How to make your (my) dreams come true (fast) (in real life)  (overnight) (wishes) (goals) (happen) | How can I make my dream come true | Can dreams come true in real life? | What to do when dreams don’t come true? | How do I make my dreams come true from God? | Ways to achieve dreams

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Just before going to “How to make your (my) dreams come true (fast) (in real life) (overnight) (wishes) (goals) (happen) | How can I make my dream come true | Can dreams come true in real life? | What to do when dreams don’t come true? | How do I make my dreams come true from God? | Ways to achieve dreams“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

Dream(s) come true meaning : Something long desired or hoped for and finally happened. 

Simply put, something that you have wanted for a long time has now happened or will happen soon. For example – my dream was to win an Olympic gold medal for my country.

Meaning of dream : There are mainly two types of dreams. First is what we see in our sleep and second is the dream we want to come true in our life.

Meaning of ‘sleep dream’ : A dream (sleep) is a sequence of images, ideas, feelings and sensations that occur involuntarily in our mind, usually during certain stages of sleep.

Meaning of ‘my dream’ (reality) : It is the dream (aspiration) (desire) that you see in reality, that you wish for and want to come true in your life.

Some of the frequently asked questions regarding this subject are as given below:

How to make your dreams come true fast | How to make your dreams come true in real life | How to make your dreams come true overnight | How to make a dream come true |

How to make my dreams come true | How can I make my dream come true | How do you make your dreams come true | How to make my wishes come true overnight |

How can you make your dreams come true | How to make your goals come true | How to make your dreams happen | And many more…

Everybody have their own dream or dreams. Some have one dream, while others have more than one dream. Few people dream ‘BIG’, few people dream ‘small’. Someone is having one kind of dream, while other person will have another kind of dream.

In reality, every human being on this earth has one or the other kind of dream(s) and everyone wants that dream(s) to come true and to come true very fast and at the earliest, today, now.

Different kinds of dreams which the common man sees are as given below:

I wanted to build or buy a BIG house and this house is my dream come true. I am very HAPPY about this. I thank GOD for this precious GIFT to me. 

I have always dreamed of visiting HOLLYWOOD. It was a dream come true to go to HOLLYWOOD and meet my favorite STARS over there. She is my LOVE and DREAM.

My dream will COME TRUE if she agrees to go on a DATE with me to the most ROMANTIC place on earth. I always wanted my first child to be a BABY GIRL.

My dream came true after the BIRTH of my most beautiful DAUGHTER on this earth. I have a great love for PLANTS and TREES. Growing plants in greenhouses is a GARDENER’S dream come true. I LOVE to TAKE CARE of those plants and trees.

List of about “How to make your (my) dreams come true (fast) (in real life) (overnight) (wishes) (goals) (happen) | How can I make my dream come true” is as given below:

Stop comparing yourself with others altogether : The first and foremost thing you should do is completely forget what other people want to do with their lives. There dreams are different and yours is different. 

You should give importance to your dreams. Let them take care of their dreams, you take care of yours. Never compare yourself with others. 

This does not mean that you should not care about your family members, friends and your well-wishers. You should, but the main thing is not to compare yourself with others. 

Watching and knowing your peers hit important milestones can be irritating and frustrating, especially when those same accomplishments seem to be slipping away from you.

If you start comparing yourself with your peers about their achievements, it becomes a big heartburn and you start losing your self-confidence and that can become a hindrance and obstacle for you to achieve your dream(s).

So, instead of being jealous of others, you should forget about your surroundings and give 100% importance to your dreams, your achievements, your desires, your accomplishments.

Try trading negative self-talk for positive affirmations and replace jealousy with gratitude. Celebrating even your smallest victories will give you the perfect self-esteem to help you take on your next challenge.

Plan your every move very carefullyYour next step should include the central driving goals of your life, the reasons you get up in the morning, the dreams you want to achieve in the next month or year or so on.

You dream(s) can guide life decisions, influence behavior, form goals, give a sense of direction, and create meaning. For some people, the dream(s) is connected to a career—meaningful, satisfying work.

Be careful about your dream(s). The most important thing you need to do is be precise about your dreams and desires, so you can be on your way to making them come true as soon as possible. 

