How to know if a girl (woman) is serious about you | How do you know if a girl loves you secretly? | Hidden signs a woman is falling in love with you | If a girl (woman) tells you about her personal life

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Just before going to “How to know if a girl (woman) is serious about you | How do you know if a girl loves you secretly? | Hidden signs a woman is falling in love with you | If a girl (woman) tells you about her personal life“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

Love (true) meaning : Love can’t be tricky, love can’t be complicated. True love is an unique and eternal bond that connects two hearts. 

True love is sacrifice. True love is not jealousy. It is the foundation for a healthy, loving and long-lasting relationship. True love is real and honest.

Few of the common questions asked regarding this subject is as given below:

How do you know if a girl loves you secretly? | How do you know if a girl is playing you? | How do you know a girl is deeply in love with you? | How to know if a girl is serious about you over text | 

How to know if a girl is not serious about you | Hidden signs a woman is falling in love with you | Signs she wants you to make a move | How to know if a girl is playing you |

Signs you mean a lot to her | What does it mean when a girl says she wants you inside her (heart) | How to know if a girl loves you | And many more…

You know a girl for a while. Sometimes you feel the signs of a serious relationship with her, but sometimes you are not able to judge whether she is the right girl for you. 

Maybe you two are friends now or you’ve started seeing each other for a while, but how can you be sure if she’s committed to a real relationship or not? Some girls are open and tell how they feel right away, but your partner is taking her own time.

Fortunately, there are some common things you can look for to get a better idea of how she feels. Here in this post you will know the answers about all the signs if she is really serious about you or not.

List of about “How to know if a girl (woman) is serious about you” | “How do you know if a girl loves you secretly?” | “Hidden signs a woman is falling in love with you” is as given below:

She is stealing glances at you : A girl is secretly glancing at you means she is trying to get your attention and want to know more about you. If she is looking at you, it means she wants to connect with you. 

Smiling at you often is a sure sign of attraction. When a girl is attracted to you, she looks at you with admiration and intent, hoping you notice her. She is seeking for your attention. 

If someone is secretly watching you means, there’s a good chance they’re glancing you more than anyone else. She may stare at you when she thinks you’re not noticing, and look away if you catch her.

Such sneaky glances at you may indicate that she likes you. Doesn’t that sound so romantic! If you want to know how to tell if she’s interested in you, this is the best way to figure it out. If you catch her watching you while you’re doing something means, she likes you!

Pay close attention to her body language : A woman in love with you is open to you and it reflects in her body language, especially in her eyes. Her body will be facing towards you, especially as her eyes followed by her hips, knees and feet.

She often leans towards you very closely. The hypothalamus is one of the brain regions that make up the limbic system and is often considered the main control center (processor) for love.

Hypothalamus collects various stimuli experienced by the body (such as eye-to-eye contact, smells, touches, sounds) and creates the body’s physical response to the emotions associated with those stimuli.

Know these things: Does she like to casually touch you or lean on you or smile a lot around you? Is her mood better when you’re around her? Does she often play with her hair around you? Does she seem calm around you?

If you’re thinking “How to know if a girl is serious about you | How do you know if a girl loves you secretly? | Hidden signs a woman is falling in love with you”, a BIG yes to these questions means, it’s a great news for you.

Is she curious about you : Another very important sign that she wants a serious relationship with you is if you find her asking a lot of questions about you. This is the most romantic and beautiful thing that can happen to you, because it shows that she really wants to know things about you.

No girl on earth will spend her precious time asking about your interests, family, work, hobbies, etc., unless she is checking to see if she is looking for a long-term and potential relationship with you.

Remember that this is still early days and these questions will be asked quite casually. She doesn’t want to give the impression of time being too noisy or obvious.

Some of the curiousness about a girl are : They always tries to keep an eye contact with you. | She asks a lot of questions about you from others. | She remember things you’ve said before | She blushes in unexpected places. |

She mirror your actions. | She notices your similarities & make connections with you. | She makes you her handyman. | She loves to laugh at your jokes. | She sends her friends to do recon. |

She changes her schedule as per your needs. | She stays in contact and singles you out. | She want to prolong the time she spend with you. | She becomes genuinely happy when you compliment her. |

How fast she responds to your messages : If she is sending you replies at lightning speed or terminal speed, it is a good sign that she is very interested in you. Try sending quick replies to show her that you are on the same path.

But if she is taking time as long as 30 minutes or above to respond, don’t pressure her to get back to you right away. At the same time, you should not expect her to text or call you right away, she will respond as soon as possible.

She also needs some time to answer. If she’s serious about you, she doesn’t want to second guess about you because she’s excited to talk to you too. 

If she hasn’t responded for days or isn’t interested in the continuous conversation with you means, she might want to keep it casual.

Responding quickly means she is genuinely interested in having a conversation with you and wants to get to know you better. She is trying to keep the conversation going and don’t want you to lose interest.

She remembers even your smallest details : She remembers even the minute details you tell her and knows about you. She remembers when it was your birthday, when you rode your first bike, and where you misplaced your car keys.

Why does she remember all this? Because she really likes you. A girl tends to remember things that are important to her. Often, a girl forgets the names of people she met, but not about her loved ones. 

Hyperthymesia is the ability that allows people to remember almost every event in their life with great precision. Understand if she is giving you full attention without any distractions while you are talking to her.

Notice that she maintains eye-to-eye contact when you talk to her.  If she listens closely and understands what you say, she will remember things that are important to you and keep them in mind for the future. 

For example, if you mention that you like to watch a football match live and can’t afford a ticket, she may buy you a ticket.

Note: Some people don’t have great memories, so don’t be discouraged if she don’t remember every little thing about you.

She shares her problems with you : If a girl talks to you about her problems, this means she trusts you and knows that you listen to her issues. 

