How to be good (better) (best) (great) girlfriend (in the world) | How to be good girlfriend in a long distance relationship | How can I be a true girlfriend? | Who is the best girlfriend to have?

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Just before going to “How to be good (better) (best) (great) girlfriend (in the world) | How to be good girlfriend in a long distance relationship | How can I be a true girlfriend? | Who is the best girlfriend to have?“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

Common questions asked on this subjects is as given below:

How to be a good girlfriend | How to be a good gf | How to be a great girlfriend | How to be a good girlfriend to my boyfriend | How to be good girlfriend in a long distance relationship | 

How to find a good girlfriend | How to be a good gf in a relationship | How to become a good girlfriend | How to get a good girlfriend | How can I be a quality girlfriend | How to be a better girlfriend emotionally |

How to be a better girlfriend when you have depression | How to be a better girlfriend in a long-distance relationship | How to be a better girlfriend quiz | How to be a better girlfriend over text | 

How to be a better girlfriend to my boyfriend | How to be a better girlfriend | How to be a better girlfriend when you have anxiety | And many more…

Who is a girlfriend : A girlfriend or gf is a female companion, friend, partner, etc. with whom one is mentally, platonically, physically, romantically or sexually involved with her boyfriend (bf).

Romantically signifies a dedicated and committed relationship where the individuals are not married. Other titles, for example “spouse”, “soulmate”, “better-half”, “consort”, “wife” or “partner”, usually signify that the individuals are legally married.

Words like “girlfriend (gf)” and “partner” has different meanings as per the individual and the distinctions between the terms are subjective. How the term is used will ultimately be determined by personal preferences, priorities, etc.

List of the ways of “How to be good (better) (best) (great) girlfriend (in the world)” | “How to be good girlfriend in a long distance relationship” is as given below:

Showing affection is the first step : There are multiple methods to show your affection towards your special one. 

Few are more obvious than others and the way you deal with it will depend on how openly, personally and individually affectionate you prefer to be. Affection is close to but not the same as intimacy.

Affection means a feeling of loving, caring, devotion or liking somebody. Affection is about openly demonstrating that you care for an individual and can show love and care publicly or privately at any time of the day or night.

Think about how you like to exhibit affection to your special one who you love and care about, such as: Giving a hug, holding hands gently, touching an arm and providing confidence, a quick kiss on the cheek, speaking supportive words, mentioning how great your partner is in front of others, etc.

Use romantic names like “Honey”, “Darling”, “Sweetheart”, “Dearest”, “Baby”, etc. is a cute way to exhibit your love and affection towards your special one. 

The most important thing in any relationship is to communicate properly and thus always make sure they know how much you like them.

Apart from the above, you must use romantic and caring texts and emails, which can be a great booster to improve your relationship. These kinds of things will always add value to your long lasting relationship!

Show him you love him both privately and publicly : Every man likes to be admired and respected, especially by the women they love. Praise him in public when you get together for a party or meeting.

But at the same time be sure not to over-praise which may end up in embarrassment. Say loudly and calmly; How happy are you with him. Appreciate him, adore him, admire him, respect him and of course love him. 

Using kind and appreciative words will always please him as a person and in turn your relationship with him will improve a lot. If he is sick and unwell, make a good soup and feed him with your own hands.

Don’t mention that he should be washing his hands more often at this time. Prepare his favorite food for dinner. Ask him about his favorite restaurant and treat him to lunch. 

He’ll be so glad you’re so sensitive to his preferences and make the extra effort to feed him. You can also hone your cooking skills to cherish your man for a lifetime.

Be tempting and attractive : Don’t be afraid to be tempting and attractive to your boyfriend. Most men find it irresistible when a girl is seductive, enticing and equally confident in nature. 

Here, confidence means being blissful within your own skin. If you’re accepting of yourself and feeling secure about your self-worth, you’ll exude it without even trying. 

You don’t have to force yourself to be the most popular, bubbly person out there if that’s not your style. Be yourself for your boyfriend. 

Instead, be the best of the show by taking good care of yourself and making him believe that you are worthy of his attention. You don’t need to dress like anyone else. You have to own yourself and dress neatly and attractively to show him that you love him the most.

Fix his problems, not him : Don’t find fault in small things. No one is perfect on this earth. We all need to improve day by day. Beautiful and romantic relationship struggles can be difficult at times.