One of the easiest way to be more particular about your dreams is to enter them in your ‘dream journal notebook’. If you are not sure about your dream, then what are you trying to achieve in your life? 

Make sure you have something to achieve in your life. For example, as a student you must achieve an A+ grade in all subjects. As a sports person, you have to win a gold medal for your country.

As an IT professional, you want to work for big companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft etc. As a business entrepreneur, you want to increase your sales over time, etc. 

Be specific, particular and careful with your dreams. It will surely help you to realize your dreams in a much easier way than you think.

Start taking action on your plans : Mere planning is not at all enough and it wastes your time. Once you know what you want to do, get on with it today and now itself. 

Take positive and necessary actions of every opportunity that comes your way. Now is the time to achieve your dreams without any further excuses. 

Define your goal – Be clear about your plans and what you want to achieve with the plan. Describe where you are and where you want to be.

List tasks – Once you have your goal in your mind, list the tasks and activities you need to complete in the coming days to achieve it. Then order them sequentially by adding important dates and deadlines.

Identify critical tasks – Are there any steps that need to be completed? Prioritize these tasks and set realistic deadlines. 

Assign tasks if needed – Now that you have clear goals in your mind, you can start working on the tasks. You can choose to delegate or outsource certain tasks if you can’t handle 100% by yourself.

Evaluate and Improve – At the end of each task, evaluate your performance and take lessons to improve your action plans and project execution. If you are working with a team, collect feedback and improvement suggestions from team members for better future performance.

Take it step-by-step : Nothing can be achieved overnight. But if you take one at a time and consistently without a long break you can definitely achieve it. Split your main goal down into sub-goals and set a time frame to accomplish each of the items on the list.

It’s all about taking one step at a time. For example, if your dream is to buy a Lamborghini car, you should think about earning money every month. If a Lamborghini car costs $100,000, you need to consistently earn a portion of this cost every month.

If you jump straight into a showroom and order a salesperson without enough money in your bank account to sell a car, it will be difficult to get the job done without building a strong foundation that gives you the skills you really need to achieve your dreams.

When you’re setting short-term goals to reach your dream, it’s recommended to seek advice from people in the field, whether they’re close friends or acquaintances, to see how they’ve done it on their own.

This will help you get a better idea of what those goals should be and how realistic and achievable they really are.

Review your progress regularlyAn easiest, authentic and effective way to measure your progress is to document it. Consider recording your overall goals, tasks, milestones and deadlines. 

Then you can use a calendar or planner to help you track your progress as you complete tasks and check off milestones as you achieve them. Your planner’s information will help you understand if you need to adjust your time frame or make any minor or major changes to move forward.

For example, if a student aims to pass a certification exam with high scores, they can use the calendar to clarify exam dates and establish study deadlines. 

They can then outline what subjects they need to study, estimate how much time they need to study each day, and set milestones to help them focus on their long-term goal.

It is important to review your progress to have a sense of what you have achieved or what could be achieved if your progress is not up to the mark. 

Doing so will help you know what goals you’ve achieved over a period of time, whether you’re still on the track you’ve set for yourself or if you’ve deviated from it, and much more.

Start experiencing your success : Visualizing success can help boost your self-confidence. Close your eyes and start thinking about how you will feel after achieving your goal. 

This is a great positive motivational strategy to follow when you feel down and depressed on the journey to achieving your plans and goals. We live in a world of confusion from every direction.

Second to second, minute to minute, we get needed and unwanted news from social media and other platforms. And many of us are so scattered that we can forget to focus on building ourselves up.

What people think of us can become a reality rather than what we think about our own plans and goals. With visualization for success, you can take charge of your life and know that it aligns with your future accomplishments.

So, you can actively set the parameters to shape the future and make it happen. Additional to this, your progress helps you take your ideas a step further to discover what is really possible and what is least possible.

Plus, visualization helps you become aware of who you are and what you want in life. This way, you will hardly fall victim to the distractions around you (social media and other platforms). Imagining your future as a present reality makes life easier.

Maintain confidentiality & avoid propagandaYou know that you have special dreams of your own and that you are trying very hard to find success in your life. You want to achieve something special that others cannot.

