List of questions (important) couples should ask before marriage | List of things couples should talk about before marriage | What do you talk about before marriage checklist?

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Just before going to “List of questions (important) couples should ask before marriage | List of things couples should talk about before marriage | What do you talk about before marriage checklist?“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

My dear friends, couples need to be very clear about your marriage. As humans, you need to marry at one or the other point of time. Best time is in 20s. 

Some say it is okay in 30s, 40s. But experience say, best time is in 20s. We have to enjoy the marriage in multiple ways and thus best time is in 20s.

Few people say: “Oh, I need to settle-down first”, “I want to make my life financially strong”, “I am not yet ready for the marriage”, 

“I am not sure should I need to marry or not”, “I am still in my 20s, there is huge amount of time left to get married”, “I don’t want to take the risk of marriage”,

“I can’t afford marriage so early”, “marriage is pain, burden”, “there will be lots of disagreements after marriage”, etc. This can also happen during your 30s and 40s too. Even though you are financially strong there are multiple risk factors if you marry late.

God has given us life not only to make money, to be financially strong, buy big car, buy huge house. But also to enjoy life with our spouse.

Here enjoyment not only relates to copulation, but there are various factors like:

You can travel as per your wish, you can watch any movie you want, you can sit in the park as long as you need, you can talk until you get bored, you can look to create new hobbies, etc.

If you get married little later like in 30s you may enjoy little bit, but you have already lost 5 – 10 precious years. If you get married in your 40s, you have already lost 15 – 20 priceless years and these years will never come back to you again.

Now, let us discuss a list of serious and in the same way very fascinating and equally interesting and happy questions a couple should ask (talk) about before marriage.

List of questions(things) couples should (ask) talk about before marriage is as given below:

How do you want to enjoy life after your marriage : Yes, hard-work is definitely part of your life. But you want to make time for yourself with your spouse to enjoy the beauty of the married life too.

How do you handle change in your life after marriage : Off course, life changes a bit after marriage. Life is full of changes and updation. We need to face anything and everything and should cooperate with each other.

Someone who knows the knack of getting adapted during the changing lifestyle and getting updated, should be able to cope up with the change that comes in his / her life very easily. 

Don’t expect everything will be as per our wish and will. But we need to finetune our life and modify ourselves as soon as possible to start a new life.

Do you wish to go on a date after marriage with me : This may look funny for few people. But, you should relish the life after marriage too and go on for the date regularly.

You will be having more freedom to go on date after marriage without any restrictions. Enjoy it.

How well do you handle disagreements with each other after marriage : Yes my dear friends, there will be multiple disagreements in your life after marriage. 

But, you need to manage, reshape, remodel, rearrange, balance, calibrate, regulate, alter your lifestyle as per the situation.

This doesn’t mean you have to forsake your ambitions, aspirations, plans, schemes, intentions, willingness. But you should learn the ‘art of living’. If you master this, you can easily manage your life with your spouse and the whole of the family.

Where do you desire to go on honeymoon after marriage : World is full of attractive and captivating places. Select one ore more places for your most special days of your life time as per your budget and enjoy it fully.

You have to spend money intelligently during your honeymoon, as money is very important part of your life, even-though it is not your life itself.

How do you express love after marriage : This question is too important and has to be a part of your daily lifestyle and regular life. 

Expressing your love on regular basis and off course faithfully after marriage, will always keep the confidence of your spouse on highest level and will show you the path of the victory.

If you give confidence to your spouse with your love, then your life-partner has all the energy, ingredients to cope up anything and everything and he / she will always be successful.

Is your parent’s marriage inspire you to marry : This is very important and serious question to ask before marriage, as it decides the love towards the parents and the way they live together.

But, this question has to be asked very politely and using acceptable words. Look at the eyes of the other person when you are asking this crucial question.

Because more than words, it is eyes which gives the right and most accurate answers. Again I am repeating, you have to be highly respectful when asking this question.

Just express as “I love you my dear” on regular basis, that’s enough. This will give an abundance of energy to your soulmate to overcome any struggles and pains in his / her life.

