How to Teach your Child (Good) Manners (Respect, Behavior) | What’s the best way to teach children manners? | How to teach your child good manners at home | How to teach your child good manners in school

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Just before going to “How to Teach your Child (Good) Manners (Respect, Behavior) | What’s the best way to teach children manners? | How to teach your child good manners at home | How to teach your child good manners in school“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

Who is a good parent (mother, father) : Good parents always talk and listen to their children, during both good and bad times. Good parents explain the reasons behind the rules applied to their child(ren) so that children can understand the core values of life.

Good parents are open to their feelings and suggestions. Reasoning with your child will help them learn self-control and how to behave when no one is watching them (children).

What is good manners in children : Good manners, etiquette and respect are essential life skills that enhance a child’s overall personality.

And childhood is the best time to instill these life skills. A child with good manners, etiquette and respect will eventually grow into a more confident person in the future.

List of about “How to Teach your Child (Good) Manners (Respect, Behavior) | What’s the best way to teach children manners? | How to teach your child good manners at home | How to teach your child good manners in school” is as given below:

Teach children about great and successful people : Great people are called great because they have achieved great things in their lives through sheer hard, smart and intelligent work(s).

A great person is a person who fails the word ‘fail’ with time after time while doing their best and, great and successful people never-ever quits, whatever the situation be. 

Drawing knowledge from great and successful people can help kids avoid costly mistakes, identify strategies that work, and build tremendous confidence as they move toward their own goals.

Additionally, these inspiring individuals can set us up with relationships and support networks critical to long-term success.

Some Qualities of Great and Successful People areNothing is impossible if you have enough courage, life is not a rat race, don’t let rejection get you down, bad times are necessary to appreciate the good, working hard and smart is the best way to achieve great things.

Don’t waste your time doing something you don’t like, Life doesn’t require us to always come out on top. They think about big goals, how to achieve them, and the potential rewards that follow. Staying till the end (finish) is key. etc.

Ego should not win your child : When a child starts thinking only about his/her ego and gratuitous pride is more important to him/her in life, they stop serving others and quickly start serving themselves.

Children of this attitude no longer prioritize their parents and others, and can quickly become demanding, forcing, over ambitious or dissatisfied when the parents and others fail to meet their needs in the way they want.

Past experience has shown that ego in children can be responsible for many negative human traits, including criticizing and judging others, being manipulative, being inflexible and rigid, having an intense mood, and having a constant need for praise and approval etc.

Tell your child that kindness is very important : Acts of kindness can make the world a happier place for all to live. They can increase feelings of confidence, control, happiness and optimism.

Kindness can encourage children to repeat the good deeds – contributing to a more positive community. Let your child be aware that kindness is caring for others and doing things that help make their lives better.

It allows your child to connect with other people and build meaningful relationships, for both short and long term.

Kindness can increase your child’s own happiness levels because it increases serotonin and dopamine – neurotransmitters that cause feelings of satisfaction. Kindness increases your sense of connection with you and others.

Studies are important, but don’t pressurize : Children who said their parents wanted them to excel academically also dealt with the same negative consequences and showed symptoms of –

Depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, behavior problems and low grades, sending a clear message of how parental pressure can send a message.

Pressurizing your child for studying can affect the child’s mental health. Constant pressure from parents creates defensiveness in children. They can develop and grow into unhealthy habits, injuries and mental illnesses.

You will be able to identify your child’s strengths and give advice on how to develop their talents. Let your children play, draw or paint, spend time in nature, read a book of their interest, play an instrument, be with friends and family.

These activities are more than just fun. They help children and teenagers experience positive emotions that offset stress.

Avoid using inappropriate words in front of your child : The often resentful, abusive words parents use on their children have an emotional impact on every aspect of their lives.

This stunts your child’s cognitive, performance and collective development. Over time, they begin to develop feelings of being “not perfect” and unable to meet their parents’ expectations.

However, using those inappropriate words can make you look stupid, uneducated and disrespectful. Words can be offensive, use the wrong words and you quickly come across as rude and mean. 

Being able to communicate effectively with your kids is critical to their academic and life success.

Appropriate language promotes the development of children’s social and emotional competencies, social awareness, self-regulation, relationship skills, self-management and self-awareness.

Praise your child’s good behavior and success : Positive praise is one of the most powerful tools parents can use to encourage good behavior in their children. Positive praise helps build confidence in your children.