At the same time, you must remember that you should not propagate what you are trying to achieve in your life. Try to maintain confidentiality about your progress, your achievements, your goals and your dreams.

Don’t let everyone know about your plans and dreams until you experience ultimate success. There are many people around you. Some want you to achieve something special in your life.

There are people who don’t care about your dreams and plans. Similarly, there will be some who are jealous of your plans and dreams. They don’t want you to achieve anything special in your life. These types of people always try to bring you down.

They want to drag your legs down and not reach your ultimate goal. So, always be aware of such people and keep your dreams private and never try to advertise and publicize your dreams to everyone. 

Likewise, if you want to achieve your dreams, you should know that in the process, not everything will go as per your plan. 

You cannot afford to be negative and pessimistic because of some failures along the way. Even if something goes wrong, stay positive and maintain your confidence all the way.

Be wise and learn from your failures : You can’t always win. Winning and losing is a part of everyone’s life. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. 

You need to be wise enough to understand the difference between failure and real failure. Accept failure as a stepping stone in your life. Use the bricks thrown at you to build a beautiful home for you and your well-wishers.

Accept criticism, sometimes people give good criticism and sometimes bad criticism. Don’t expect people around you to appreciate all your words and works all the time.

Failures are a great source of learning how not to do something. Don’t worry about your losses and learn from them. Use your failures to fuel your success. Check what you did wrong and make sure you don’t repeat it next time.

Fight against interruptions and distractions : Being able to cut through distractions and focus on your most important dream is a key ability to develop your path to success. 

Your ability to focus and manage interruptions and distractions is a critical factor in whether or not you achieve your goals and dreams. The interruptions and distractions that surround you will not go away.

If something happens, the number of obstacles and confusions you face will always increase and not vice versa. 

Learning how to overcome obstacles and distractions is one of the best things you can do for yourself if you want to achieve your goals and dreams. 

Doing your most important work every day is essential, and focus and consistency are key to achieving your dreams and goals. You cannot overcome distraction unless you recognize what is that you are distracted with.

When you identify the cause of your obstacles, you can put a plan in place to overcome them. With effective planning and a deliberate focus on managing your time, you can overcome your distractions and get your most important work done each day, step-by-step.

Sit in one place and think about what is holding you back from your goals and dreams? It’s your obstacle, be it a toxic friend, a last relationship or a bad habit; Avoid such limitations and see yourself getting closer to your dreams.

Avoid justifying your mistakes : Your unnecessary excuses and justifications are the worst enemies of your goals and dreams, you must avoid them completely and focus on your right path. 

One habit most successful people have in common is that they never make excuses and never justify their mistakes. They accept their mistakes wholeheartedly and try to correct it as soon as possible. 

Winners always say, “Let’s face it, we all make mistakes”. The question is, what to do when we make one? Over the years winners have learned to keep it simple and straight forward.

Admit your mistake – The moment you realize or someone point out that you have made a mistake, your first step is to immediately admit it. There is strength to stand up and face the situation.

Take responsibility and make it your own…most likely, people will respect and trust you more for doing so. Unfortunately, often people hide their mistakes, or even worse, they blame someone else.

Winners believe in always being the type of person who “admits a mistake and always corrects it quickly” because it usually pays off in the end.

Apologize – This first apology may not go very well, but you shouldn’t underestimate it. Don’t include or try to justify why it happened. 

A simple and sincere apology is all that’s needed and then it’s time to continue doing your best to fix the situation. It will automatically show you the path to success of your goals and dreams.

Take help when in need : There is nothing to be ashamed of when you ask for help. After all, we are all humans and make mistakes all the way through our lives. 

If you are stuck in your way and you are unable to find a solution on your own, never hesitate to seek help and support from experts.

Seeking help allows you to learn how to manage challenges that affect your well-being and mental fitness. With this help, you can perform to the best of your ability even under pressure and confusion. 

Along with this, taking help enables you to have and reach your goals and dreams. Future planning allows you to set goals and take the right steps to reach them within a specific time frame. 

Taking the right help and support will keep you motivated. Knowing that you have a set plan for the future will motivate you to work hard to reach your goals and dreams.

More information will be added to this on regular basis. Please visit this post and blog / website to know more about relationship and parenting.

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Husband and wife information, facts

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