What is love (means to you) (for you) (full information) (answer) | What is the real meaning to love? | What is love in a relationship | Best definition of love | What are love signs? | What is love in psychology? | What are the types of love?

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Just before going to “What is love (means to you) (for you) (full information) (answer) | What is the real meaning to love? | What is love in a relationship | Best definition of love | What are love signs? | What is love in psychology? | What are the types of love?“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

In this post (article) you will know about the following (content):

Introduction about love | What is love (real meaning)? | Different definitions about love (various scenarios) | The history of love | Is love an emotion or choice? | Is love logical? | 

Why do you love the way you do? | What are the positive emotions associated with love | What are the negative emotions associated with love | Is love influenced by biology or psychology? | 

Signs of love | Different types of love | Impact of being in love | How to practice love | Why and how to show love to another person | How does love affect your mental health | 

How love impacts your financial health | Tips for cultivating love | Cultural views about love – Indian, Japanese, Chinese, Ancient Greek, Ancient Roman (Latin), Persian | 

Religious views about love – Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam | Most famous love stories around the world | Political views about love | Philosophical views about love | Some commonly asked questions about love |

Introduction about love : Love, this four alphabet word is so powerful that even the most educated person and also the strongest human on this earth fails to understand its full and exact meaning. Love is a set of different feelings, actions and beliefs that have a strong dependence on love.

So, for example, a person may say that he or she loves his/her girlfriend or boyfriend, loves his/her parents, loves freedom, loves his/her pet, or loves God.

The concept of love can be unpredictable and it can happen in a certain way or in different ways for each person. To love without condition, to talk without intention, to give without reason, care without expectation, that’s the spirit of true love.

Primitive people developed human relationships that were originally related to love. Love played an important role in human society. Love was so natural. It talks about body, soul, relationships, harmony and jealousy and dominance too.

Love is a continuous process which can only be understood by warmth, sometimes mental and sometimes physical. Love is feeling this intense affection for someone, not just for a short time, but for a really long time.

What is love (real meaning) : True love is a unique and passionate bond that connects two or more people who want the best for the other person, regardless of what that means to them.

It is the foundation for a healthy and loving association. True love is authentic and genuine with minimal or no expectations.

Different definitions about love (different types of love) is as given below :

Friendship love (Philia) : Friendship love or Philia is a faithful and loyal relationship between two people. They feel great care and love for each other. 

Generally, friendship is shared by two people who have similar likes and dislikes, and emotions. In your life, you meet many people, but only a few stay with you for long period.

Self-love (Philautia) : Self-love or Philautia means having a highest regard for your own well-being and happiness and taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others.

Romantic Love (Eros) : Romantic love or Eros is a type of love in which intimacy and desire are important features. Although the lover is often idealized, studies suggests that the lover’s sexual arousal is an important part of this type of love.

Universal love (Agape) : Universal (human) love or Agape is to be conscious and show love to every living being on earth. It is also known as Universal Consciousness or Cosmic Consciousness. When you show universal love, you understand the true value of love.

Selfless love (Agape) : Selfless love  is also called as Agape love. If you love someone selflessly, it means you are willing to love them even if they don’t love you back. 

You must be willing to put aside your expectations and ignore any rude behavior by others, because selfless love is something we give freely without being selfish.

Family love (Storge) (The love between parents and children) : Parental love or Family love or Storge is the warmth, affection, care, comfort, care, nurturing, support, acceptance, or love that a child may experience from their parents.

A parent’s love for their child can be felt when they kiss, hug, compliment, praise or say something nice about him or her (child or children).

Playful love (Ludus) : Usually playful love or Ludus can be seen in the early stages of relationships, when two people are flirting and/or courting each other and crushing on each other. This usually involves laughing, teasing, and twirling around the person.

Enduring Love (Pragma) : Enduring love or Pragma is the love found in many long-term marriages. It is built on commitment, tolerance, sacrifice, companionship and sharing similar hopes for the future, which includes things like building a family and putting down roots.

