How to Talk to a Girl (Woman) at School (Office) (You Don’t Know, At High School) | How to talk to a girl you already know | How to talk to a girl to make her interested in you | What to say (talk) when approaching a girl for the first time

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Just before going to “How to talk to a girl (woman) at school (office) (you don’t know) (at high school) | How to talk to a girl you already know | How to talk to a girl to make her interested in you | What to say (talk) when approaching a girl for the first time“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

Some boys without much effort easily approach girls inside or outside school (office and other places). These guys know the right way to approach a girl, how to compliment her and make her fall for him.

But some others feel impossibly shy or nervous whenever they try to approach a girl. Their palms sweat very easily, they feel awkward, or they stumble over their words several times.

If you are such a shy person and don’t know how to approach and talk to a girl, then don’t worry, this post (article) will definitely help you get your girl very easily and with minimum effort.

Talking to a girl is not as difficult as you think, it’s just like eating ice cream or driving your favorite bike or car, it just requires some simple tricks and skills. Once you understand its mechanism and with a minimum of practice, it becomes your nature very easily.

If you’re wondering how to strike a conversation with a girl inside school or at the office or wherever you want, she’ll definitely like you and maybe go on a date with you, here’s a list of actionable ideas and secrets.

List of about “How to talk to a girl at school (office) (you don’t know) (at high school) (woman) or anywhere” is as given below:

Know if she is the right girl for you : Does she smile at you when you are around her? Does she want to talk to you and is excited to see you? Does she want to know your number directly from you or through your friends or her friends?

If she knows you, does she like to fight with you and hit you on your shoulder and back? Would she like to know more about you and your family? Does she love you for what you are and always will be? Is she more into your time and heart than your money?

If all or some of these things are happening with you, then you should take the next step and proceed to talk to her as soon as possible.

What should you talk to a girl for the first time : You need to understand her favorite things and everything she likes. You can start with simple things like hobbies or talk about life goals.

Music, favorite travel destinations, movies or current affairs can be part of the conversation. Food, a favorite restaurant, social media, or a favorite scent can be an excellent pick-up options to start a conversation.

Eye contact tells you a lot : Just like touch, even eye contact triggers the release of oxytocin. When someone is attracted to you, they subconsciously try to make eye-to-eye contact with each other.

If you look across the room in class or at the office or anywhere or at a party and catch her looking at you, she might be interested in you. This formula of eye-to-eye between a boy and a girl is as old as human birth on earth.

If she sees that you notice her staring at you and immediately looks away and blushes or gives you a small smile, she may be admitting that she likes you.

How do I talk to a girl after we make eye contact : The first thing you should do is give her a sweaty smile. A friendly smile will help put a girl at ease and let her know that you are approachable.

Introduce yourself: If you don’t know her, start by introducing yourself and asking her name. This will help break the ice and show you the way to start the conversation.

Ask free-minded question: Ask a question that requires more than a simple yes or no answer. For example, you can ask her about her interests or what she likes to do in her spare time.

Show real and genuine interest: Show some factual and true interest in what she has to say by asking follow-up questions and actively listening to her responses.

Be truly respectful: Be courteous and polite in your conversation and avoid making any type of foolish or offensive or inappropriate comments or jokes. Be a gentleman and not a fool in this situation.

Remember that it is important to be confident and at the same time you should not be aggressive or pushy when approaching a stranger for the first time, especially if she is a girl.

Be aware of the girl’s behavior and facial expressions to gauge whether she seems responsive to conversation. If she seems impatient or disinterested, it’s best to back off and give her space and move on.

Ask about her likes and dislikes : What do you like to do in your spare time? This is one of the most common and easy ways to ask someone what kind of hobbies they have or what they are really interested in.

