How to resolve conflict (issues) in a marriage (relationship) (living together) | How to deal with disagreements in a relationship (marriage) | How do I settle a fight between my husband and my wife? | What is a healthy conflict resolution in marriage? | What God says about conflict in marriage? | What is the root of conflict in marriage?

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Just before going to “How to resolve conflict (issues) in a marriage (relationship) (living together) | How to deal with disagreements in a relationship (marriage) | How do I settle a fight between my husband and my wife? | What is a healthy conflict resolution in marriage? | What God says about conflict in marriage? | What is the root of conflict in marriage?“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

Conflict is not a new thing to any man and / or woman’s life. Conflict(s) are happening since ages, it is happening even today and will happen in the future too.

But, how to getaway from it and / or how to handle it and / or how to cope up with it and / or how to overcome it is the main question.

Most common questions asked about this topic is as given below:

How to resolve conflict in a marriage or in the relationship? | Can the conflict in a marriage or in the relationship can ever be ended? | Can’t a married couple or a couple in relationship ever live happily and blissfully in their life? | 

How to deal with disagreements in a relationship or in a marriage | How to resolve unhealthy conflict in relationships or marriage | 

What are the helpful conflict resolution strategies for married and in a relationship couples | What are the conflict resolution exercises for couples | how to resolve conflict in family relationships | And others…

Conflict(s) may vary with every man and woman or as a couple. Some may be simple ego oriented conflicts (issues). Few may be disagreement related conflict(s) or issues.

Many could be because we think superior or inferior to our spouse. Similarly, few could be because of the sin (extra marital relationship) of the spouse. Many could be because of the immaturity of both man and / woman. 

Many may be because of the unwanted expectations. Few might be because of hurting the feelings, which might have happened knowingly or unknowingly. Some may be because of the discord or strife in the understanding.

Many could be because of the unwanted desires of one person verses the needs in the relationship (family). Few could be because of the known and unknown issues. Many might be because of the compromising and uncompromising matters.

There is no one or few conflict(s) or issue(s) which is becoming the hindrance in the marriage or relationship. There may be one or few or many.

In this post, you will get the information and solutions about how to resolve all these conflicts and issues between the married couples or in relationships (living together).

List of solutions about “How to resolve conflict (issues) in a marriage (relationship) (living together)” is as given below:

Kick away the ego in you : EGO is the biggest enemy and hindrance path which is coming in between the married or in relationship or in living together (cohabitation) partners. 

No one is perfect on this earth. No one is great on this earth. No one is best on this earth. No one is exceptional on this earth. All are unique, different, distinctive, special. Life is the another name of learning.

One who keep on learning in his / her life, will never face any problem(s) in his / her life. If you start to think, “I know everything”, “I am perfect”, “I am always right”, etc., then you are in problem and you are falling in a big ditch. 

Always try to understand your life-partner and move ahead holding his / her hands through out the life. This is the simple mantra to lead a happy and satisfied life.

No to extra marital relationship : This is the main cause of all the conflicts and divorces around the world in today’s time. One important thing you should learn and understand is, if you are not physically satisfied with one spouse, you will never be able to be satisfied with multiple affairs.

Copulation is one of the divine things on this earth. But this becomes divine, if and only if you have the coition with your spouse only and no one else. 

You will never-ever find that divine bliss and happiness if you are having the physical relationship with multiple partners.

You will always have that extra fear about your unwanted relationship whole of your life and at no point of time in your life you will be pleased at what you are doing.

Try to be self-content : In today’s life, it is very difficult to be self-content. But, it is your life, you have to know your limits and restrictions. 

Your neighbor or your relative may be rich and might be having luxurious things like Lamborghini car, iPhone, costly costumes, diamond necklace, etc.

But, you should know your own boundaries and limitations. Be satisfied for what you have and never yell for what your don’t have. There are many millions of people around the world who don’t even have food for one time also.

Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean you should stop and always be worried about your financial crisis. Work harder and smarter to grow your assets. Definitely one or the other day, you may also be riding a Ferrari, talking over an iPhone and might be wearing the diamond necklace too. All the best for that!

Immaturity is your biggest drawback : In your young-age, your parents must have loved you so much and would had not thought of teaching you the lessons of life. This may be because, they don’t want you to work hard in the young-age itself.

They want you to lead a happy and joyous life. Or, you yourself may have neglected many important things in your life, which is most essential to lead a confident lifestyle. Because of this, you may have not learnt many important lessons of life.

This might have lead you to immaturity in you. Now what you need to do if you are immature? You need to continuously learn the lessons of life and thus you need to improve your lifestyle. 

Watch the happy and matured people around you. How they talk? How they behave? How they lead life with their spouses? What they buy and what they don’t buy? etc.

Step-by-step you need to learn all good things and need to boost your lifestyle in the right way. This will happen slowly and steadily. Until that time, you need to calm-down in your life and lifestyle(s).

