How to be a good child (kid) (qualities, responsibilities, examples) | How can I be a good child (son) (daughter) to my parents | What qualities do you value in a child | How can I be good to my parents as a kid?

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Just before going to “How to be a good child (kid) (qualities, responsibilities, examples) | How can I be a good child (son) (daughter) to my parents | What qualities do you value in a child | How can I be good to my parents as a kid?“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

Some of the common questions asked about this subject is as given below:

How to be a good child essay | How to be a good child at home | How to be a good child to your parents essay | A good child example | Responsibilities of a good child at home |

What makes a good child | How to raise a well-behaved child | How to be a good girl kid (child) | How to be a good boy kid (child) | And many more…

Who is a child : A child or kid is a human being between the stages of birth and adulthood (puberty) or between the developmental period of infancy and adulthood (puberty).

Legal definition of a child : A child or kid usually refers to a minor (under the age of 18 years in many countries around the world), otherwise known as a person under the age of majority (about 18 years).

Children responsibilities : Children or kids commonly have fewer rights and responsibilities than adults. They are classified as unable to take serious decisions.

Different stages of a child : Early age is between 0 to 6 years. Middle age 6+ to 9 to 10 years. Late childhood is from 9 or 10 up to 12 years. Adolescence is from 12 or 13 until 19 years.

List of information about “How to be a good child (kid) | How can I be a good child (son) (daughter) to my parents | What qualities do you value in a child” is as given below:

Your question itself proves you are good : Yes my dear, you asking the question “how to be a good child (kid)” shows that you are mature enough to be a good child (kid). 

If you were still a normal child (kid) or a naughty child, you would never have come across this question. This is the first step in a child trying to be a better son or daughter than a simple or habitual child with minimal or no mental or psychological development. 

On the contrary, nowadays it is always the parents who try to be better, because they feel responsible and do not want to burden their child. But as a child (kid), you are showing more maturity and responsibility than any other normal child. 

So, you don’t have to worry about being a good person to someone else, you have already started being a good person. To become even more better child (kid) or human being, continue reading the below steps too.

Fulfill your responsibilities : For every parent or the elders at the home, it is very easy to tell that a child should fulfill the responsibilities. 

Although this is also true in general, but you should be more mature as a child so that you can understand and take your responsibility for your elders what you want to do. 

Before your elders ask you to do something, start understanding your duties and responsibilities yourself and perform them in the right manner and on time. You need not strive to be best, but rather try to be brave enough to accept ‘what you need to do at what situation?’.

This will surely make a good and sweet child and also makes your elders happy and feel satisfied in their lives. If you really want to be a good child, you need to learn the qualities that will help you become a happy, successful and well-rounded adult in the future.

Take for example: You have to take your own responsibility to do your homework and complete your chores everyday without constant reminders from your elders. 

It will definitely act as a stepping stone in your life and will also help you become more confident, self-motivated, self-reliant and successful in life as an adult in future as well.

Be honest and trustworthy : Any good child always speaks the truth and never insists on anything unacceptable in the family. You don’t have to be a perfect child, but you should be as honest as possible with your elders and family and others outside the home.

Always remember my dear child that honesty is an important part of building relationships and bonds based on pure trust within a family. It will definitely help you as a child or teenager today and surely as an adult tomorrow also.

Healthy and great relationships require pure trust and truthfulness, and trust is built on honesty and morals. Today you may lie to your family and elders for fear of punishment. But tomorrow it will grow like a big mountain and destroy you.

Whatever is the reason for your fear, you should first tell your parents everything and surely your parents are mature enough not to punish you for your true words.

But, on the other hand, if you have done something wrong and you don’t tell and admit your mistakes and then later if your parents come to know about it, they can punish you.

Thus, you can easily avoid the punishment of your parents by telling and confessing the truth in front of your parents and elders. No parent will punish you if you admit your mistakes and be true to them.

