Best Romantic quotes (captions) ever | Romantic quotes for her (Girlfriend) | Romantic quotes for him (Boyfriend) | Romantic quotes for husband | Romantic quotes for wife | Solid love quotes

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Just before going to “Best Romantic quotes (captions) ever | Romantic quotes for her (Girlfriend) | Romantic quotes for him (Boyfriend) | Romantic quotes for husband | Romantic quotes for wife | Solid love quotes“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

Romance, love, fondness, affection, devotion, adoration, emotion, sensitivity, feelings, fondness, regard, enchantment, sentiment, worship, etc.

All these words look so significant in everyone’s life, be it male or female, young or old, father or mother, etc. Someone who can feel the authentic and inner meaning of all these words really knows the real meaning of ‘real romance’, ‘real love, ‘real affection’, ‘real devotion’, etc.

From a teenager to 80+, he / she can’t be away from the words like romance, love, feelings, fondness, care, warmth, etc.

If he / she is saying that “I am not aware of these words”, “I don’t have any idea about these words”, “I hate these words”, “I don’t want to talk about these words”, means either he / she is lying or must have failed in his / her romantic life.

In this post you will know a long list of romantic quotes which is completely new to you all, very unique, must never have read or heard about it.

List of best romantic quotes ever is as given below:

1. You believe or don’t believe in love, but I definitely believe in love. 2. Feel the romance of your girl at-least ones in a day, it will bloom your every cell and eventually will give you unknown energy to defend this cruel world.

3. Our life is more beautiful and romantic, when we share our thoughts with our partner. 

4. When you start hating, everyone will look like your foes, but when you start loving, everyone will look like your own-friend(s).

5. Even if you are 80+, your love will always remain as young as a soft flower. 6. Don’t walk on the edge of the love, because edges are very sharp and can give immense pain to you. 7. You be the definition of others love-life.

8. Nothing happens before love, but when love happens, everything will happen. 9. Love should be like a staircase from bottom to top, it should always grow and not from top to bottom.

10. Falling in love is as easy as picking a flower, but coping it, is like climbing the great Himalayas. 11. Don’t act as if you know everything about love and romance, it takes miles to reach from south pole to north-pole.

12. Don’t fall in love just watching the texture of the complexion, understand the inner soul first, then move ahead.

13. Your physical body might have become weak, but know your love’s strength from your soul. 14. The solidity of a person is measured through his love towards his love (partner).

15. Every time you start watching your lady-love, every time you will find a new word to appreciate her. 16. Your smiling sweetheart will always give you inspiration to win even the adverse situations.

17. Only the person who has lost in the love battle, will feel the frustration and negativity towards delightfulness of romance. You don’t be one of them. 18. You love only one girl in your life-time, but try to gain the maximum adoration from her.

19. Don’t try to touch the heights of your love, just from the first step itself. Better touch the heart of your lady-love, step-by-step. 20. You can avoid talking too much in-front of your sweetheart, but not the sweet talks.

21. Always be like a taxi-driver in your life. Forget the gloomy words of the old passengers who travelled in your taxi, and instead think about the sunny words of the new passengers who will travel with you in the future.

22. A pleased love is the key for your happy and blissful life. 23. Don’t think that the fake skinny moll as your real lady-love. 

24. Acting over-smart in-front of your girl, will make you feel stupid. Better be modest, rather than to be boastful person.

25. All hot ladies will lose their texture at some point of time. Don’t go behind those glamorous deceivers. 26. Captivating and unreal complexion girls are only appetizing initializers. If you need factual lady-love, read her inner heart.

27. A gorgeous girl is like a suspense movie, until your pocket is heavy. A real sweetheart is like a band-aid, she will always cover your drawbacks.

28. A stunning harlot is like an unwanted glue. A lady-love is like a farmland, she will never deceive the trusting farmer.

29. An incredible courtesan always appreciates you for your wrong-doing too. But a real-love will use hard-words for your immoral behavior. Better correct yourself immediately. 

30. Don’t be a silent romantic person, but be a calm and charming exciting gentleman.

31. If your lady-love start to expect you to spend more in the initial stage itself, then she is not-at-all your real sweetheart. Back off from her immediately.

32. One single real-love can change your life positively all the way. But, going behind multiple fair complexion girls, can put your life in great distress in the future.

33. Love won’t support you, until you support your love. 34. Your path may be a massive desert (thorns), don’t fill that with mud (unwanted love), rather grow beautiful plants and trees (real love) on that.

35. Love is neither heavy as an ostrich’s egg, nor as light as a sparrow’s egg. You have to evaluate your love’s weight accordingly. 

36. Love’s path is full of tests, always make sure you are ready for all those tests at any given point of time.

37. Love means not just enjoyment all the way, but rather love means contentment. 38. A real quality of your love is known and tested when your financial life is in horrible condition.

39. Love is not as white as ice, similarly love is not as dark as charcoal. You have to be the best judge of your love. 40. As finding a real love is as rare as finding a needle in a haystack. When you find, don’t shy away from it.

41. Love is like a huge ocean. Do remember that in that ocean, there are small, beautiful and colorful fishes in it and similarly attacking sharks are also present in it. 

42. Love shouldn’t end after death. A real love will continue to live eternally. 43. A real love should always soar, don’t make it bore. 

44. A genuine love should be forever, and it should be as clear as crystal. 45. An authentic love should always be clear, don’t make it to lean.

46. A true love is like learning new and correct lessons, but don’t make it as cheating habit. 47. A factual love is immortal and infinite, don’t make in mortal and finite. 48. A realistic love is like a coconut tree, don’t make it a cactus tree.

49. A true-to-life love is as hard as a diamond, don’t break it into pieces. 50. An undisputed love is as bright as Sun’s light, don’t make it as a new moon night.

51.  A bona-fide love sometimes may have to stay behind a dark cloud, don’t make it to feel unsound. 52. A rightful love should always grow like an upright graph, don’t make it to shrink like a downright graph.

53. A man who has a real sweetheart who loves him more than herself, is a real blessed human on this earth. 54. Falling in love is very easy, but handling it for a long time is very hard.

55. Who don’t have the confidence and faith in his / her lover, better dislike her / him and move ahead in life.

56. In sincere and authentic love, commitment, faithfulness, dedication, loyalty, fidelity, responsibility is highly important.

57. No real man can endure and withhold his sweetheart’s painful, agonized sobbing. 58. Authentic and genuine love must always be consistent and gradually growing like an exponential graph.

59. A man who tells, “I don’t love any woman” is a biggest fool and idiot on this earth. 60. Your love should be so strong that, you may forget about yourself, but never your sweetheart.

61. A man / woman (lover) who forgets his / her bad days, and thinks only about the futuristic good days, will gain unequivocal positive things in his / her life.

62. World is very rude for the fortunate lovers, you have to defend countless obstacles in your life. 63. Don’t just try to read the nature of your sweetheart, better just feel it, sense it and experience it.

64. All lovers do remember this, “nothing can be solved with your ego, anger, displeasure, rage, fury”. Forget all these and keep calm. You will always be in the win-win position after this.

65. All lovers always keep in mind, “you will become your own enemy”, if you let your devil mind rule over your inner-soul.

66. Marriage is not only accepting each other physically, rather it is very much more than that, which can’t be explained using few words.


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