How to solve problems between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law? | How to resolve (improve) mother-in-law and daughter-in-law conflict? | Dos and Don’ts about a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship | Why do I find my mother-in-law so annoying

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Just before going to “How to solve problems between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law? | How to resolve (improve) mother-in-law and daughter-in-law conflict? | Dos and Don’ts about a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law | Why do I find my mother-in-law so annoying“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

The main questions which arises on this topic is as given below:

How should a daughter-in-law treat her mother-in-law? | Why do daughter-in-law and mother-in-law conflict? | What is the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law? |

Daughter-in-law relationship | How to improve mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship | Nice things to say to your daughter-in-law | Nice things to say to your mother-in-law |

My daughter-in-law has no respect for me | Daughter-in-law responsibilities | Mother-in-law responsibilities | How to be a good mother-in-law to a daughter-in-law | How to be a good daughter-in-law to a mother-in-law | 

What causes conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law? | How do I keep a good relationship with my mother-in-law? | How mother-in-law ruin marriages (family relationships) |

How daughter-in-law ruin marriages (family relationships) | How to win mother-in-law’s heart | How to win daughter-in-law’s heart | Mother-in-law relationship issues | Mother-in-law relationship | And others…

Let us find the correct solutions, answers, remedy, quick-fix, way out, antidote for these troubles, worries, issues, difficulties, snags, complications etc.

Dos and Don’ts about a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship is as given below:

List of the solutions for the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law conflicts, problems, issues are as given below:

Leave behind your ego : First and foremost thing a mother-in-law and / or a daughter-in-law has to do is, “leave behind your ego”. Ego is the main cause of all the conflicts, issues, problems of the world including the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law dispute(s).

Never think that, “I am always right”, “she is always wrong”, “she doesn’t know anything. This “I am” and “I am always right” should vanish from your mind and life forever, and should never-ever return back.

Until this “I am” is present, you are always prejudice in nature and also about your surroundings. This includes your family relationships. This “I am always right” has destroyed many in the past including the great thinkers, scholars, sages, philosophers, kings, leaders, genius people, Pundits, Gurus, etc.

Don’t be among those with “I am always right”. Instead, try to forget your ego and have a cool-mind and think twice before talking and / or acting rudely to the other lady or anyone in the family.

Always take advice from a learned person : This is an ancient way of making the bonds stronger and longer. In the ancient times, there was always someone who was learned person and he / she was always suggesting to the younger generation about the outcomes of one or more action(s) or reaction(s).

But, in this today’s world your best friend is mobile and internet. We pass our time on our mobile using the internet hours together without much thinking about our family.

Yes, mobile and internet is very useful in today’s time. But use it in the adequate and right way. Use it in the development of yours and your family bonds.

You may be a mother-in-law or a daughter-in-law, make sure to avoid the mobile and internet when you are doing some important family work(s). Nothing is more important to you than your family. 

Always take advice from an experience and a learned person, because that learned person has seen the world more than you. That learned person knows, what is right? what is wrong? what to talk? what not to talk? how to react? when to react? etc.

Avoid sleeping in day time : You may rest for about half an hour in the afternoon, but don’t try to waste your time sleeping during the day time. In the past, sleeping in day time for longer hours has caused huge conflicts between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationships.

As said earlier, you may take rest for about half an hour in the afternoon (if possible avoid even this). But don’t kill your precious time in sleeping. 

Instead, you may read some good books, which will improve your quality of thinking and also develop your family relationships.

Because family bondage should be your highest priority. You may work for one company today, you can leave that company tomorrow. But, you can’t leave your family. Family will be with you forever. Family values are the most important and are the esteemed merits in your life.

Have food together : This is one of the most powerful ways of improving the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationships. You may be a mother-in-law or a daughter-in-law, have food together.

Sit aside each-other and serve food to each-other. This will definitely increase your bond and trust enormously. Try this idea from today itself, you will surely see the difference in very short time itself. 

In the ancient times, whole family was sitting together and having food together everyday. While having food, talk about positive things. Smile as much as possible.

Ask the view of the quality of the food. If any improvement(s) are required in the food quality, ask for suggestion with each other. Try to pick the plates of each other. If you are the mother-in-law, you pick the plate of your daughter-in-law one day.

Next day, you been the daughter-in-law, you pick the plate of your mother-in-law. Do this for about one month. Virtually and slowly your relationship will improve immensely. Try this from today itself.

Clean your house together : This is another way of enhancing your connection with your mother-in-law (daughter-in-law). Clean your house together and regularly. Keep your house clean and tidy. This will welcome the Goddess of fortune to your house.

And thus automatically, your link with your mother-in-law (daughter-in-law) will improve exceedingly well. There is a famous saying, “When all else fails, cleaning house is the perfect antidote to most of life’s ills.”