Apart from the above types of love, there are few other types of love also as given below:

What is Emophilia love : Emophilia love is defined by a tendency to fall in love quickly and often frequently, which is associated with rapid romantic involvement.

However, questions linger about how this differs from anxious attachment, which also predicts rapid romantic involvement.

What is Fatuous love : Witless love or Fatuous love can be exemplified by whirlwind courtship and marriage, in which commitment is often motivated by passion, without the influence of intimacy stability.

What is avoidant love : An avoidant lover is someone who avoids and fears intimacy. Escaping love is common for people suffering from sex or porn addiction. Love avoiders are often attracted to love addicts, that is, people who are fixated on love.

What is fictitious love : With fake love or fictitious love, your partner doesn’t consider your opinions or needs when making plans. First they make plans according to their wishes and desires and then share them with you.

They think “do you need it or not” or “it happened because of me and you should be grateful for my effort”. Your feelings and desires are not important to this person.

What is a consummate (perfect) love : Consummate or Perfect love is the perfect form of love, representing the ideal relationship that many people strive for but apparently very few achieve. 

Perfect love or Consummate love is harder than achieving it. But those who achieve it, it lasts a lifetime.

What is whirlwind romance : Many people have found their lifelong partner or spouse through whirlwind romance. This kind of love blooms very quickly and moves fast.

It’s a total infatuation that can start when two people’s eyes meet for the first time and then not think much of anyone or anything else.

What is love at first sight mean : Love at first sight means you will find the immediate link with another person. Few describe it as fireworks, while others describe it as the moment when a couple sees and talks to each other for the first time and nothing else matters for them.

The history of love is as given here : Love is as old as the first appearance of man on this earth. Love happens not only between two human beings but also between any two creatures on this earth.

The evolutionary theory of love posits that love functions to attract and retain mates for the purpose of reproduction and then mutual care and consequently offspring. 

However, since love is an ontological event, the creation of new beings coincides with different concepts throughout history, as each period brings a new life and way of living.

Concepts of love are not always independent of each other, as later philosophers adopt earlier concepts in their own interpretations.

Love is a strong feeling of closeness and care for each other. Love is used to describe all strong emotions of closeness and care between two people, whether those two people are in a romantic relationship or not.

Is love an emotion or choice : Love is a positive feeling that is usually associated with two people with warmth, compassion and connection. Love is a necessity like food, water, air etc. It is difficult for a person without love to live.

Is love logical : Love cannot come from any reason or from some logical argument or from any power or will or force or decision of conscience.

Devotion in God cannot be bought from market and it has to come from within us, love also has to come from within us.

Why do you love the way you do : All human beings are unique in their nature and also have their way of thinking. The way ‘x’ person thinks and the way ‘y’ person thinks are totally different. 

Person ‘x’ likes a particular dish and person ‘y’ likes another particular dish. Similarly ‘x’ and ‘y’ type of love is different according to that person’s psychology.

What are the positive emotions associated with love : Love is a set of feelings and actions characterized by warmth, intimacy, devotion, passion, adoration, commitment, care, attachment, closeness, protectiveness, attraction, affection and trust.

Love sometimes varies in intensity and may or may not change over time. It is associated with a range of positive emotions including happiness, excitement, life satisfaction and euphoria.

What are the negative emotions associated with love : Love not only has a positive side, but it also has a negative side too. Like two sides of a coin. It depends on the psychology of the human being, whether he takes love in the right way or in the wrong way.

Some of the negative emotions associated with love are anxiety, depression, increased stress, sadness, overprotective, jealousy, possessiveness, etc.

Is love influenced by biology or psychology : The biology of love (the physical part) originates in the primal parts of the brain, the emotional core of the human nervous system. It evolved before the cerebral cortex.

“In love” the brain is filled with vague sensation, often transmitted by the vagus nerve, and creates much of what humans experience as emotion (psychic).

Signs of love is as given below:

You always remember them regularly : Whether you are in the office, driving, in the bathroom, walking, eating, sleeping, you cannot live without their thoughts. It gives you happiness and pleasure.