Questions to ask a girl about her hobbies are given here: What are you really passionate about? | Who is your favorite band/musician which you love most? | Do you have any special hobbies? | What is your favorite place about where you grew up? | 

Where is the next place you would love to travel? | If you could tell yourself one thing 10 years ago, what would it be? | What’s something you’ve never done but always wanted to do? | What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? | 

Do you do anything creative, which others can’t? | Do you have any pet(s) and it’s name(s)? | What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning? | What’s the craziest or most out-of-character thing you’ve done until date? | 

If you could invite any three people from history to a dinner party, who would you invite and why? | What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done? |

At what age do you think a person “grows up” and why? | If you could choose only one long-term goal to either own a house or travel the world, which would you choose? |

What is your most favorite thing to do when you are all alone? | What’s your go-to karaoke song? | What’s your idea of a most perfect weekend? | If you could take one book, one piece of clothing, and one food item to a desert island, what would they be? |

What’s at the top of your bucket list right now? | What’s the last thing you can’t sleep for? | What is your ‘Miss America’ platform? (the country you belong) | 

What is your most treasured thing about this city? | What is your biggest “pet peeve”? | If you could relive one day from the past, which day it would be and why? | If you could have any special talent, what would it be? |

Crack few jokes and let her laugh : Girls love to laugh more and more. If you are such kind of person who can make a girl laugh her belly, you are sure that you will keep her happy in the future.

Few of the most funny jokes to make a girl laugh is as given here : (1) Are you a magician? Because every time I see your face, everything else disappears! | (2) Do I know you? Because when I see you, I feel like I’ve known you for a long time. |

(3) They say that heaven is the most beautiful place, but when I see you smile, it seems to me that heaven has appeared before me. | (4) For some reason, I feel a little off today. But when you came in front of me, the fragrance of your body made my day. |

(5) I think I lost my phone number on the way, in the mean time, can I get your phone number. | (6) For the past few days I have lost my heart and am not sure where it is. Can you give me directions to your heart? |

(7) Are you sure you are not tired? You’ve been running through my mind all day. | (8) Is there an airport nearby or is my heart leaving to reach the destination of your heart? | 

(9) Are you a boxer? Because, you just knocked me out with your smile. | (10) Will you hold my arm, so I can tell my friends that I have been touched by a divine angel? | 

(11) I want to change only one thing about you and that is your last name. | (12) Besides being hot, what do you do for a living? | (13) Hello, I’m a thief, and I’m here to steal your heart forever. |

Let her be in her comfort zone : Making your girl comfortable means you’re making her trust you more and more, and you’re laying the groundwork to make her your girlfriend.

This means you trust her and in turn she also trusts you enough to express herself freely around you. This does not mean that she sees you as a romantic or sexual partner right away. It means she enjoys your company as a friend.

As a boy or a man, you should treat her with utmost respect and avoid staring or making unwanted comments. You should respect her, her space and don’t try to get too close to her right away.

Many boys approach girls and often make inappropriate comments on the streets or on social media. But you as a real man, do your best to avoid all these to become a ‘real man’ to her at all costs. 

A girl may not want to talk to you or have any kind of relationship with you if she understands your immoral intentions or if she thinks you only want her physically.

Avoid talking these things to a girl : “you look sexy”, “hey baby”, “you have great butt”, “you are not a good listener”, “you argue too much”, and similar words and sentences.

Give her a unique compliment : What does a real girl or woman want in her life? This question always arises in every boy or man and many are not able to find the right answer to it.

Most of the girls and women want respectable, fair and moral men. In terms of relationships, having integrity helps strengthen the bond a man has with a woman, as his moral principles guide his behavior and help him be the best partner he can be.

Women need men to show them kindness, patience, understanding, compassion and empathy. Regardless of the type of relationship, men and women should consider each other’s feelings.

Few of the good compliment for a girl (woman) is as given here : You have a great sense of humor. | You are my sweet girl, you always look so cool, fresh and beautiful. | You light up any room you walk into. |

I love your style and impeccable manners. | You have such a wonderful personality, there is never a dull moment with you. | You have the most beautiful eyes in the world. | You have a great sense of style which is very unique. |

How you manage to stay calm and collected in any situation is highly admirable. | You look so beautiful in this outfit! | You always know exactly what to say. | There’s normal, and then there’s you, ‘the most perfect’. | 

You are a strong, encouraging and enthusiastic woman. Never change this quality of yours. | I always learn so much from you. | I always love your ideas. | 

You’re always crazy for thinking outside the box, and your ideas consistently work! | You are extraordinary and can achieve anything, never stop! | No one makes me happier than you. | I am truly blessed to have you in my life. |

Use unique conversation starters : Times have changed, there is no point in using the same old conversation starters, you have to invent new ideas to approach a girl or woman.