Cleaning your house regularly will give prosperity to you and your family. Thus wealth will increase, success will always be waiting in your house and finally your bond with your in-laws should refine exceptionally.

Don’t use inappropriate word(s) : Don’t ever use unethical, immoral, unacceptable, dishonorable, indelicate, indecorous, insignificant, improper, intolerable, objectionable word(s) with each other.

Always keep your mind calm and use the ethical, acceptable, honorable, proper, noble, respectful words with each other. In the past one unethical word has ruined whole life and family.

One should be highly careful while using the correct words while talking. You may be a highly experienced mother-in-law and / or you may be a highly educated daughter-in-law, but always be in your limits while speaking to each other. 

That one word is always important when you are talking to the other woman and the family members.

Wake up as early as possible : Waking up as early as possible and completing your household chores will always help to keep your and your family bond stronger.

If you complete your household chores as early as possible in the morning itself, you will have loads of time for other good things too. You can use the free time in understanding your mother-in-law or daughter-in-law in the right way.

Don’t blame the other lady for everything : This is supremely important factor in a woman’s life. You may be a mother-in-law or a daughter-in-law, but don’t try to show fingers with each other.

All have their own limits. Most of the times (99%), mistake(s) happen due to your own ignorance, innocence. Not many people do the mistake(s) willfully. We are not always right and correct.

All can do mistake(s). But don’t try to criticize the other woman. Instead, try to fix the mistake(s) as soon as possible. 

It’s human nature to do mistakes, but it’s also the human nature to avoid doing the same old mistake(s) again and again. You make sure that, you will try to avoid the same mistake(s) again and again in the future.

Be compassionate with each other : Both mother-in-law and daughter-in-law should and must have concern, care, sensitivity, love, affectionate with each other. After all, as a mother-in-law, you are the mother of her husband.

And similarly, as a daughter-in-law you are the wife of her son. If you love and care each other, automatically even that son / husband will also have a worry-free mind. If he is happy, naturally you both will also be blissful. 

If you lose peace with each other, even your son / husband will also have to carry that same stress, tension and his life will be full of anxiety.

Do you want that? No right. Thus, show compassionate with each other. Always speak good of each other, have peace with each other, show love towards each other.

Go to market, shopping together : Yes, this is highly recommended task to be performed together by both mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Time has shown that, ladies talk openly when they go out and buy things, especially the things which are related to the family.

It may be groceries, vegetables, clothes, fruits, jewelry, accessories, cookware, books, gifts, etc., always buy together. Talk to each other about the quality and quantity.

Speak to each other about the good and bad brands. Chat with each other about your regular needs. This will assure your confidence in each other and thus automatically will improve your relationships in the long run.

Don’t try to snatch her son or her husband : This is tremendously important thing to keep in mind. If you are a mother-in-law and if you come in between your son and daughter-in-law privacy, this could extremely harm the relationships.

Similarly, if you are a daughter-in-law and if you don’t allow your mother-in-law to communicate with her son, you are in the incorrect path. Don’t ever try to snatch the privacy or love of somebody.

You may be a very good mother, but don’t try to interfere in your son and daughter-in-law’s seclusion. And similarly, you may be a loving wife, but don’t try to obstruct your husband and mother-in-law’s love.

Treat your daughter-in-law as your daughter : Even your daughter-in-law must be a somebody’s daughter. You must have loved your own daughter so much.

Similarly, show the same love and affection towards your daughter-in-law. This is an extremely powerful tool to bind your relationship with each other. 

The past experience has showed that, loving a daughter-in-law like your own daughter, will strengthen the connection and relationship enormously.

Serve your mother-in-law as your mother : Even your mother-in-law is your husband’s mother. You must have respected your own mother very much.

In the same way, admire, regard, look-after your mother-in-law as your mother. This is a potentially one of the most convincing way to build your connection with your mother-in-law. 

Multiple studies have indicated that, respecting your mother-in-law like your own mother, will increase the connection, association, attachment, ties exceedingly well.

Pray together : Yes, this is most likely to increase the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationships immensely. In the ancient times, whole family used to pray together and also go to temple together.

This used to be highly useful path to make the multiple relationships very strong. Try to pray together from today itself. You will sooner or later will start to see the difference in improving the closeness between you two ladies.

God always listens the words of the good human-being(s) and will always bless to all those who are really devoted towards him.

Have least expectations : Expecting anything which is out of your reach could cause enormous depression. There is a very popular quote, “If you expect nothing from somebody, you are never disappointed.”

Similarly, when you expect something, you are surely to get disappointed, disheartened, upset, discouraged, etc. 

Never have too much of expectations from your family or anybody, including from your mother-in-law or daughter-in-law. Always try to give something, instead of expecting something from others.