It costs nothing to praise a child and the great thing is that it makes us feel good too. Positive praise nurtures your child’s confidence and sense of self.

By using praise, you are showing your child how to think and talk positively about themselves. You are helping your child learn how to recognize and be proud of themselves when they do well.

Positive praise promotes good feelings and boosts motivation. It motivates children to be more cooperative, persistent and hardworking.

Be a role-model : The importance of good role models is simple. When a child has a positive role model, they are more likely to engage in constructive actions like the person they look up to and this is crucial to their development.

Children with positive role models pick up adult habits and attitudes that can last a lifetime. For many children, the most important role models are their parents – your children don’t do what you say, they instead do what they see you doing.

Parents provide support systems for their children and are often the most important role models for children.

They provide guidance and discipline, as well as demonstrate how to navigate life’s challenges, both ups and downs. With your help, children learn how to approach situations and develop critical life skills.

Make your child future ready : One of the most important skill we need to teach our children is flexibility and open-mindedness.

The future looks very uncertain, challenging and ever-changing so our children need to be strong and ready if unexpected change comes their way. Having the right mindset is key for children to be successful and happy in the future.

Developing a love of learning and a high level of perseverance will enable children to thrive when they need to adapt their skills and knowledge to an ever changing future (E.g., Job market).

Parents help their children immensely by guiding them and choosing the right career path and career. No parent wants to spoil their child’s future by making a wrong decision. Experience – We must always remember that parents are more experienced than children.

Know your child’s limitations : When you as a parent know where to draw the line, it becomes easier to maintain a healthy relationship with your child.

By defining what they can and cannot do, parents are able to step away from emotional discipline, allowing their child to develop the skills they need to be self-aware, independent, and happy.

Setting limits teaches self-discipline, respect, manners, behavior, skills in your child. You teach self-discipline when you say, “It’s time to turn off your video game and do your homework.” Even though video games can be a lot of fun, it’s important to be responsible.

Understanding your child’s limits early on will help you support your youngster more effectively, but more importantly, it will help children develop a strong sense of self-confidence and determination.

Let your child thank others : In today’s fast-paced and often stressful world, it’s easy to forget to express gratitude for the good things in our lives.

However, teaching your child to say “thank you” can have a powerful impact on your child’s well-being and the well-being of those around them. If your child is showing appreciation mean then they are building goodwill.

People appreciate appreciation. Someone who feels appreciated by you is more likely to return the gesture by agreeing to your requests. They want to let you know they appreciate you.

‘Sorry’, ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ are often called magic words because they work like magic! They make a person feel important, soothe anger, strengthen bonds and sometimes mend strained relationships.

Importance of food : A healthy diet is essential for your child’s good health, growth and development. Eating a healthy diet in childhood means they are less likely to develop chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and some cancers.

It means they feel better and enjoy life more. Children need enough nutrients to help their bodies develop all the functions and tissues they need, and the quality of these nutrients has a big impact on your child’s health.

Everything from basic brain function to behavior patterns is affected by the food a child eats. Make it easy for kids to choose healthy snacks by keeping fruits and vegetables on hand and ready to eat.

Other good snacks include low-fat yogurt, peanut butter and celery, or whole-grain crackers and cheese. Eat lean meats and other good sources of protein such as fish, eggs, beans and nuts. And remember to teach your children ‘not to waste food’.

Minimize the use of screentime : According to a study, children who spend too much time on modern gadgets can experience speech or language delays, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), learning problems, anxiety, childhood depression and negative effects on character development.

By limiting your child’s screentime, their overall physical and mental health improves, and their academic, creative, and behavioral and social skills are greatly enhanced.

Children are less likely to be exposed to violence and aggression and age-inappropriate videos online. Minimizing screentime gives you and your child a chance to relax, reflect, enjoy the outdoors, and meet up with family and friends in person.

You may find that you enjoy disconnecting from the gadgets and have a chance to recharge more often. The scientifically-proven benefits of taking a break from technology can be reaped anytime.

Let them do the household chores : Children should learn skills like cooking, cleaning, organizing and gardening in their childhood. This will definitely help them in their adult lives.

Engaging in household chores gives children experience in relationship skills such as communicating clearly, negotiating, cooperating and working as a team.

