List of most important things in a (wife & husband) relationship | Dos and don’ts for married (relationship) couples | Goals in relationship | What should be there in husband wife relationship? | What is the importance of husband in wife life?

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Just before going to “List of most important things in a (wife-husband) relationship | Dos and don’ts for married (relationship) couples | Goals in relationship | What should be there in husband wife relationship? | What is the importance of husband in wife life?“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

Common questions asked about the husband and wife relationship are as given below:

How can I improve my marital life? | How to improve my marriage with my wife | Ways to improve your marriage | How to improve my marriage with my husband | 

How to improve your marriage without talking about it | Steps to fixing your (my) (our) marriage | Activities to improve your (my) (our) marriage |

How to make your (my) (our) marriage work as a woman / man | What should I (we) need to change to improve my (our) marital status | And others…

We will try to get answers to all the above questions and not just limited to these questions.

Few of the points given here are taken from the ancient tradition which may not look easy for all. But do remember that, whatever our ancestors have given to us, is the best knowledge compared to the present so called modern and logical minded people.

Many of us know that, earlier the relationship between a wife and husband was never getting broken, no divorce at all, unlike today’s relationship. Thus, let us take few of the traditional (ancient) examples amalgamated with the modern and logical thinking examples too.

List of Dos and don’ts for married (relationship) couples is as given below:

List of most important things in a (wife & husband) relationship is as given below:

Eat together : In earlier days, both wife and husband along with their whole family were sitting together and were having food unitedly. 

In today’s world we should at-least try to eat once in a day together (it is appreciated if more than once), that is, wife, husband and if possible with children and other family members too. 

Forget about the TV, mobile, laptop, tab and all the unwanted and so called entertainment gadgets during this time of togetherness. This is one of the most easy and highly suggested method to improve the bondage between the wife and husband and whole family too.

If wife and husband’s relationship is good, then your children will also have a bright and fearless future. If your (wife / husband) relationship is very unfilthy, same may pass on to your children too. 

It might cause same and greater worries (depression) to your children in their future too. Thus, be careful while you are with your children.

Always use acceptable words : In earlier days, wife was giving high respect to her husband. Similarly, husband was also having great esteem towards his wife. 

Today also this is continuing in few of the families, but I am talking about the couple(s) of today’s world. Yes, I know in many of the families, both husband and wife are working for 8 to 15 hours daily. 

But my dear friends, do remember that, work and company can always be changed, but not the relationship(s). You may be earning in millions, but what is the use if your relationship with your spouse or children or other family member(s) is unpleasant. 

What is the use of your money if your health is not good, you keep on shouting and talking loudly with your spouse or with your family member(s).

Thus, always keep in mind to use acceptable words with your spouse at any given point of time. Always try to avoid (100%) irritation, annoying words, vexing terms, provoking sentences, ill minded phrases, etc. and always use justifiable words.

Hug your spouse at-least once in a day : This is one of the best ways to showcase your love to your partner. In ancient days husband and wife were hugging and were always showing their divine love towards each-other, that may be in happier times or during hard times.

Embracing is such a divine and auspicious thing to do to with your consort. This will lessen your mate’s anguish, pain, agony, misery, sorrows, grief, distress or any negative things almost immediately.

Hold your spouse hands : Just hold your spouse’s hands when he / she needs your help, support, when in distress. Ask your partner, why are you in agony or in grief. Give him / her your best possible guidelines.

If you are not able to give any right guidelines, at-least give confidence to your lovely companion. This should certainly help your life-partner to come out of his / her trouble(s).

Serve food to each other : This may look very simple way, but this is one of the most powerful ways to increasing your bondage with your life-mate. In ancient days, this was a very strong way of improving the connection between the companion.

This always show ‘how much you take care of your spouse’. Even though you (husband) may be busy eating, but make sure to serve food to your better-half (wife), because she must have worked very hard to cook food to you and your whole family.

She spends almost 20% – 30% of her life in the kitchen itself to prepare tasty dish to you and your children. So, don’t forget to at-least serve food her whenever you both eat together.

Stay away from wicked people : This is too serious and immediate thing to do by you. If you are surrounded by one or more people who always talk and think wicked related words and / or tales, straight away get away from such kind of person or people without a second thought.

Because evil and divine people can’t stay together. One evil thought, one wrongful word, one vile sentence can cause huge distress in your relationship.

Don’t laugh loudly when with opposite-gender person : Yes, this may look little bit foolish in today’s world. But this is indeed causing issue(s) with the relationship. 

When you are with an opposite-gender person, try to avoid laughing loudly, especially when your life partner is along with you.

In the past it has been noticed that a married person who laugh loudly when with an opposite-gender person, lots of questions run in your life-partner’s mind. 

You may not have any negative thoughts in your mind, but this phenomenon is indeed not at all advisable and has to be avoided to have a tidy relationship with your spouse. Try to laugh more quietly (softly), rather than loudly. This is indeed a great idea for a healthy alliance with your life-mate.

