How to cuddle (with) your girlfriend (boyfriend) (wife) (husband) | How to cuddle with a girl (boy) in her (his) sleep? | How to do romantic cuddling? | Is it okay to cuddle with your girlfriend (boyfriend)?

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Just before going to “How to cuddle (with) your girlfriend (boyfriend) (wife) (husband) | How to cuddle with a girl (boy) in her (his) sleep? | How to do romantic cuddling? | Is it okay to cuddle with your girlfriend (boyfriend)?“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

Common questions asked on this subject is as given below:

How to cuddle with your boyfriend | How to cuddle your boyfriend in bed | How to cuddle someone | How to cuddle in a car | How to cuddle on the couch | How to cuddle your boyfriend | 

How to cuddle with your girlfriend while in bed | How to cuddle your girlfriend | How to cuddle in bed | How to cuddle a man | How to cuddle comfortably | How do you cuddle for the first time |

Does cuddling include kissing | How can I make cuddling more comfortable | How do you cuddle a girl to turn her on | How to cuddle your boyfriend in bed | How to cuddle using a pillow |

Different cuddling positions | How to cuddle with someone for the first time | Cuddle positions with boyfriend (girlfriend) | And many more…

What is cuddling : Cuddling is associated with the physical intimacy in which two people hold each other’s arms for long periods of time by wrapping them around the other’s body.

What is hugging : A hug is a form of affection in most human societies in which two or more people put their arms around each other’s neck, back, or waist and hold each other closely.

Difference between cuddling and hugging : Hugging is about showing affection to each other, but cuddling is not just about affection, but also showing your mental and physical love to each other.

As mentioned above, cuddling is a more loving and intimate embrace that is usually done for a long period of time, usually lasting a few minutes or hours. Like hugging, cuddling causes the body to release oxytocin, which has various effects.

Health benefits of cuddling and hugging : Cuddling and hugging have been proven to have great health benefits. Researchers have showed that hugs increase oxytocin levels and normalize blood pressure. 

Cuddling and hugging shared by a romantic partner before a stressful situation can buffer against the release of the stress hormone cortisol.

This condition is more effective for women than men. Based on significant research indicating that a hug of 20 seconds or longer releases oxytocin. 

Researchers suggest that hugging for 21 days in a row and holding the hug for at least 21 seconds each day can improve your mental and physical health. Cuddling is more effective than hugging, because cuddling involves not only affection, but also mental and physical intimacy.

List (various positions) of the “How to cuddle (girlfriend) (boyfriend) (wife) (husband)” is as given below:

Move forward steadily : Either your partner is clear and willing that he/she wants to cuddle or you are taking the initiative to start that warmth of embrace. You can initiate or your partner can initiate it, but proceed slowly and steadily.

Because slow and steady always wins the embrace race. Don’t jump into cuddling at the start itself. No matter how impatient you are, don’t rush. Place a hand on your partner’s shoulder, back, or hip to signal your next move. 

Let your hand rest for a few minutes and then start to rub it lightly on your partner’s body. Ascertain your intentions for cuddling are clear. Make sure your partner starts feeling your purpose. 

You can put your hand on your partner’s shoulder, but that doesn’t mean you want to cuddle with the person at this point itself. Caress your partner’s arm to let them know him/her what you’re leading up to.

Remember that cuddling is usually a stand-alone activity and does not transform into foreplay. Start slowly and steadily and work up until you are in your comfort zone, not with the intention of crossing the cuddling stage.

Hold hands : This is one of the best and simplest ways of initiating the cuddling phase. Just sit or stand side by side, leaning on each other and holding hands of each other. 

Then you can say something like this: “You are the best person I have ever met”. Holding hands can be both innocent and after a while it can turn intimate. But you need to move slowly and steadily to enjoy every moment. 

After this period it is easy to slip into the intimate phase naturally. But always remember that you are here to enjoy this moment for a long time and not for a short time. 

Hold your partner’s hands and start gently massaging those hands with your clear intentions. Yes, surely your partner will like it because he/she wants the same. But always remember to be slow and steady.

Sit on your partner’s lap : This position is suggested with the male partner sitting on a table or any comfortable chair and then the female partner sitting on top of his thighs. 

Both should face each other and lean forward or fold your legs under you while facing straight. In between you can watch your favorite shows or have a quick intimate chat. Sitting on your partner’s lap is another option to enhance your connection. 