Avoid conflicting desires : Marriage happens just once in lifetime and it can’t be eliminated for simple and silly reasons. No one is perfect on this earth. There are millions of callow people around the world.

Conflicts and discordancy will come throughout your life. You need to understand the real feelings of your life-partner. You have to provide time to each other.

Think twice before using unpleasant words with your soulmate. Minimize erring behavior, maximize your values in your relationship. Avoid detachment, start living content life.

Give importance to your family needs : Yes, in today’s world all want to lead a luxurious, lavish and grand life. Few people think poverty is the opposite of luxury. But in reality, luxury might be the path of vulgarity.

You need to understand the real meaning between the luxury and family needs. First you need to fulfill your family needs. One can exist if and only if whole of the family is happy and blissful.

Just if one person is unsatisfied and unhappy in the family means, whole family have to face it’s consequences. Know the difference between expensive, exorbitant, pricey, extravagant life and essentiality in your life.

Give space to your partner : In today’s world most of you are well educated. You need to provide space to your spouse. You need to understand the stressful life he / she is facing and feeling.

Don’t try to apply unfavorable and displeasing ideas on your better-half. Harmonize, integrate your thoughts. Try to avoid any unwanted disputes, strife, disagreements in your life. Let you both breath at ease.

Soothe your mind and let your partner also relax and feel the comfort physically and mentally. There are multiple enemies waiting for us in our lives. Let’s fight the real enemies outside, rather then fighting with each other like cat and dog.

Communicate properly : You have to give highest priority regarding your communication with your soulmate and whole family. If you communicate for all your dos and don’ts, almost 50% of your difficulties, troubles, worries, snags, etc. will vanish immediately.

Inform in advance about your requirements and needs to your better-half. In today’s world, there are various facilities to communicate. From the minute information and up to the most paramount details has to be provided to your soulmate to avoid all the conflicts.

Communication – the human connection – is the key to personal (family) and career success. This will make sure to lead a confident and impunity life.

First learn to apologize immediately : Forget about your self-esteem. Family and relationships are most important to you. Apologizing does not always mean that you are wrong and the other person is right.

It just means you value your relationship more than your ego. Many kings, emperors, monarchs, highly educated, saints, sages, etc. in the past have lost everything because of the ego. 

You don’t be one of them. Just forget and forgive your dear partner and / or your family member. Many times, losing means winning.

Going to court is not at all a solution : You may be rich, your father and mother may be highly influential personalities. But, what is the use of this? 

In relationship, there is no use of influence, power, dominance, distinguishable capability, prestige, etc. A heart-to-heart connection is more than enough to lead a happy and satisfied life. For small and futile things, if you go to court, it’s of no use my dear friend.

Court doesn’t understand your love and empathy. Court just delivers the verdict as per the evidence at that particular situation. But, you will have to face all the miseries and difficulties later on in your whole life.

Give a healing touch : After all we all are humans and we do mistakes regularly. But, at the same time, we need to solve those problems which come due to our own mistake(s).

If you have done the mistake, blunder, error, you be the first person to give a right solution to that one or more faults. Talk to your partner, communicate with your soulmate about the issues. Try solving at the earliest before it becomes as huge as Himalayas.

Go for an outing : “Outing gives you the chance to recover from your past and present bitterness.” This is such a beautiful quote. Plan for an outing with the whole family when the family’s mood is on the bitter-side.

During this period, mind will be pleasant and open. Try to talk to your partner about the distrust in your family and relationship. Outing has acted as the divine remedy and cure for many acrimonies, distress, sourness, tartness, despair, etc.

Don’t show the finger at your partner : Every time you point a finger with scorn, there are three remaining fingers pointing right back at you. We are aware of this, but again and again we do the same blunder in our life.

Yes, you have to stop blaming your partner. Do you think you have not at all done any error in your whole life. Everyday we will be doing many faults knowingly and unknowingly. But, we don’t want to blame ourselves.

Whereas, we will be very happy to show finger at others, especially towards our life-partner. This is ridiculous, undesirable and has to be stopped, nullified, ceased and terminated immediately to have a happy and blissful relationship.

Get intimate regularly : Yes, intimacy and attachment is an important factor between a couple. Intimacy will always improve your heart-to-heart connection with each other. It will boost your togetherness.

Try to get intimate with each other for at least 2 – 3 times every week. Because intimacy connection is directly related to your ultimate association. Here, you can validate how much your life-partner loves you, appreciates you, understands you, respects you, etc.

I wish and pray you guys to enjoy your marriage relationship with your spouse for whole life without any confusion or disruption. All the best and enjoy your intimate life with your life-partner forever and eternally.

More information will be added to this on regular basis. Please visit this post and blog / website to know more about relationship and parenting.

Continue reading about:

Husband-Wife relationship

Children behavior

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Relationships and Parenting

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Love between a boy and girl

To know more about “Husband and wife information, facts“, please click the below link:

Husband and wife information, facts

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