You feel safe with them : It really stands the test of time and is the most important aspect of love in general. If you have experienced relationship trauma or heartbreak before, you can understand the true essence of falling in true love.

You always want to be with them : Loving someone means wanting to be with them for a long-long time, so you crave their company more than anything else.

You may feel jealous of other people in their life : Sometimes, jealousy is part of love. If you see a person of the opposite sex talking to your partner, you will not be able to bear it.

You empathize with them : When you love someone, you start developing a strong empathy for them. A strong urge to connect with this person brings new aspects to your relationship, such as emotional or physical intimacy.

Life feels more exciting than before : You are happier than ever before. You start dancing and singing on your own without any reason. You start to feel that life is more beautiful than before.

Impact (effects) of being in love : Love gives you a physical (biological) response. A rapid heartbeat, butterflies in your stomachs, dilated pupils, sweaty palms, difficulty finding words, an instinctive urge to physically touch are just some of the ways love affects you physically.

Being in love releases higher levels of dopamine, which “keeps the reward system going,” the study says. Dopamine activates the reward part in your body, helping to make love more pleasurable.

How to practice love : Love cannot be practiced and it does not come from looking at others. It must come from within you. It is your state of mind, i.e. biological and psychological changes in you.

Some actionable tips to know unconditional love are – Make conflict a learning experience | Accept their flaws and mistakes. | Love is not about how you feel, it’s more about how happy and satisfied they are. | Ask with compassion and acknowledge them |

Love without Jealousy | Give them love even if it makes you uncomfortable | Love is uncomfortable sometimes, you have to accept that. | Forgiveness and acceptance are essential to unconditional love | Be open minded and transparent |

Why to show love to another person : The need for love reinforces your desire to know that you are compatible with another person, even if the relationship is on a friendship or family level. It creates a sense of harmony in a relationship, especially when it is intimate.

How to show love to another person : Be an active listener about their feelings. | Ask your significant other how they are doing. | Make time for them, because they are very important to you. |

Send them random cute messages, but don’t overwhelm them. | Leave a love note regularly. | Show affection in public. | Be a loud supporter of your significant other. | Get your significant other their favorite tasty and favorite snack. |

Make your significant other’s favorite dinner or breakfast. | Support your significant other during tough times. | Lighten their burden. | Do not burden them unnecessarily. | Show appreciation regularly. | Celebrate what makes them unique. |

How does love affect your mental health : Love, in whatever form it comes in, can help people adopt safer behaviors in their daily lives, reduce anxiety (worry, fear), and reduce the likelihood of developing depression or another form of mental illness.

How does lack of love affect your mental health : People who do not have good loving relationships, especially those in poor relationships, suffer from depression and loneliness.

Those struggling to find and maintain love relationships may have underlying issues they need to address immediately.

How love impacts your financial health : Money can trigger powerful negative and unwanted emotions in relationships involving dominance, esteem, power, insufficiency, and self-worth. Financial insecurity remains a top source of tension and conflict in romantic and family relationships.

Tips for cultivating love is as given below :

Cultivate compassion – Without compassion, the relationship can become strained and harder. When that happens, your interactions become less caring and you may develop resentment. 

Developing and expressing your compassion creates a safe zone for your love and all the emotions and problems that may arise in your life.

Cultivate intimacy – Sharing your deepest thoughts and feelings with someone you love is one of the most rewarding aspects of a relationship. Be aware of the need to explore ways to share intimacy. Intimacy in a relationship doesn’t just happen, it’s built over time.

Cultivate commitment – Once you start committing, your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your character and personality, which creates your results and outcomes as per your wish and will.

Cultural views about love – Indian, Japanese, Chinese, Ancient Greek, Ancient Roman (Latin), Persian is as given below:

Indian cultural views about love – Love is a ritual in India. It preaches that love means sacrifice, commitment, incarnation (it continues for more than one life), zero-selflessness and expecting nothing in return.