How many kids we will have after marriage : This is very tricky question, as this may differ country-wise and age-wise. If you are living in India, China you may end-up with one or two children.

If you are from Australia, you may want 3 – 4 children. Similarly, if you are from North America, you may want to have 3 – 5 children.

If you are from Africa, you may wish to have 3 – 5 children. Knowing the exact number of kids may be a cumbersome question. You need to plan it very patiently and meaningfully.

What does Marriage mean to you : “A perfect marriage takes place between two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other.” This is such a beautiful and meaningful quote from a famous personality.

No one is perfect on this earth. But we need to nullify all our drawbacks and need to love each other without much expectations. Marriage means getting together and definitely not at all about dissolution, annulment, separation, disunion.

What’s your plans for vacations, and how would you manage it : Going on vacation is amazing idea and that has to be cleverly supervised. 

Vacations has to be planned yearly ones or twice as per your budget. If you can afford more than 2 times every year, you can do so.

But this has to be skillfully managed and this should not harm your other financial needs. Because in today’s life, money plays very important role and that has to be handled highly professionally and proficiently.

Are you okay on the division of labor in the house : This has become a part of modern family, as both work and both earn. You need to be ready to perform the daily household chores in today’s contemporary world.

That may be cooking food, cleaning house, washing clothes, etc. Forget about all your egos and self-esteem, and give importance about managing your life and family.

After all, it is your house and family. All the time, you have to give your 100% on everything in beautifully building and governing your family.

When you go-back back to your childhood, what memories bring the pain : This question may change the look on the face of your life-partner. But, this will also make sure to know the difficult situation your loving better-half has faced in his / her life.

When you go-back back to your childhood, what memories bring the most joy : This question will definitely bring a smile on your partner. The answer could be anything like:

when my father bought me an electronic toy or when my mother hugged me during my pain. Answer could vary, but this question will change the mood and bring the glow on the face of your fiancée.

Whose career would take precedence, if it became necessary after marriage : Life is not always on the soft-path. Life may vary as time changes. Ups and downs are very much part of the life.

One may fall ill, one may lose money or anything may happen. During this time, both the couple has to be very careful and should take the right directions as per the situation. 

We have seen the biggest pandemic of Covid-19 and whole world has changed drastically. I pray to God, this situation would not come in your life term at all.

Will you share all the secrets in your life to me : After sometime you will get married and thus you should always have the clear mind before tying the knot. At presently it may be not possible to you to share all the secrets of your life.

But as time passes, you may have to start sharing those slowly and steadily. But, there could be few confidentialities which one may don’t want to disclose. You are the best judge, take considerable amount of time to reveal those if necessary.

Nevertheless, there may be some secrets which if you inform to your life-partner would ease your life. Again I am repeating, you be the best judge to disclose those secrets.

What is more important to you, money or family : This is a quiet an awkward question to ask to your better-half. Yes, money is highly important in today’s lifestyle.

Money can buy you loads and loads of things like big screen tv, Lamborghini car, iPhone, fancy clothes, etc. But, if you don’t have family with you, what is the use of all these luxury? 

How do you utilize these richness? Will you be happy with these material grandeur without your family? You know very well about the reality, truth, facts. You be your best judge about this.

How addicted are you with the social media : Life has changed enormously. What was there 10 years ago is not present in today’s time. We know many things, which we were not at all were aware of 10 years ago.

Social media is playing a vital role in our lives. One may use the social media for knowledge, entertainment, etc. up-to some level. But one shouldn’t be addicted to it.

Do you like the online (outside) food or homemade food : Life is becoming fast. People don’t have time for many things including preparing food. 

Online (outside) food tastes good. Many want to gulp it on regular basis. But all the illnesses are starting from these so called online (outside) food itself.

Pizzas, burgers, biryani, etc. could instantly relish you. At the same time you are attracting the adverse effects of those food. Try to eat homemade food as much as you can and this will automatically keep in heal and healthy.

Are you religious (Are you theist or atheist) : This may be not an important topic to many to ask. But definitely this will show some divinity of your fiancée. Try to pray for at least 10 minutes daily. This should surely help you sooner or later.