Close physical contact relieves the stress of the day and increases oxytocin, normalizes your blood pressure and also helps you feel loved and comforted. 

While sitting, as a female partner you should hold your male partner at chest level and gently and steadily massage each other’s chest area. This will definitely be the starting point of your final intimate phase. But remember to do it slowly and steadily to enjoy it for a long time.

The spoon position : Once you master this position, you will love to practice it more often as it gives you the blissful moment of your life with your partner. 

Spooning is the ultimate cuddling position that you will enjoy for a long time and now let’s talk about its reality. Usually the male partner in this position is the ‘big spoon’, while the ‘small spoon’ position is for the female partner. 

As the male partner, wrap your arms around your female partner while you are in the “big spoon” position. With both of you lying close together on your sides, your (male partner) stomach rests against your female partner’s back. 

On the other hand, when you are a “small spoon,” your partner (male partner) wraps his arms around you and your back rests against his stomach.

In this position, as the male partner you need to gently massage the stomach area of your female partner and you can kiss the shoulder area.

Make yourself comfortable and tidy : Always make sure you are in your most comfortable position and in a tidy area. Comfort and neatness are always important here. 

If you are planning to do something like a long period cuddle while watching a movie or before bed, change into comfortable clothes and/or grab a cozy blanket. 

Even if you are resting on the other person, it is good idea to have a soft pillow with you. You have to be careful about the surrounding environment. So you’ve done the basics right and are now ready to move on to real cuddling. 

Before you make the transition, keep important environmental factors in mind. Is it hot in your bedroom? Because hot environmental conditions can damage both your cuddling and intimate phase. 

Whether you are on the couch or the bed? Or on something else? The amount of space you have to stretch yourself out will change the cuddling positions you can perform. 

Make sure your bedroom temperature is good enough for your requirements and the space should be fair enough to move freely.

Male partner lying on female’s lap : Sit cross-legged on the couch or floor. Your male partner should lie on your (female) lap, then later slowly and steadily stroke his hair.

You can kiss each other in between. But remember to proceed calmly and gradually without getting into your intimate mood this early. If you try to take the next step to become physically intimate, you may not be able to fully enjoy this mood fully.

Try to stay composed and think only about cuddling during this time and not about getting into the mood for sex. First you have to relish this flavor of cuddling, then you can go ahead and think about the intercourse.

The reassuring caress of a hand on the hair can provide a feeling of deep comfort, leading to an increased sense of connection with each other. 

Overall, this position is almost guaranteed to create a sense of comfort, relaxation and security in the two partners.

The Heartbeat embrace : This will become more interesting position if the female partner lies down and her male partner lies on the chest side of the female partner. 

This position is very fascinating for both male and female as the male is able to feel the heartbeat of his female partner. In this pose, the female partner can gently and steadily massage the shoulders and buttocks of her male partner. 

Research suggests that heartbeat communication increases feelings of intimacy and has the same effect as looking into a loved one’s eyes directly.

Don’t try to rush and jump into your copulation mood during this cuddling mood. This is just the starting point, move slowly and steadily to savor the whole situation.

Half spoon posture : This is one of the best and classic ways of cuddling each other. Along with the above mentioned “The spoon position” you should also try this legendary way to feel the body of your partner.

There is no exact position of male and female in this posture. In this position just lie on the bed and one of you should extend one of your hands and the other partner should lie on that hand. 

The most exciting part of this pose is that you can easily feel each other’s breath. You can easily understand how fast or slow your partner is breathing and how excited your partner is. 

In this position both of you can rub any part of your partner with both your hands and feel the warmth of your partner’s body.

Try face to face : This is a great way to embrace your partner and in this position you are free to feel any part of your partner’s body. The most romantic cuddling position is when you lie facing each other and look into each other’s eyes with devotion.

You can lie on your (both male and female) stomachs and turn your heads towards each other or sleep on your sides, whichever works best for you. 

Enhance the romantic feelings swirling around the room by holding each other hands in the space between your bodies.

This is the ultimate way to show your love and care towards your partner, as this pose allows both of you to touch any part of the body.

Lounge chair pose : In this posture, the male partner should sit at the backside, while the female partner should sit in front of the male partner. Sit with your (male) legs in a slight V-shape with your back to the wall.

