants, your life will not be affected much, although you may be upset for a while, as per your maturity level. 

When your kids understand and distinguish that they don’t need to have everything they want, they are less likely to spend rashly and go into debt in the future.

Teaching children about needs vs. wants helps them appreciate what they have, a lesson that is much needed in today’s so called modern and developed society.

Failure is not the end : Thomas Alva Edison once said, “I haven’t failed. I’ve found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” These words highlight the importance of perseverance and failure is not the end, but a stepping stone to success.

Failure is not a reflection of your child’s worth as a person. It’s just a setback. Your child can achieve his/her goals even if they take a different path. Failure is an opportunity to learn and grow.

Reflect on what went wrong and what you can do differently next time. Defeat is only temporary. Don’t discourage your child from following his/her dreams.

Tell them, “go ahead and try something new”. Remember, growth is in the journey, not the destination. So don’t be afraid to fail. Accept it as a learning opportunity and move on.

Teach them good eating habits : After air and water, food is the third most important thing in your child’s life. You know that it is important for children to eat healthy because it is beneficial for their good health, growth and development.

Good habits or a healthy diet in childhood can reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, tooth decay, obesity etc. A healthy diet stabilizes children’s energy, sharpens their minds and also clears their mood.

Have healthy food helps children feel good, stay at a normal weight, and have enough energy for school and play. Eating a variety of healthy foods and consuming less salt, sugars, and saturated and industrially-produced trans-fats is essential for a healthy diet.

Don’t fight in front of your children : Children whose parents always fight in front of them often experience anxious, angry, sad, distress, and depressed. These feelings lead to sleep disturbances, poor performance in school, and difficulty concentrating.

Watching their parents fight is not very pleasant for the child and their mental existence. In the long run, these children are unable to manage conflict and form healthy adult relationships. 

Some toxic interactions parents can have, such as physical altercations, insults, and tactics like the “silent treatment,” are likely to cause some emotional damage to the child in the long run.

Sibling relationships are also adversely affected—they can become overinvolved and/or overprotective of each other, or distant and disengaged.

You be their role-model : Children are born with limited and insignificant knowledge about life. As a parent, you are the first role model children meet. Therefore, parents are responsible for teaching children basic values like –

How to talk, how to walk, how to eat, what to eat, how to react and how to make healthy and wise decisions. A parent’s proper role is to provide encouragement, support, and access to activities that enable the child to master important developmental tasks.

Since the family is a child’s primary social group, a child’s learning and socialization are greatly influenced by their parents and family. Happy parents raise happy and confident children.

Therefore, it is important to talk to your children regularly about how important it is to model appropriate behavior. 

The importance of role models is critical in a child’s development and helps shape their resolution skills and how they behave socially. Children start developing from the moment they are born!

Make them mentally strong and stable : Mentally strong and stable children are ready for all the challenges of the world. To be clear, mental strength is not about acting tough or suppressing emotions. It’s not about being unkind or condescending.

Instead, mentally strong children are resilient and have the courage and confidence to reach their full potential, even during the worst situation of the life. Your child’s mental strength helps them resist being derailed by negative thoughts.

It helps them get back to the ups and downs of life day after day, today and also in the future. And, just like physical strength, it’s a kind of mental muscle that you child can develop to improve their overall well-being.

More information will be added to this on regular basis. Please visit this post and blog / website to know more about relationship and parenting.

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