Do you like to be live in joint family or nuclear family : This question may be irrelevant to few people, but it is very important even today. 

Everything has it’s own advantages and disadvantages including living in a joint family or a nuclear family. You be the best judge about this.

But at the same time, do remember that only our own family can rescue us from our hard-times. Do remember the recent Covid-19. In many countries even government didn’t support many, but family did.

Are you an introvert or extrovert person : This question may look quiet imaginary, but at the same time highly important one.

One should never express openly everything to all and at the same time, there are few things one needs to inform to the life-partner. After all, it is your soulmate who can help you in all your happy and hard-times.

Are you an economical or expensive person : This is a very crucial question to be asked to your fiancée before marriage. Yes money should not intermediate in a relationship, especially in between a wife and a husband.

But at the same time, spending should be minimized as we are not sure tomorrow what may happen to us.

If we overspend, we may be at risk and at the same time if we don’t spend, then also we may be in embarrassing situation. Make sure where to spend and where not to. Because money is very hard to earn.

Will you support me in my hard-times : This is the time which proves that your partner loves you least or most. When someone is facing difficult times, his / her soulmate is the best friend to solve those problems.

One has to keenly help to come of that (those) hard-time(s). This can best happen only with the support and help of the spouse.

Will you apologize me if you have made mistake : This is an another critical time in the life. If either wife or husband has made the mistake and that is hampering the life of the partner, you should be the first to apologize immediately.

Forget about all the egos and ‘I’ in your life. Just ask for forgiveness. This will immensely help you in developing more closer relationship with each other.

Will you force me to have sex if I am not interested on few days : This is a hypercritical question to be asked. In today’s time, life is becoming highly stressful.

Sometimes your spouse may not be interested in having copulation. One has to be highly sensitive in this matter and should understand the situation of your soulmate.

Is my debt your debt : In this modern world both male and female are working and earning. Thus, sometimes if wife or husband lose job or he / she gets bankrupts, the other spouse should try to support him / her financially.

After all, you are the wife and husband. You both are called as life-partners. It becomes your duty to help your spouse to come out of this situation.

Should we like each other’s parents : Someone has said that “A Good Father is a Source of Inspiration & Self-restraint. A Good Mother is the Root of Kindness & Humbleness.”

Parents are the most wonderful thing God has blessed up-on us. It is because of our parents we are here on this earth heal and healthy. Think twice about this situation.

How should we deal with conflict(s) : There is a famous quote from a famous person, “An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.” Misunderstanding is the common thing in day-today life.

But, how to come out of that miserable situation is the most important point. If both keep on fighting and conflicting with each other, that will harm your way of living, that may be eating food or having sex, everything will be spoiled. 

We need to be aware of our drawbacks and need to handle the worst situation very smartly and at the earliest.

How important is to communicate with each other : “It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages”.

After marriage, you are not just wife and husband, you both will become best friends. Best friends always communicate all the gloomy and favorable points with each other. Forget all your egos.

When do you feel I love you most : “You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” 

This is one of the best quotes I have read in my life term about love and relationships. When I start feeling alone without you, when I can’t sleep in the night, when I can’t eat properly, when I can’t think someone else other than you –

This shows love of your soulmate. Love is the most precious thing on this earth. Try to grow it day by day.

How do you expect to cope with our sexual behavior : For few people this may not look an easy question to be asked. But in today’s time, few people want to make it clear about the copulation related matters.

Just like other habits in our routine life, coition is very important part of the life. Sometimes the graph of this may go upwards, sometimes downwards.

You have to make sure to manage this in your regular life. You have to talk openly and regularly to your partner, especially after marriage.

How will you handle if we may have to drift apart : Honestly this is not a right question to be asked before marriage. But certainly an important question.

Make sure that this type of situation never comes in between you. Understand your life-mate, try to solve all the issues between you, don’t ever use harsh words with each other, communicate properly. 

All these points will help you to come more closer and closer. Breath easily and let your life-partner also breath easily.

More information will be added to this on regular basis. Please visit this post and blog / website to know more about relationship and parenting.

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To know more about “Husband and wife information, facts“, please click the below link:

Husband and wife information, facts

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