But, there is a high chance that she wants to be friends with you because she doesn’t want to cut off the relationship after you find out about her personal problems.

If a girl shares everything about herself with you, it means she really loves you and is open about her life to you. You will be her confidante, with whom she can share her deepest desires, dreams and fears. If she considers you her best friend, then she trusts you and you are an important part of her life.

On the other hand, if she keeps looking at you, teasing you, touching you when she’s excited or happy, or texting you random, funny things, she’s definitely flirting with you. 

If she laughs at your stories, calls you nicknames, makes excuses to talk to you, or adjusts your body language to suit her needs, she may be flirting.

How do you react when she shares her problems with you? : “Can you tell me more about what’s going on?” | “If you want to tell me more, I’m here to listen” | “I noticed you weren’t yourself, do you have something on your mind?” |

“I see this is difficult for you to open up to. It’s okay to take your time. I’m in no rush” | “Looks like you’re dealing with a lot at the moment” | “I’m really sorry to hear you’re feeling this way right now” | “I’m so glad you’re sharing this with me” |

She adjusts her schedule with yours : When a girl starts adjusting to your time more than hers, it signals that you are more important to her. Your girl may change her lunch plans.

For example, to accommodate your time, she will start rearranging her time according to your need. She can try to find out when you are free so she can work around your schedule and come up with some new things to do. 

Even if you don’t have time to spend every day together, it’s a good indicator that she’s adjusting as per your requirements to see you more often.

It is true that compatibility is the only formula for a successful married life. But this is not an adjustment for the sake of adjustment, it is for a higher purpose. That is, to create a common atmosphere in which the true purpose of married life can be achieved.

And any healthy relationship requires a certain amount of flexibility from each partner. Because change is inevitable. 

And for a relationship to grow and prosper, it’s important that you and your partner are able to adapt to changes, find your way through the good and the bad.

She introduces her family and wants to meet yours : Not only she is eager to meet your family and friends, but at the same time she also wants you to meet her loved ones too. 

Introducing someone you are dating to your loved ones is a big and important step. It shows commitment and interest. She sees love in you. By this time you can be sure that the relationship is getting more serious.

If she doesn’t want to be with you for a long time, visiting family or friends is a waste of time. So, if she is really excited to meet your loved ones and wants to introduce you to her parents and friends, that’s really great news for you. 

This shows that she obviously likes you and wants to date you, and she wants her parents to like you too. It means that she is taking this relationship seriously and is letting you into her home life that you haven’t seen before. So, she really likes you.

She is very honest with you : An honest lady is not afraid to tell the truth, whether it is the funniest thing on earth or the hardest fact for her. She’s direct to the point of being rude and she doesn’t sugar coat anything.

An honest person genuinely cares about the people she loves and she never lies to them. Direct communication and honesty are good signs that she wants a serious relationship with you.

She is not afraid to tell the whole truth directly to you. She wants an authentic relationship with you as possible. Honesty is the foundation for trust in a relationship and trust is essential for a relationship to function and thrive. 

When you are always honest with someone, it tells them that they can trust you. This helps them know they can trust your promises and commitments.

Some of the benefits of being honest are : You’ll be known as a real person. | Your conscience will breathe easier. | You create the cornerstone for integrity. | You will expand your possibilities. | 

You will show proof of your character. | Your life will ease up. | Your perspective becomes more powerful. | You create trust and reliability. | You show authenticity and vulnerability. |

She starts imagining her future with you : A clear and direct way you know a girl is interested in getting serious with you is if she talks about the future and specifically asks about your future.

She will gauge what you see in your future, whether it matches her vision for her own future, and if you have room for her in it. If she is interested in you, she will want to know more about you and your beliefs.

Instead of bringing up casual topics like religion, news or work, see if she ask about your past life or family. She can try to learn more about your goals and what you want in the future.

If you hear her mention marriage or children, it could also be a sign that she wants to settle down with you. Likewise, if she mentions traveling with you over the summer or going to her nephew’s birthday in a couple of weeks, she’s trying to make things more serious with you. 

No girl discusses the future unless she sees something for her and her future. If she’s making plans with you months in advance, she’s picturing you in her life. 

This is a really good sign that she wants a relationship and that she is serious about you, because she already thinks you are important and special to her.

You are her top priority : A few weeks or a few months ago, she used to see you only when she got time, but now things have changed. If she cancels her own plans or changes them around because of you, it means she wants to spend some extra time with you.

This is a very big deal for both of you. Once you become a top priority in her life, she will start seeing you as a very important person in her life.

Importance of top priority in relationship is as given here : Prioritize emotional connection । Take time to know and care about each other’s thoughts and feelings । Use their knowledge to protect each other (from humiliation, pressure or other unwanted experience) in public and private |

When you have something to say, talk to each other first, not second, third or fourth | Respect that their partner may think or feel differently | 

Act on the idea that “I will never leave you alone in trouble, scare you, or hurt you on purpose.” | Make an agreement (spoken or unspoken): “Our relationship comes first before my needs”. |

Her behavior changes : If she starts changing her behavior and starts talking from “I” or “me” to “we” or “us”, it is one of the signs that she wants to be exclusive with you forever. 

In simple words, if she used to say things like, “Next week I’m going to my friend’s surprise party,” and now she starts saying, “Next week we’re going to my friend’s surprise party, and it starts at 7:00.”

She is already assuming that you are a couple through her own behavior and words. In her mind, she has gone from a single person to a couple.

For your information : When in love, neurochemicals such as dopamine and oxytocin flood our brains in areas associated with pleasure and rewards, causing physical and psychological responses such as less perceived pain, addictive dependence, and a stronger desire for intimacy with your partner.

More information will be added to this on regular basis. Please visit this post and blog / website to know more about relationship and parenting.

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