Indians believe that “God is love” and “Love is God”. Indian culture says that holding hands shows you the mutual love. When you hold hands, there is an indescribably deep connection.

Japanese cultural views about love – In Japanese culture, words of love are considered empty if they are not accompanied by proper behavior that reflects those feelings.

Like other cultures, it means complimenting your partner, sending texts (modern thinking), making gifts. This means trying to anticipate your partner’s needs and make them happy by fulfilling it.

Chinese cultural views about love – Many Chinese youth believe that “love is very sweeter, but reality is very harsher”.

In the Chinese concept of love, the couple must maintain the relationship between husband and wife for the sake of family but they do not need to love and respect each other.

Ancient Greek cultural views about love – The ancient Greeks didn’t see sex or love in terms of gender so much as in terms of power dynamics. Thus, being the passive partner in a relationship with another man is the only aspect of the relationship that brings shame.

Ancient Roman (Latin) cultural views about love – Ideas of romantic love were very different in ancient Rome – most people were not expected to love their partners.

“Marriages were arranged, but all the wealth and status and power and continuation of the family line was the essence.”

Persian cultural views about love – Love is the ultimate imperative for Iranians, reflected in the rich language of Persian poetry and literature, in which hopeless romantics search for ‘true’ and ‘pure’ love. Arranged marriage is not usually a cultural practice but can be found in some isolated rural areas.

Religious views about love – Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam is as given below:

Religious views about love in Hinduism – The Hindu Vedic people originally developed the human relationship of love. Love played an important role in their society.

Love was so natural. It talks about body, soul, relationships, harmony, sacrifice, commitment etc.

Religious views about love in Christianity – All Christian love has its source and pattern in the love of God. ‘Beloved,’ wrote St. John, ‘if God hath loved us, we ought also to love one another,’ or again, ‘God is love, and he that abideth in love abideth in God, and God in him.

Religious views about love in Judaism – One of the core commandments of Judaism is “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18).

This commandment stands at the center of the central book in the Torah. The Talmudic sages Hillel and Rabbi Akiva indicated that this is the central commandment of the Torah.

Religious views about love in Islam – Muslims believes that God is so loving that He recreated His attribute of love as an instinct in Muslims.

Hence true love is part of God’s love, and it is Muslims’ duty to love one another truly, as indeed He loves us. Without Divine Love there can be no human love.

Religious views about love in Buddhism – In Buddhism, Kama is sensuous, love. The vast majority believe it to be an obstacle on the path to enlightenment, perceiving it as selfish. 

Karuṇā is compassion and mercy, which reduces the suffering of others. It is complementary to wisdom, and is necessary for enlightenment.

Most famous love stories around the world is as given below:

Krishna and Radha | Baji Rao and Mastani | Cleopatra and Mark Anthony | Bonnie and Clyde | Shah Jahan and Mumtaz | Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson | Pierre and Marie Curie | 

Queen Victoria and Prince Albert | Heer and Ranjha | Paris and Helen | Hadrian and Antinous | Henry II and Rosamund Clifford | Dante and Beatrice | Louis XV of France and Madame de Pompadour | John and Abigail Adams |

Mary Godwin Shelley and Percy Shelley | Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning | Laila and Majnu | John Keats and Fanny Brawne | Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas | Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo |

Wallis Simpson and King Edward VIII | Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward | Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier of Monaco | Johnny Cash and June Carter | Carolyn Bessette and John F. Kennedy Jr. | Robinhood and Maid Marian |

Some commonly asked questions about love is as given below :

What did you want to be when you grew up? | Is love more about pleasure or self-sacrifice? | Is love and marriage something that can be temporary, or is it permanent? | What was your favorite game to play? |

What patterns of conflict did you learn from your parents? | What does it mean to forgive? | What part does courage play in a relationship? | What is your best childhood memory? | What is your worst childhood memory? |

What was your biggest fear as a child? | What was your favorite year of school? | What was your favorite subject/class in school? | Do you put as much effort and emphasis on inner beauty as outer beauty? |

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