When talking to a girl or woman you should add positive intelligence. Nowadays girls are more direct and they know how to move forward in life, they are very unique in their thoughts.

This does not mean that you can use rude or unhealthy words and sentences. One should understand the girl’s (female) mind and speak according to the situation.

Few of the unique conversation starters are as  given here : What do you do to relieve stress? | What is your obsession? | What three words best describe you? | What is your story? | Working on something exciting lately? |

Did you have a good day / good time? | What is your purpose in life? | What experiences have made you who you are today? | What do you think is your best quality? | What is one thing in your life that you are grateful for? |

What does it mean to be a good partner? | What song reminds you of our relationship? | What reality TV show would you be on? | Who is your celebrity crush? | If you were a social media influencer, what would you be known for? |

Know her interests and passions : You should emphasize more and more about her interests, her likes, her enthusiasm, her desires, her eagerness, her strong points, etc.

Don’t bother asking her about things that aren’t relevant to her or that don’t interest her. Ask her about her own positive things in life. Make her more and more excited and not things that make her tired and dull.

Few of the very interesting and passionate questions to ask her are : What is the one thing that excites you the most? | What are you truly passionate about? | Who is your favorite band / musician lately? | 

Do you have any unique hobbies, which others don’t want to try? | What do you like most about where you grew up? | Do you do something creative that others don’t? | What makes the happiest version of you? | 

How do you define success differently than others? | Have a question you want to ask me? | Do you prefer fancy date nights or casual nights? | Is being smart or being kind more important to you? | 

Was there a cartoon you were obsessed with growing up? | Do you prefer matching materials or pattern mixing? | Have you ever faked being sick and stayed home from school? | What is your worst and best haircut? |

Avoid stupid behavior and unnecessary words : You have done all the hard work, you are been nice to the girl, but suddenly you get over excited and start misbehaving or using unnecessary words. 

It should be avoided completely and at all times. You are still looking for the first step to move forward. If you start acting like a fool, she will lose trust in you. Avoid all these things! 

Avoid looking away from the girl when you are talking to her, as it shows your disinterest in the conversation. So, make sure you maintain eye contact with the girl while talking. 

Avoid talking over a girl in the middle of a conversation, as this is a huge turn-off for girls. Don’t try to show your authority when she’s trying to say something to you.

Avoid these things when with a girl : Always talk only about your interest. | An evil look at her. | Send her unwanted notes/texts. | Bother her about something she is less interested in and make inappropriate comments about her. |

Insult her like this: You think it’s common sense… | Sing her dirty lyrics. | Kiss her without her knowledge. | Touch her without her permission. | Tease her. | Do something awkward in front of her. | Ask to see her naked. |

What are signs a girl doesn’t like you? : If a girl or woman is not interested in you and doesn’t want to listen to you, walk away without making any further move.

Everyone has their own interests. One cannot force anyone for anything. If a girl is not interested in you then you should respect her decision. Just think, she is not for you and stay away from her.

Few of the signs a girl doesn’t like you is as given here : She won’t pay attention to you no matter how many times you try. | She shies away from sensitive touches. | She makes no attempt to touch you. | 

She doesn’t care about the things you are interested in and discuss with her. | She will not ask any personal questions about you. | She makes no effort to make you laugh. | She does not maintain eye contact with you. | 

She doesn’t laugh at your good jokes. | She drops hints that she’s not looking to date you. | She will cancel all your plans. | She never wants to be ‘alone’ with you. | 

She always talks about other men, money and Mercedes. | She is not excited when you ask her something. | She wants to leave you halfway through the date. | etc.

More information will be added to this on regular basis. Please visit this post and blog / website to know more about relationship and parenting.

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