Why marriage is required (important, needed) | Difference between married and unmarried (cohabitation) (relationships) (couple)

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Just before going to “Why marriage is required (important, needed) | Difference between married and unmarried (cohabitation) (relationships) (couple)“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

Marriage or wedding literally means “that which supports and carries forward through-out the life”. Wedding or marriage is a holy (sacred) ceremony meant to create an union that supports and carries a man and woman throughout their married life.

List of difference between married and unmarried (cohabitation) relationships is as given below:

List of reasons for “why marriage (wedding) is required” is as given below:

1. Marriage or wedding holds and supports the truthfulness, honesty, trustworthiness, etc. between a man and woman. Unmarried relationship grasps and grips the untruth, falsehood, deception between a male and a female.

2. Marriage or wedding allows all the required freedom, privilege, liberty, independence, etc. among a man and woman for a long time, until death. Impious unmarried connection cuts the amnesty among a man and woman and this relationship has very short-life.

3. Marriage or wedding generally means as been in righteousness, following the duties in the correct way, be virtuous, law abiding, honest, truthful, sincere, etc. towards each other. 

Profane unmarried relationship is the path which shows the unrighteousness path, follows wrong duties, unvirtuous, dishonest, untruthful, insincerity, etc. towards each other.

4. Marriage or wedding is the epitome of morality. It is the principle of doing holy works. It is also the principle of unity of the whole family.

Falsified unmarried relationship is the essence of immorality. It will always show the incorrect path. This relationship can’t be accepted by anyone including children and other family members.

5. Whatever creates conflict, dispute, discord, strife, dissension, etc. can happen more in unholy unmarried relationship. And whatever puts an end to that conflict, dispute, etc. and brings about unity and harmony is called marriage or wedding life.

6. Anything that helps to unite man and woman and develop pure divine love is marriage or wedding. Anything that creates split and disagreement and foments hatred is unmarried unholy relationship.

7. Marriage or wedding is the cementer and sustainer of not only a man and woman, but also including children and other family members too. 

Unethical unmarried relationship will always split not only a man and woman, but including children and other family ties too.

8. The rules of marriage or wedding have been laid down for regulating the worldly affairs of two humans, that is, a male and a female. 

There is no rule which explains the relationship of the unmarried couple and thus this relationship is highly susceptible, vulnerable towards fallaciousness.

9. Marriage or wedding is the means of preserving whole family. It will always shelter you, protect you. 

Whereas the dishonest unmarried relationship is not at all sure about safeguarding anyone. It will always show you the path of dismantling, breakup of the unity of the whole family.

10. Marriage or wedding alone is the gateway to infinite happiness, supreme peace, highest bliss, great pleasure, etc. 

There may be huge amount of lust involved in unmarried relationship, but there can’t be harmony, trust, tranquility, etc. in this contract.

11. Getting into the married life will lead you to the perfect realization of essential union of a man and a woman, which eventually take you to ultimate delightfulness. 

In the deceitful unmarried relationship, there may be passion and desire, but this will show you the path of disagreement, division, controversy, etc.

12. Someone who is involved in the divine married life, will experience divine peace, divine calmness, divine joy, divine auspiciousness, divine strength within themselves. 

In the unworthy unmarried relationship, couple can’t expect real serenity or composure or gentleness within themselves.

13. A couple in the married life becomes thoroughly disciplined. His and her powers and capacities are exceedingly intensified. The duo without the married life won’t like to be in disciplined life. They won’t be able to tolerate each other’s anguish, miseries, etc.

14. A married pair is transmuted into divinity. His and her whole way of living gets divinely transformed. He and she becomes one with the eternal bliss. It’s very difficult to find divinity between an unmarried twosome. Not much of real divine transformation can be expected here.

15. For a married man and woman their whole life will be family. They will see family everywhere. They can’t live without their family for a long-time. 

For the unmarried lusty couple, family will always be secondary and tertiary. Only their lust and desires will become important to them more than their family.

16. For the wedded pair, forgiveness, tolerance, mercy, condonement, contentment, self-control, purity, etc. will become their lifeline. For the unwedded unmarried couple, all these will look like mere weeny, insignificant, minor, negligible and unimportant things in their life.

17. A married couple always think about saving money for their family’s future. They will be aware about their expenditure and cost-cutting. The unmarried free couple will be spending on their fantasies, aspirations, cravings, hankerings, etc. and they don’t bother about their family.

18. A married couple relationship is like milk and honey. They get mixed-up very quickly and rapidly. While, the unmarried duo relationship is like cat and dog. Most of the time they will be fighting with each other.


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