How to be a good (better, best, great) husband | What are the qualities of a good husband | What are the duties of a (good) husband? | What makes you a perfect husband? | What is the habit of a good husband? | How a husband should treat his wife?

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Just before going to “How to be a good (better, best, great) husband | What are the qualities of a good husband | What are the duties of a (good) husband? | What makes you a perfect husband? | What is the habit of a good husband? | How a husband should treat his wife?“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

Who is a good husband (meaning) : A good husband is the kind of man who always supports and stands by his wife (and family) in any situation and also a very good listener of his wife’s words.

A good husband knows how to manage the whole family: wife, children, in-laws and others. A good husband should be aware of his wife’s drawbacks and faults, but never make them public.

A good husband is there for his wife in both good times and bad. A good husband, is like a good boyfriend, he is there for his wife when something goes wrong, when she is ill, when she loses her job or has financial problems, etc.

Few of the commonly asked questions about this subject is as given below:

What do women look for in a husband? | How a husband should treat his wife? | What a wife needs from her husband? | How to make wife happy? | How do I treat my wife? |

How to be a better husband and improve your marriage | Signs you have a great husband | The value of a good husband | What is the role of husband in wife life? |

What are the duties of husband in marriage? | What is the first duty as a husband to his wife? | And many more…

Dear friends, nobody on this earth is perfect. But, as human beings, we need to set and maintain our own routines, especially with family within the home. We can easily change company, but we cannot change spouse or family.

You may be highly educated, you may be earning thousands or lakhs of dollars every month, but family comes first to you. Nothing comes in just a day or a week or a month.

Life is a learning process where a good husband is always eager to learn good things about his wife and apply them in his life. A good husband is not afraid to share his thoughts and ideas with his wife and family, regardless of what others think. 

A good husband speaks his heart and mind. A good husband respects himself enough to stand up for himself, the causes he believes in, and the welfare of his wife and family.

In this post you will learn a list of best ways to improve your relationship with your wife and other family members on how to improve yourself as a husband and as a family member.

List of ways about “How to be a good husband | What are the qualities of a good husband | What are the duties of a (good) husband?” is as given below:

Forget about your ego : As a husband or as an human being, ego is the most damaging thing that can be a great tool to destroy any relationship. As a good husband or human being, you need to practice the simple tools or ways of ‘forgiveness’ and ‘letting go’.

Learning how to forgive others (including wife and family members) and yourself is the most effective way to get rid of your ego. 

As all the relationships of your life you face many not good situation in your life and sometimes, you can leave it unnoticed and you can ignore some things. Treat others as you would like them to treat you.

Keep the needs of your wife and other family members in your mind, especially the little things. Find ways to maintain healthy self-esteem without showing off.

Always try to put the wants and needs of your wife and other family members above your own. This does not mean that you should completely ignore your needs and desires. Instead, balance your wants and needs with the needs and wants of your wife and other family members.

Voice your point of view, listen to the other person, and learn about giving and taking. Then, you can find a happy medium that both of you are comfortable with, along your entire family.

Spend quality time with your wife : Spending time and especially quality time is always important to being a good husband to a good wife. 

In this process, you should forget all your official work and other worldly matters and you should give importance only to your wife’s likes and ambitions.

Spend time with your partner to build a long-lasting relationship. Intimacy isn’t the only thing holding your relationship together. Life is all about caring for your partner unconditionally with and without intimate relationship.

Intimate relationship is just one part of your life. Always be honest with your wife and you should share maximum information with her, this will surely support you to build a great and strong bond between you two. 

When you’re both at home, take time to ask each other questions about your day. Both of you should share all the good and bad things that happened to you that day. 

Share your wife some funny jokes, memes and pictures that remind her of you. Start a similar hobby or activity that interests you both.

Arguing will lead to frustration : Argument leads to quarrel, quarrel leads to unhappiness, unhappiness leads to misunderstanding, misunderstanding leads to unpleasantness. 

What more you need to be troubled and irked? What else do you need to get frustrated and irritated? What more you need to be provoked and instigated. 

Argument is the main reason for all these. Healthy arguments are always welcome, but healthy arguments should not turn into unhealthy disagreements.