No one is perfect on this earth : My dear child, you should be aware that not a single human being on this earth is perfect. But, what you need to learn is that you need to learn from your imperfections and mistakes immediately and you don’t repeat the same mistake again and again.

Even the best man makes mistakes, but as a good man or child he corrects his mistake and avoids it in future. This person or human being or child is called as a good person or a good human being or a good child.

Always remember, learning from your old mistakes is a sign of maturity and goodness. And it is sure to be appreciated by your parents too. 

Are you willing to accept the importance of studying if you have performed poorly in the monthly test? Then in the main exam, you can completely avoid these mistakes and flaws and finally you will score higher marks there. 

If you are a child who keeps on talking back to your mother at home and also in public. Definitely your mother can’t appreciate you for this, right?

All these things should be completely avoided and if you are already doing them, you are definitely a good kid. My dear child, these are the qualities of a good child. Perfection is not important, but improvement surely most important.

Learn to be thankful : As a child, you should be grateful and in the same way you should express gratitude to everyone and especially to your parents. 

Whether it’s for a food you are eating or for a birthday gift from parents or Grandma and Grandpa, you need to be highly thankful for all these.

You may ask “what special about providing food and birthday gifts to me, it’s their duty to do all these”. No my dear friends, there are parents who abandon their newborn baby right from the hospital itself.

There are those who throw the fetus in the garbage. There are such cruel parents who sell children for money. There are thousands of people who do not feed their children properly. You can find all these information from the internet if you want to know the truth.

Now tell me, shouldn’t you be grateful to your parents and elders in your home? Be grateful to those who help you, starting with your parents and others in your family (both elders and younger generation).

These are definitely the qualities of a “good child”, and are an important part of maturing into a responsible and happy person in the future.

Good conduct is always appreciated : Consider how you interact and communicate with others as a child, even if your parents don’t notice you. You might have watched you parents saying “thank you” to the shopkeeper in the market or for the waiter in the restaurant.

This shows that your parents are also respecting the common people outside your home. You should learn the same thing from your parents or other elders who give respect to others. 

You should learn how to manage your emotions by looking carefully at all the positive people around you and similarly you should ignore all the negative people.

Starting with the president of the country, each of us sometimes gets angry, irritated, frustrated, doleful or stressed. However, you can work on identifying and managing your emotions more effectively by watching or reading about good people.

Learning to control anger is one of the first and foremost important lessons for any child. When you feel your anger is rising, you can take these simple steps: Taking slow, deep breaths and counting to 10 will help you calm down and contain it.

Then slowly think more precisely about what caused the anger and what you can do differently next time to manage it or avoid it altogether. As with a child, always remember that uncontrolled anger is not always the cause of bad behavior.

Sometimes children act out when they are upset, sad, confused, and lonely, or when they are bullied at school, left out of group activities, or rejected by friends. 

When you feel down and lonely, talk to an adult you trust most, be it your parents or grandparents or uncles or aunts or anyone. If you can talk about your feelings with others, it will definitely improve your relationship with them.

Treat all with kindness and respect : Everyone from the oldest to the youngest in your family is special, unique and equally everyone has their own flaws. Even if they are very old or very young, you should show them love and affection regardless of their age.

You should observe how your parents behave with your grandparents. You should take all the positive signs from your parents and learn them while ignoring all the negative ones. As a kid you need to ignore harsh talks of your parents.

You need to forget the yelling of your parents. You should think about all the great things your parents and others have done to you since your birth. As mentioned earlier, nobody is perfect.

Certain situations may change the way your parents speak and behave. You should take only the positive and forget all the negative things.

Know what others think about you : Every person on this earth has his own mindset, everyone thinks differently. Everyone is worried about their family and work matters. They have to manage family and office work simultaneously.

As a good and mature child, you need to know how others feel and are likely to react. If you are aware of this, you will have a greater advantage in deciding how to behave in that situation and person. 

For example, if your parents are worried about how they will pay the bills this month, this is probably not the best time to ask for a computer game or a new mobile. 