Never promise, if you can’t fulfill it : As a mother-in-law or daughter-in-law, if you promise for something which your can’t afford, you are inviting trouble(s) towards you. Rather, without giving any promise give surprise gifts to your mother-in-law or daughter-in-law.

Know what your mother-in-law or daughter-in-law like most. Without informing anything to her, try to give a good gift. This must and should increase and improve your alliance and connection towards each other.

On the contrary, if you promise something and can’t fulfill it because of one or more reasons, you will definitely have to face huge disappointment, despondency, embarrassment. 

This could cause huge misunderstanding, misinterpretation, misjudgment, misbelief in each other and even mislead your relationships.

Communicate properly : This is too important way to boost and revamp your ties with each other (mother-in-law and daughter-in-law). Whatever is there in your mind, you need to communicate thoroughly with your mother-in-law or daughter-in-law.

If you need something, you need to speak accordingly. If you want to go somewhere, you need to inform it fully. 

If you need to eat something, you need to ask properly. If you want to buy something, you need to notify them precisely, etc. 

No matter what you want or don’t want, you have to communicate in the right way and in right time. If you follow these, you will raise your relationship link with the other woman exceptionally well.

Let your children play with your mother-in-law and father-in-law : Yes, you need to allow your young children to play with their grandparents. 

This will make their minds free and blissful, and eventually will improve your association enormously. Grandparents feel very happy to play with their grandchildren and similarly grandchildren want to play with their grandparents. 

Thus both your children and your mother-in-law and father-in-law will be pleased and in-turn this will connect the link with your mother-in-law.

Don’t talk from behind : This is a highly sensitive, consequential, profound, momentous, critical, serious matter to deal with. In the past, because of this reason, many families have been destroyed, dismantled, ruined, broken.

Never talk anything negative behind your mother-in-law or daughter-in-law. Whatever is there, you need to speak face-to-face, using acceptable words. Don’t be prejudice when you are reacting which you are aware of little bit or half-baked stories.

If you are talking with preconception, you may be welcoming unpleasant relationship for the coming days. Always talk personally with calm mind using pleasant, normal, acceptable, bearable, justifiable, sensible, valid words.

Don’t compete with each other : This happens in many of the families even today. Mother-in-law want to compete with her daughter-in-law and similarly, daughter-in-law also want to compete with her mother-in-law.

But, at last both will lose tremendously. Both will feel embarrassed. Both will sense awkwardness. Both will notice the negativity with each other. 

You are a single family. Don’t try to overtake or fight or compete with each-other. Instead, try to compromise, understand each other’s mind, spread love in the family.

Take a back seat : Yes, in single and united family if you pull-back yourself, you will definitely win in the long run. Allow the other lady play a more important or active role than you do in one or more particular situation(s).

As a family, try to accept the defeat. Eventually, you will always win, if you lose as a family member. After all, it is your own family and thus don’t try to capture it by fight or brawl or contest or negative thoughts or don’t ever challenge your family member(s).

Instead, live in peace, calmness, harmony. Spread the love of oneness, integrity, use acceptable words in the family without any gloomy outlook.

Be present, when you are most required : Your whole family requires your support, strength, aid, backup. In today’s world there are multiple complexities. A person who goes out to work may face multiple intricacies in his / her life.

Knowing all these, don’t increase the stress, anxiety of your family member(s). Instead, you should be able to help him / her wholeheartedly. If you are not helping your member(s), then who will? You are the life and soul of your whole family.

Don’t indulge in cat fighting. World is too harsh. It may cause various entanglements and harshness to you and your family member(s). Don’t increase the problems in your family, if you at-least can’t support or strengthen your family member(s).

Never compare with others : You as a mother-in-law might have come from a rich family. But don’t expect the same thing from your daughter-in-law. Similarly, you as a daughter-in-law may be highly educated.

Nevertheless, don’t anticipate your mother-in-law to be well versed like you. Comparing may lead to disastrous mindset. Money, education, jewelry, beauty, car, sophisticated electronics appliances, valuable clothes, etc. can never win heart(s).

It’s mutual understanding, calm mind, camaraderie, affinity, bond, empathy, sympathy, harmony, rapport, alliance, affection, love, etc. are the things which builds a strong family and relationship.

Don’t contrast your life. Discrepancy has to completely avoided. Disagreement should be nullified. Always try to reverse any opposition in the family.

More information will be added to this on regular basis. Please visit this post and blog / website to know more about relationship and parenting.

Continue reading about:

Human behavior

Sleep behavior

School life

Children behavior

Husband-Wife relationship

Relationships and Parenting

Boy and Girl

Love between a boy and girl

To know more about “Husband and wife information, facts“, please click the below link:

Husband and wife information, facts

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