You need to know your own limits and at the same time, you also need to understand the limits of your wife and family too. Be aware of what triggers you and your wife and family. Watch for words and actions that stimulates unwanted actions and reactions.

Completely avoid words or sentences that prompt both of you to use dirty words and actions. Instead, try to use the favorable, appreciative, pleasing, agreeable, encouraging, complimentary, supportive and praising words.

It is not easy at once. But, you have to learn it slowly and steadily and at the same time you have to apply it according to the situation and time.

Accept your mistakes : As mentioned earlier in this post, you need to get rid of your ego in order to have a long lasting and comfortable relationship with your wife. 

Be humble and straightforward and at the same time, admit when you make a mistake, knowingly or unknowingly. It may take a hit to your pride, but admitting mistakes will make your marriage less contentious and combative. 

Say sorry in a genuine way with your heart and soul and commit to being better in the future and not making the same mistake again. Learn from your mistake and show it in your lifestyle. 

Talking about learning from your mistakes and becoming a better person is a start, but you need to back your words with action. If your behavior doesn’t change, your words mean nothing.

You and your partner can break this cycle by regularly admitting your mistakes, which will help you have a more realistic view of yourself and your partner. 

The most common mistakes couples make are not actively listening to each other, taking their partner for granted, and pushing issues aside because they don’t want to cause an argument.

Ask your wife to describe what hurts her. Especially when you disagree with something or see it differently, take the time to listen without pre-judgment. 

Then, you should take a final decision by talking to your wife slowly and steadily and resolve the issue quickly.

Communicate properly : This is one of the major obstacle which is becoming a humongous hindrance in today’s modern world. You will make sure 100% to communicate with your office mate or colleague. You will explain everything to your fellow worker in the office.

But, in the real life which is most important, you take a step behind. Don’t take your life-partner too easily. You can easily change your company today or later stage, but can’t change your life-partner.

Try to describe everything to your spouse. This is definitely is one of the greatest mantra of today’s happy and blissful life. Communicating properly and wholeheartedly will solve many of your snags.

Give and earn respect : This is one the oldest mantra for having happy and long lasting relationships. If you want respect, you must first respect your wife.

Healthy relationships are built on mutual respect, which you can demonstrate through positive behaviors, such as: Listen to your wife’s feelings, respect his boundaries, support his passions, and talk kindly about her to others.

To treat a woman properly you must respect her opinions, support her, be emotionally available, treat her with dignity and respect, be a reliable husband and appreciate her for who she is. 

Telling your wife that you believe in her and support what she is trying to achieve is a very powerful way to show your woman that you value her.

When your wife feels she needs support from you, the confidence you pour into her will help her feel invincible. Someone once said that ‘behind every great woman there is a great man’.

Share romantic messages : With the advent of the modern technology and other mediums, you can always share different kind of messages with your wife. Most wives love to receive love messages from the person they love.

It’s a virtual hug with romantic attraction. So send some, but don’t overdo it. Your wife doesn’t need a text every hour. But you can share two or three beautiful and romantic messages every day. But often, it’s a welcome and warm surprise to her.

Research has shown that sending wishes and romantic messages to your wife can have positive psychological benefits. According to experts, sending romantic messages to loved ones can help reduce stress levels, improve mood and increase overall well-being.

It is these small-little things that bring pleasure, sense of security and long term happiness in a husband-wife relationship. 

Romantic messages continue to reinforce the feeling of love and are actually necessary to keep the spark alive and long lasting.

Respect your in-laws : You always expect your wife to respect your parents, similarly, you should respect her parents to get the same respect from her. 

Be kind and loving to your wife’s family, even if it is difficult to do so at times, you should respect your mother-in-law and others as much as possible.

When you show respect to your in-laws, knowingly or unknowingly you are directly showing respect to your wife. To be a good husband, what more quality do you need than to respect your in-laws?

No matter how different you are from them, you can communicate with them and learn to be as positive as possible. Regardless of whether your mother-in-law remembers your birthday, make sure she gets a nice card from you on her birthday.

Having a good relationship with your in-laws is important because it enables you and your wife to fulfill your filial responsibilities as daughter and son-in-law. There are plenty of benefits to living with your in-laws, as long as it doesn’t take a toll on your mental health.