Making children to work at home and help you in the household chores can make them feel accountable and actually make them more responsible. Children are more capable of fulfilling their responsibilities and completing their tasks than we think.

Children who do chores learn responsibility and acquire important life skills that will serve them well throughout their lives. Children feel competent while doing their chores.

Whether they make their bed or sweep the floor, helping out around the house gives them a sense of accomplishment.

Dress neatly and independently : It really helps if your child who puts on their own coat and shoes before starting school. Dressing is a complex task that requires the ability to use both hands together, awareness of body parts, good balance, organization and concentration.

Children who learn to dress themselves (independently) develop self-confidence, a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that they have accomplished something.

It encourages independence, which means helping them get dressed is one less thing for you to do! Similarly, the clothes children wear can affect the development of their independence and self-help skills.

For example: pants that fit comfortably and have an elastic waist are easier for young children to pull down and up than tight fitting clothes or zips and studs.

Children should respect others privacy : They are still young children and do not know the true meaning of privacy. So as a parent, you should teach them the meaning of privacy and also let them know that privacy is very important.

Start by educating your child about how everyone needs their own independent space and time. Knocking on the door before entering the room, asking permission, not interrupting adult tea sessions, etc. help your child in learning about others privacy.

Privacy helps family maintain the boundaries. Breaches of these boundaries creates awkward family situations and may damage your relationships. Privacy is helpful in reducing the family conflicts you face in your life.

Practice sharing : Children need to learn to share so they can make and keep friends, play cooperatively, take turns, negotiate, and handle disappointment. Sharing teaches children about compromise and justice.

They learn that if they give a little to others, they can get what they want. Sharing is not just a virtue. It is a task and must be done out of selflessness and obligation.

Teaching your child the importance of sharing their things with those who need them most will help them build a positive character, today and also in the future.

But later on in life, it is not necessary that your children should share everything with everyone as they grow up. There are certain things that belong to them and they don’t like to share with others.

Learn to apologize : Apologizing others don’t mean your child is inferior and wrong. Apologizing to others means that your child is mentally mature and is getting lots of lessons from others and learning life lessons.

It teaches them how to take responsibility for their own mistakes and learn from them. The ability to apologize is a powerful and valuable life skill.

Children who know how to offer genuine apologies are better prepared to resolve conflicts with their friends and later at work or in their adult relationships. This shows that your children respect the other person’s feelings.

This shows that your children value others (E.g., friends). Apologizing is an opportunity for your child to be honest, humble, and with integrity. It allows your child to discover how his/her words and/or actions can have a positive effect on others and on yourself.

No arguments at all : Benefits of avoiding arguments abound, including maintaining harmonious relationships, better understanding of each other’s concerns –

lower stress levels, valuing each other’s feelings, expression of willingness to compromise, empathy or problem ownership, and focus on the issues involved.

Some people find arguments fun, others find them excruciating, in addition, not everyone has good argumentative skills, so they may be intimidated by someone who is adept at constructing an eloquent and compelling argument.

That doesn’t mean they don’t have a strong case to argue, they just aren’t good at it and not interested in unwanted arguments. Avoiding arguments improves relationships and intimacy.

Children should maintain hygiene : Good hygiene is critical for your child to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and helping them to live long and healthy lives. This prevents them from missing school, leading to better learning outcomes.

Maintaining personal hygiene and sanitation is important for several reasons, personal, social, psychological, health, etc. Proper sanitation and hygiene prevent the spread of diseases and infections in your children.

Few of the popular quotes about hygiene are : “Cleanliness is next to godliness.” “Keep your surroundings clean, make the earth green.” “Don’t be mean, keep it clean.” “Clean and green are our perfect team mates.”

Teach children all the simple things : Teach your children to say ‘please’, ‘thank you’, ‘excuse me’, ‘pardon me’, ‘thanks mama/papa’, ‘thank god’, etc. All these things seem basic, but they are very crucial in learning your child’s manners, behavior, respect, etc.

Let your children open the doors for the others. Teach them to welcome guest with a smile on their face. Let them ask guest “How are you doing?”. They should not disturb when elders are talking (conversation going on).

They should clean the hands after food and should use a napkin to clean hands. Children should not call the names of elders, instead should use the words like grandfather, grandmother, aunty, uncle etc.

More information will be added to this on regular basis. Please visit this post and blog / website to know more about relationship and parenting.

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