Pray for 10 minutes daily : You may ask, “what is the link between our topic and praying”. Yes my dear friends, there is a huge link between us and God. You try praying for 10 minutes in-front of the God on daily basis.

Keep noticing this change in you, your spouse and children’s way of thinking will change enormously with this. Divinity always help even to the worst wrongdoer. God will show us the path to connect ourselves with our loved ones.

Try this for a month and definitely this will bind your relationship with your life-partner and your children. This is of sure.

Respect the elders in and outside house : There is a massive connection in regard to respecting elders, it may be in your family or outside of your house. 

As a woman, you will have left whole of your family and would had come to your husband’s house. Now, your husband’s house is your own house. Your husband’s parents are like your parents. 

Just by showing respect to them in small-small things, the whole family will bind together. A joint family is always great and happy family. Serving them and attending to the needs of the elders in the house, you will get their blessings and automatically even God will be happy with you. 

Overall, your family bondage will be built stronger and eventually the wife-husband relationship will improve tremendously.

Keep house clean and tidy : Yes, this is very critical point to be noted down for a close relationship. A clean and tidy house will always see the positive atmosphere, wealth will be accumulated, people will be heal and healthy and all good things will be present in such a house.

What more do you want to lead a happy and prosperous life. If you and your family are blissful and flourishing, then everything looks divine and great. 

So, always keep your house neat, well-ordered, bright, elegant, hygienic, graceful, immaculate and off course divine.

Avoid been angry and fretful : Never-ever use the displeasure and unacceptable words when talking with your spouse or family. There is a saying, “one single word can break the whole house (family)”. Thus always use the fruitful and bearable words.

Don’t show your irritation with your life-partner or with your family. This may causing a huge distress with your consort and might also cause huge psychological problems to your young children too.

Been angry and fretful can lead you to an unhealthy relationship and may also increase your hospital bills. Be calm as much as possible, use rewarding words and sentences not only within your family, but even in the outside of your family too.

Don’t sit idle : This is a huge mistake today’s young couple are doing on regular basis. There is famous saying, “an idle brain is the devil’s workshop”. Thus always avoid sitting idle. 

Keep on doing some or the other works, that may be your office work or the household chores, but at no time sit idly and think unpleasant things. 

If you do so, hundreds of unwanted and negative thoughts will come and get stored in your brain, and all these things may be a huge cause of your increasing family problems.

If you don’t have any work, take a good book and read. Even choosing a good book is an art. Don’t read unhealthy books, always read books which not only increase your good knowledge, but should also keep your mind optimistic.

Always dress neatly : If you are a woman, whether a working woman or a home-maker, you always dress neatly. A husband always wants to see his wife dressed adorably.

May not be intimately always, but try to dress in the captivating way. Dress sense in highly important in a woman’s life. Dressing yourself in a right manner will increase your husband’s interest in you. 

This in-turn will ultimately attract your husband towards you and thus your personal and intimate life will always be good.

Keep your preference secondary : You may be a man or a woman, keep your preference secondary. This will ultimately will give you the primary preference. Yes, a down to earth person will always win hearts of his / her family and others.

I am not saying to bow down your head like an ox. But, when with family and well-wishers, try to accept defeat in your life. This will considerable increase your chance of winning most of the time.

Always trying to win all the time is the path of foolishness. Don’t compete with your family member(s) and well-wishers. Bow your head down in front of your loving people, they will make you win. This is 100% sure.

Donate regularly : You may ask the question, “what is the connection between donation and relationship?”. Yes, there is a mammoth connection. If you donate regularly (may not be daily) like food and other stuffs, that will make you satisfied.

This will sequentially make your mind clean and clear. In turn, you will use good words when talking with your family members. Consecutively your family members including your spouse will be happy with you and this will lead to a thankful and joyous experience.

What more you want to be a satisfied, thankful, blissful, joyous, etc. person. Definitely your relationship will be as strong as a diamond.

Always provide space to your spouse : This is very important point to keep in mind and soul. You may be a male or female, it doesn’t matter, forget about your ego 100%. Ego is the main enemy of yours.

Give adequate amount of space to your life-partner. Let your consort breath easily and freely. But, this doesn’t mean you should sit at home quietly without asking any questions to your spouse. Fulfill your ambitions with a limit, with an acceptable way to both of you.

Life is not as hard as you think. But don’t make your life miserable. Think twice before taking any unacceptable step(s).

Be committed to your words : If you have promised anything to your mate, be sure to fulfill it or those. My dear friends, this is too hard a commitment. But before giving your word(s), assure yourself you have the capability to fulfill those words.

For example, if you are able to take your consort to a 5-star hotel, promise her / him that you will take her / him to a 3-star hotel. Instead of taking your soul-partner to a 3-star, you may take her to 5-star hotel on the later stage.

But, if you have already promised your spouse for 5-star hotel, and if you take her / him to a 3-star hotel, then it may cause problems to you and your partner.

Thus, promise as lower as possible. But, later you may fulfill it in the big way. Promise small, but make it big. But never promise for big and don’t make it small or very small.