Keeping your sanity intact when living with your in-laws, a lot of things are taken care of. It’s always win-win situation if you move parallel with your in-laws.

Any son-in-law is expected to take care of his in-laws, but this does not mean giving up all your (son-in-law) ambitions and interests in life.

But, as a son-in-law you have to have that sensitivity with your in-laws and take care of them. After all, your in-laws have taken care of your loving wife all these years 🙂

Always provide space to your wife : This is very important point to keep in mind and soul. You may be a great man for others, it doesn’t matter, forget about your ego 100%. Ego is the main enemy of yours. 

Give adequate amount of space to your wife. Let your consort breath easily and freely. But, this doesn’t mean you should sit at home quietly without asking any questions to your wife.

Fulfill your ambitions with a limit, with an acceptable way to both of you. Life is not as hard as you think. But don’t make your life miserable. Think twice before taking any unacceptable step(s). 

Being next to the ones you love (wife and family) is so much better. But balance is key when it comes to giving your wife space. By constantly staying close to your wife, you can make them feel choked and suffocate.

Your wife will also have her own feelings and ambitions fulfilled. Time away from each other gives couples a chance to preserve their dignity and individuality. It helps them realize their importance by being away from the partner briefly.

Support your wife’s goal(s) : Every human being on this earth has his / her own wants and desires. A partner (spouse) should always help in achieving and fulfilling that (those) goal(s).

You should be the foundation of her future. Always try to be there to help and support your partner’s dreams, as this will ultimately benefit your relationship overall. 

Supporting your wife’s goals sometimes involves pushing them, and sometimes you have to listen to her. Sometimes you may need to give them a pep talk when they are demotivated.

Being a supportive partner involves various acts of love and care as they work toward their goals. Being supportive in a relationship also builds trust because two people know they can depend on each other in any time and situation. 

Life is full of ups and downs, so it is important to have a supportive partner during life’s happy times as well as during its difficult times.

However, emotional support is the provision and gateway of love, support, reassurance, acceptance and encouragement in a relationship. 

This is highly important in times of stress or grief because it stabilizes the relationship and provides a positive foundation for both partners.

A good husband should respect his wife, respect the burden of responsibility as the leader in their home. In this generation, men have to do more to support their wives, because so much has changed and the woman cannot shoulder the financial responsibility of the family alone.

Use social media wisely : In today’s world social media plays a vital role and it has become part of billions of people around the world. Today’s virtual communication has been transformed as a result of social media.

It’s in our best interest to learn about all the new options for managing our online reputation. Both personal and professional life has been transformed tremendously by the advent of different social media.

Although social media has its own advantages like: Building virtual relationships | You can share your both personal and professional feelings instantly |

You can easily increase your visibility | You can learn new and innovating things in just one touch | You can connect anyone on this globe instantly | etc.

But, at the same time social media has it’s own disadvantages like: It can contribute to social isolation | It can be used as an effective tool for bullying | It is often used to snoop on others | 

People who use it are more likely to social compare themselves to others | Presents a false idea of “friendship” | Research has shown that it can increase feelings of depression and anxiety | 

Can expose children to developmentally inappropriate material | Can lead to addiction | It can present false narratives about others and facts that cannot be easily verified |

And more over and the worst case is, it can easily separate you from your wife and family. As a good husband, think before using social media for long periods of time and at night. To you, your wife and your family are more important than social media. Use social media wisely.

Intimate relationship only with your wife : This is becoming the main cause of divorce and sufferings in the so called developed and developing countries too all over the world. 

God has given every male a female and every female a male. You need to be ethical with your married life-partner. Don’t take life very easily. You may get intimate with multiple partners, but that person can’t be called as your life-partner or soul-partner. 

Even many animals have their copulation with other multiple animals, and thus they are called as animals and definitely not at all as humans. 

There is a huge difference between the humans and animals. Human is having the right thinking ability, but animals have their own limits.

More information will be added to this on regular basis. Please visit this post and blog / website to know more about relationship and parenting.

Continue reading about:

Husband-Wife relationship

Children behavior

Relationships and Parenting

Boy and Girl

Love between a boy and girl

School life

To know more about “Husband and wife information, facts“, please click the below link:

Husband and wife information, facts

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