While the female partner be sit in front of you and lean back. Researchers say this position allows the receiving partner (the one leaning back / female) to feel supported, cared for and desired. 

In this condition the male partner can feel the touch of his female partner’s front parts, while the female can feel the male partner’s body from her backside.

At the same time, it allows the female partner to feel confident in being supported by her male partner. This is another position that heightens feelings of connection and vulnerability, and on multiple levels, researchers say.

Embrace from behind : In this position the female partner should be in front, while the male partner should embrace her from behind. The man should circle your partner from behind using both hands, while you are both standing or both are sitting.

In this pose the male partner has all the freedom to feel the rear and front parts of his female partner. On the other hand, the female partner can relish the front part of her male partner from her rear.

It could be as simple as your partner on a phone call and you come up behind and hug them. Or another example is maybe your partner is brushing their teeth and you wrap your arms around them. 

It’s all about giving your partner your attention and making physical contact with each other in a very simple way, but most romantic way.

Entangled embrace : It is the ultimate way to cuddle in bed and it shows your inner romance towards your partner. Both partners should lie on their sides facing each other with their chests and stomachs touching each other.

This posture makes sure that you embrace your partner for a longer time and most lovey-dovey way. In this pose you can look straight into your partner’s eyes and feel the warmth of love and affection. 

You are lying in a very sensual position, chest to chest and belly to belly touching each other. It’s very intimate and you even have face-to-face contact. First enjoy this moment by cuddling each other for a while. 

Then after you’ve relished this moment long enough, you can think about moving on to the next stage of copulation. Intertwining your arms and legs enhances physical contact and connection with each other.

The butt to butt connection : This is one of the innocent ways to feel the warmth of your partner, but in a very appreciative way. In this pose, you and your partner are facing opposite directions, but your buttocks and lower back are touching each other. 

The knees are bent to provide more warmth to each other, although if you’re feeling playful you can stretch one leg and play with the feet.

This position means that you want to maintain connection with your partner in every position and enjoy maximum passion. At the same time, you have to value your freedom with your partner.

Sky is the limit : You can try this posture in any open space like your home terrace, near a river or ocean, in a park etc.

Yes you are right, you and your partner are camping or watching a meteor shower and therefore want to cuddle each other while looking at the sky. 

In this position, both of you should lie on your back and curl your legs together. In this pose, you can use the arm, one of you can slip the arm under the other person’s neck in a half-hug position. 

Here, you can hold hands on each other’s torso or in the space between your bodies. Note that this pose can be done in any situation, not just while looking at the sky.

Lie on each other : This is the paramount way of showing your love towards your partner. One of you can sleep on your other partner’s back or front and the other can sleep facing them.

This cuddling position can be highly challenging if one of you is very small in size. Thus, the suggestion is that the larger partner can lie down and the smaller partner lies on top of your larger partner.

In this position, you can enjoy the opportunity to touch each other very closely and intimately. You get all the benefits of physical contact with each other like face to face, chest to chest, etc. in this pose.

Play with your partner’s hair : Some feelings are so sweet and you love to play them. A great example here is playing with hair.

Gender doesn’t matter in this posture, just run your hands through your partner’s hair while you cuddle and enjoy every second with each other. 

Playing with your partner’s hair is a surefire way to make them cozy, cheerful and comfortable. In addition to the above qualities, this position shows that you are highly important to your partner and your partner wants to show his/her warm affection towards you. 

Try this posture as regularly as possible, since this is one of the most effortless, caring and easy position.

Now you can kiss deeply : Yes, now that you are at the final stage of your cuddling phase, you can go one step further and start kissing each other.

But don’t hurry in this position too. Because loving making should happen very slowly and steadily. If you rush, you can lose all your mood and may rush straight into the mating phase. 

Kiss your partner slowly but emotionally, softly but intimately, tenderly but passionately, caringly but lovingly.

Start kissing every part of your partner’s body like: eyes, ears, forehead, arms, shoulders etc. to show that you love and care for your partner most. This phase will make your partner swoon and happy to cuddle with you.

More information will be added to this on regular basis. Please visit this post and blog / website to know more about relationship and parenting.

Continue reading about:

Children behavior

Boy and Girl

Love between a boy and girl

Husband-Wife relationship

School life

Human behavior

Sleep behavior

Relationships and Parenting

To know more about “Husband and wife information, facts“, please click the below link:

Husband and wife information, facts

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