But, it is not the end of road. It’s normal to feel a range of emotions. You need to amend yourself every now and then for a long lasting relationship. Always remember, it is normal to feel these emotions sometimes, but they will pass.

A bunch of new gloomy flowers are waiting for you in the future. There’s no one or two right way(s) to handle conflict in difficult relationships. 

But there are things you can do to improve your headspace when your relationship is struggling. You have to solve all the problems that come in your life by yourself. 

Don’t think of changing your life partner, instead you should fix yourself for your own sake and for your special one. After all, we are all humans and not animals. Unlike animals we have a better intellectual mind to think.

Rework and support him to improve his dream : All human beings have dreams of one kind or another. Likewise, your man may also have one or more passions that he keeps hidden from the world. 

Encourage him to pursue his dream. Allow time and space to build on his vision. Join hands with him to build his beautiful dreams. May he realize that he is not alone and that you all are giving all the support to push his boundaries and make his dreams come true. 

Similarly, discuss about your own dreams too. If you have the same dream, you can mutually greet each other and grow with him.

Give him gifts regularly : When you are in love and relationship, it is nice and fun to give each other a small gifts. Each and everyone loves to get gifts and rewards. And giving them to your loved one shows that it means a lot to him.

Similarly, always remember, don’t overdo it. Give them a gift when you are feeling loving and blessed. And thus let them know how much they mean to you. You don’t want to think you are trying to buy their love.

But you need to give importance to love and care about him. Try to gift him a gift which is made by your own hands with love and care, even though it is less costlier. 

A flower made out of the paper, an artistic heart, a creativity that reflects your personality, so whenever he sees it, he will think of you and smile all the time. 

If you are a musical type, or can play an instrument, do not hesitate to play a song or two. Bonus points if you play a song you wrote yourself.

Be caring and kind to his parents : A woman with a kind heart can win anyone’s heart, be it old people or young and cute children. 

You are already polite and complimentary, but enhance your parents’ impression by sending them interesting gifts on their birthdays. Showing that extra care and respect to his parents who raised this amazing man resonates with them and him. 

The fact that his parents have spent a significant part of their lives raising their son can make his parents a bit sensitive when another person becomes the center of attraction in their son’s life.

Treat your in-laws with respect. Consider their age. They may have gone through a lot of hardships in their lives while their son was growing up. 

In fact, talk to them and ask them about their son’s childhood, growing up and different life experiences. When they share the story of their son’s life they will grow fond of you and it can lead to a strong bond between you and them. 

This will ultimately bring your relationship with your boyfriend much closer and it will make you feel happy and appreciated.

Never forget, he is ‘your hero’ : He wants to be your hero. He is connected with you to love you, take care of you, and be your provider and protector forever. Accept his role and let him take care of you.

Not every woman gets a hero like him. Respect him and praise him. When you make him the hero of your life, you exude the most admirable feelings of love and attraction towards you. Everyone faces battles. You are his companion.

Be there to support your husband (boyfriend) as he faces his battles. You can’t always fight for him, but you can stand up for him. That automatically makes you a superhero too.

Don’t be jealous of him : Your first part is to show love, respect and care towards your partner. But not to the point where you see red from the moment your partner talks to or mentions another girl. 

Nothing turns off your significant other, faster than an insecure girlfriend who can’t stand the thought of other women in the entire universe. 

Your partner will appreciate you more if you are nice to his female friends instead of talking about how ugly or annoying any girl you see is.

If he’s out with his friends, don’t act over smart and start texting every two seconds to make sure he’s not talking to any other girls. This will only make you see how little you trust your partner. This may lead to unnecessary resentment between the two of you.

Listen and share in what he loves : It is universal that no two human beings have the same likes. But, to improve the relationship between a man and a woman, you have to think one step differently than the average person.

I know whose husband could talk about politics day and night, and when he does, his wife opens the newspaper or magazine and starts reading it. 

On the other hand, she would have scored many more points, if she had listened to him, asked engaging questions, and sent him news articles that piqued his interest. 

Whether your man is into sports or music or anything else, indulge him in something he loves and cares about, even if it’s not your own cup of tea.

Forget your ego here. You are reading this article to improve your relationship with your boyfriend (husband). Just think of love and care and completely forget your unnecessary pride.