First listen then talk : This is the huge mistake any human can make in his / her life multiple times. Any person on earth should listen first, especially the words your spouse is talking about.

Know his / her happy or agony filled words. Make sure you have listened to those words with 100% care and have understood fully. Only after paying full attention to those words, you react. Join in the happiness and try to solve his / her problems as much as problem.

For this reason you are called as life-partner, soul-partner. Otherwise, what is the use of been a partner for the life or the soul.

Have clear communication : This is one of the major obstacle which is becoming a humongous hindrance in today’s modern world. You will make sure 100% to communicate with your office mate or colleague.

You will explain everything to your fellow worker in the office. But, in the real life which is most important, you take a step behind.

Don’t take your life-partner too easily. You can easily change your company today or later stage, but can’t change your life-partner. Try to describe everything to your spouse.

This is definitely is one of the greatest mantra of today’s happy and blissful life. Communicating properly and wholeheartedly will solve many of your snags.

Give trust the highest priority : There is a very good saying about trust and relationship, “A healthy relationship is built on unwavering trust”. Trust shouldn’t be shaken. Trust can’t wobble in your life.

Trust shouldn’t be lost. Trust can’t be short-lived. Trust is the biggest thing in your life. Trust your soul-mate and make your life-partner to trust you. Don’t complicate things in your life.

Make sure the steps you have taken or would be taking in the future is 100% safe and clean. Once trust is lost, you will be losing almost 50% of your confidence with your spouse.

Be truthful to your life-partner. Don’t cross the limits in your life, be it in house, or office or anywhere, don’t make your better half to have doubts in you.

Don’t do the things which will cause headache in your life and your soul-mate’s life. Always communicate your happy and also the agonized feeling(s) with your spouse.

Always appreciate your consort : “I am a better person when I am with you”, this quote is so beautiful to read. You should always feel blessed when you are with your life-mate.

It’s not easy to have a prosperous and healthy life through out your life. There are so many people around the world who don’t have even one time meal. Many people don’t have proper clothes to wear. 

People don’t have a proper house to live-in with. People don’t have someone to care about them. Thus, always appreciate your soul-partner for the good works he / she has done to you since so many years. 

But, make sure not to appreciate for the unwanted or pointless works too. Both has to be balanced in the right weightage through out your life.

Don’t use unethical words : “Unethical behavior and words significantly decreases the cost of leading a contented life.” Ethics, ethical words and moral is the core of a satisfied life.

If you are contented in your life, you will automatically be happy and blissful through out your life. If you leave the ethics, ethical words and moral in your life, don’t expect your relationship inside and outside of your house to grow in the fair manner.

If you follow ethics and use ethical words inside and outside of your relationship, you will undoubtedly be appreciated and cherished through out your life.

Have a pleasant environment : Make your consort and family members to laugh and smile as much as possible. Use gratifying words when you are talking with your soul-mate.

Don’t try to distress your life-partner. Because, the words which you use inside and outside of your relationship, will showcase the reaction about your spouse. 

Positive words, acceptable words, appreciable words, pleasant words, gratifying words, etc. will help you to spread love in your relationship.

Once you use pleasing words, you can easily expect the same-kind of pleasure filled words from your spouse too. If you use unpleasant words, unacceptable words, negative words, ungratifying words, etc., this will automatically cause monstrous issues in your and your life-mate’s lives.

Be sensitive towards your life partner : “You may be sensitive from inside, but if you misbehave from outside, then it’s like falling into a ditch.” You may be the most sensitive person on this earth.

But, if you don’t behave sensitively with your soul mate, then what is the use of your sensitivity. Along with your sensitive words, your body language’s sensitivity is also highly important. You need to be sensitive with your words and also with your body language.

Use right words with correct body language when you are speaking with your loved ones. This will tremendously help you to improve your relationship enormously, immensely, exceedingly.

Respect your spouse : “If you respect your life-partner, your spouse will automatically will have vast esteem in you”. Along with acceptable words, use proper and good body language, you have to respect your soul-mate whole-heartedly.

Try respecting your consort for small-small things, you will definitely see massive boost in your bondage with your soul-mate.

Intimate relationship only with your married spouse : This is becoming the main cause of divorce and sufferings in the so called developed and developing countries too all over the world. 

God has given every male a female and every female a male. You need to be ethical with your married life-partner. Don’t take life very easily. You may get intimate with multiple partners, but that person can’t be called as your life-partner or soul-partner. 

Even many animals have their copulation with other multiple animals, and thus they are called as animals and definitely not at all as humans.

There is a huge difference between the humans and animals. Human is having the right thinking ability, but animals have their own limits.

More information will be added to this on regular basis. Please visit this post and blog / website to know more about relationship and parenting.

Continue reading about:

Human behavior

Sleep behavior

School life

Children behavior

Husband-Wife relationship

Relationships and Parenting

Boy and Girl

Love between a boy and girl

To know more about “Husband and wife information, facts“, please click the below link:

Husband and wife information, facts

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