You can practice “reading” people’s emotional states by studying their faces. You don’t need to be an expert psychologist for this. By visiting the nearest railway station or shopping mall or temple you can easily identify the various worries of people. 

You need to recognize how others feel and what worries them, and you need to show them empathy as a good child.

Treating others as you would like to be treated, reading others’ feelings and showing empathy to others is very important. It shows that you respect others and their feelings and treat them with regard even when they are in deep trouble.

Learn to volunteer and help : As a child you need to bow down in-front of your parents and other elders. The more you bow now as a child, the more respect and confidence you will gain in yourself as a child (teenager) and later as an adult.

As a good child, you should always learn to help your neighbor, you should regularly donate to those in need. When you (kids) help others, you learn to think about the needs of those less fortunate than you and can feel proud of yourself for making a difference in the lives of others.

Young children and teenagers can help with grocery shopping, carry things, and help your parents cook. Similarly, you can help your neighbors by taking care of their pets and plants while they are away for vacation.

Overall, your entire family can cook meals for your neighbors when someone in their family is sick and staying in the hospital. Children of any age can gift some chocolates or snacks to the nearest poor family and orphanage at least once in a while.

Know when you need help : Yes, you are still a child and you will need help regularly. Now you are not just a kid, instead you are a mature child. You are able to recognize your own mistakes and solve problems yourself.

But, you need to recognize when to ask for help or when not to. You should start understanding your strong and weak points. For example, if you need to complete your math homework, you should first be alert at school when your teacher teaches math.

If you don’t pay attention when your teacher is teaching, math will be difficult for you. Give your 100% when your teacher teaches any subject including math. After returning home, try to solve some math problems on your own.

Even after trying this, if you are unable to solve the math problems, you can ask for help from the teacher or someone from the family.

But, you should try to learn about yourself somehow before asking for help, as your family members may be busy with their work inside and outside the home. Yes, no child can solve every problem by himself. Your will be needing your parents’ help.

But you are also an adult child now and should try to solve school and other problems by yourself. Nevertheless, there are some issues where you need to get help from your family members, which you should do and do according to the requirements.

Don’t expect your parents to solve every problem for you, that’s the sign of a good and mature child. You may ask, “How do I know when to ask for help and when not to ask for help?”. That’s a good question. 

There is no secret formula for this. You have to trust and believe in yourself to make the final decision. Even after giving your 100%, can’t solve your problems by yourself? Out of ideas on how to deal with it? If so, maybe it’s time to ask for help.

Show love and care : When someone is feeling sad, or needs a helping hand, take the charge upon yourself and whatever you can. The world always needs more kind and helpful people. It always better to start when you are still a young kid?

As a very young child, you usually only think about your needs and gains, such as a cookie, a new toy, etc. As you get little older, you’ll start to think more about the sensitivities, feelings, and needs of those close to you, i.e., family, relatives and friends.

Never late than before, you should start to realize that there are people all around you in greater need than you. Think of all the smallest and little things you can do to help others, like, from raising awareness to volunteering to making a difference in your own life and also in others.

For example, You could ask your parents to buy you an extra meal at the fast food drive-thru and hand it over to the homeless person you pass on the way to the restaurant. 

Or, you can think of the good you can do by donating those extra cans and boxes in your kitchen cupboards to a food pantry that helps the less fortunate.

Similarly, you can show kindness in your daily life by standing up for a child who is being bullied by others, and asking him to be your friend like this: “Would you like to play with my gadget?”. Even the smallest things you do, can make a big difference in someone else’s life.

Learn social skills : Social interaction is a fundamental part of children’s lives. Learning appropriate social skills is essential to being a good child. Children with good social skills do better in school, have a better self-image, and are better at solving problems on their own.

Some children are born with great charm and can manage with different activities and people inside and outside the home. But for some children, parents and others in the family need to provide additional support for their development.

Playing with other children is helpful, but when social skills are challenging, parents can use activities to develop these skills in children.

More information will be added to this on regular basis. Please visit this post and blog / website to know more about relationship and parenting.

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