Be kind and humble woman : A man likes to be with a woman who is humble and kind in nature, not only to him but also to his mates and significant others in his life. 

If you show an arrogant and bossy attitude about your special one, your relationship will always suffer. A good girlfriend or wife will show both care and compassion towards her boyfriend or husband. 

She is sensitive to the needs of the family and does her best to provide all types of solutions. For her, her boyfriend (husband) and family come first and nothing else.

She understands when her boyfriend (husband) is disappointed or irritated and always tries to make him happy and joyful. Her caring nature ensures that the boyfriend (family) does not lack in any aspect of life.

You don’t have to be interested in all their interests. If he enjoy watching football but you can’t get into it, that’s fine too. Just ask about their interests and talk about things that are important to them, that’s enough to make him happy.

Work as a team : Like any healthy relationship, you will experience your share of conflicts, some small, some big. Always remember to be true to yourself and to him and try to renounce any significant selfishness.

The relationship is one of teamwork and symbiosis, not a parasitic one, where one party gives and the other takes without giving enough in return. 

In and as a team, you have each other’s backs, you don’t undermine each other, and you openly respect each other in front of others. During difficult times, a team approach can help you work through problems in a less emotionally attached way. 

This involves both of you taking responsibility for fixing things instead of expecting one or the other to fix them. Avoid having a “one track” relationship where the bond revolves around one topic.

Always move like a railway track, i.e. parallel and side by side. Keep your relationship stronger and healthy by bringing new and positive things and diversity into the relationship.

Try new and different things together. A relationship is about enjoying life together, learning together and growing together through happy and difficult times.

Value his privacy : Yes, surely you are officially dating and have already developed a deep bond with them. But still you should accept and respect his values and privacy at all times. 

Don’t try to sneak into his office, bedroom or phone to check his messages or private emails. Give him enough time and space, and he will eventually share everything with you in the long run. 

Relationships with some level of privacy are actually stronger when partners are sensitive to each other’s needs. It’s also important to remember that everyone has different privacy values and needs. 

One person in a relationship may have less need for privacy, while another may need more space and time. Invasion of privacy can be harmful in a relationship, try to be more sensitive about privacy and respect others who need privacy. 

In reality, some privacy can actually lead to greater levels of intimacy, as both partners feel safe and respected. And similarly allow themselves to open up and be vulnerable with their partner about things they feel comfortable sharing.

Compliment maximum, criticize least : No one likes to be criticized too much and everyone wants to be complimented more. If you are critical or aggressive around him, he won’t look forward to seeing you and will start reconsidering being with you.

At the same time, you don’t always have to agree with him just because he is your partner. Tact is a good strategy in improved and mature relationships, and setting boundaries and compromising are important relationship strategies to learn and adopt.

Even if you can come up with valid criticism, for every negative thing you say, you should say at least a few positive things about him. Don’t berate him because you’re in a bad mood or things aren’t going well for you. 

Men especially like to be praised and respected by the women they love. Praise him publicly when you gather for a party or meeting.

Say it out loud, how happy you are with him. Appreciate him. Let him hear your appreciation and compliments, and let him feel your acceptance and love towards him.

Be a healthy and kind soul : He needs a kind and caring woman in his life. No one wants to be with someone who is rude and arrogant. 

It’s all about being there for him, even though he’s full, not doing the right thing all the time. It’s about understanding and supporting him instead of condemning, ‘I told you so’, ‘you’re not the right person for me’ is completely unacceptable. 

This will go a long way in building trust and security in your relationship. It is very easy to break a relationship.

Avoid nagging him : Nagging is very dangerous. The constant nagging not only annoys him but also enrages him and he may retaliate for the same. 

So, instead of nagging, disarm him with your sweetness. It is very easy to speak negative words, instead use soft words that will give him confidence. Let your sweet words do all the talking and he will love to fulfill your request.

Never ever be a nagger! Even if you can come up with valid criticism, for every negative thing you say, you should say at least a few positive things about him.

Surprise him : You’re not the only one who likes to be surprised. Men also like surprises. Make him a surprise dinner at home and eat together. 

Leave a gift in his office bag. Send him a surprise parcel. There are endless ways you can make your man feel extra special and that you are thinking about him.

More information will be added to this on regular basis. Please visit this post and blog / website to know more about relationship and parenting.

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Husband and wife information, facts

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